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Zoning Board Minutes 2006/03/09

March 9, 2006


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M.

Richard Guyer recused himself from the Palmier cases. Roger then announced that the Cases # 06-3 and 06-4 had been withdrawn.

MINUTES ;  The minutes of February 9 were reviewed. Peter Urbach requested that the last paragraph on page 4 be restated. It will read as follows:   Peter Urbach said it was wrong to exclude a regular member from the deliberative session because of a prior absence. The Board should function as a Board from meeting to meeting  and not as a group of four individuals who were present at the previous meeting. Periodically a regular member is absent and is replaced by an alternate. This should not disqualify the member from participating at subsequent meetings. The members agreed with these comments.
Don Weatherson made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. James Lyons seconded the motion. All members were in favor.

COMMUNICATIONS : Alex Kish will be attending the April 1 Spring Planning and Zoning Conference  in Manchester. Svend Filby will be unable to attend. It was suggested that perhaps Mr. Gazelle  could take Svend  Filby’s place, since he was already registered.

A letter was received from Dr. Harry  Gazelle , who is interested in becoming an alternate. It was suggested that Mr. Gazelle go to the training meeting April first.

Communication was received from Attorney Bates regarding the Bascom cases.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT:   Roger reported that the Flanders sub-division was approved. on Brook Rd. There will be 12 duplex PUD’s.
The Raps sub-division on Burkehaven Hill was approved.
There was a property line adjustment on Ray Teague’s property.
The George Neuwirt  4 unit development on Nutting Rd. was approved.
Sunapee Harbor Riverway is changing the use of Pete’s Shed.
George Quackenbos has purchased  the Sweet Shop and there will be a Real Estate Office.

ZBA MINUTES                                            Page 2,                            March 9, 2006.

A two lot sub- division was approved for Joseph and Heather Downey on Young Hill Rd.

Don Weatherson said that since this is Peter White’s last meeting, he feels that it is more than appropriate to recognize him for years of dedicated service. It has been noteworthy and great community service. Don said that the Board as a whole will miss Peter greatly and he will miss the Board. The members extend their thanks to Peter for his superb leadership and  commimitment to the Town’ business and wish him well and recognize him for a job well done. The Board applauded this tribute to Peter.

PUBLIC HEARINGS:  Continuation of Case # 06-1.Richard Bascom. Map # 121. Lot # 27. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 C. Reduce side setbacks to 15’and 12’6”  for new construction at lot # 27. West Shore Rd. Sunapee. The Chairman read Atty. Bates letter draft giving the reasons for denying the request. Peter Urbach made a motion  to accept the denial  as read . Don Weatherson seconded the motion. There were three yes votes. Peter White and Alex Kish voted no.
The Chairman read Atty Bates letter of denial on Case # 06-2. Richard Bascom’s request for a Variance. Art. III. 3:10 to reduce the roadfront setback to 30’ for new construction at Lot # 27 West Shore Rd. Sunapee. Don Weatherson made a motion to accept the denial as written. Jim Lyons seconded the motion. Don suggested that Atty. Bates should be asked to make a correction concerning page 4. # 25 to check the citation of the Zoning Board of New Hampshire for clarity.  There were five affirmative votes to deny the motion.

Cases  #06-3 and # 06-4 of Daniel and  Marie Palmier have been with drawn.

Case # 06-7.  Duane and Betsy Delfoss. Map # 125. Lot # 12. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 B. Addition to existing structure, 36’6” from the center of the road. ( White Shutters), 36 Jobs Creek Rd. Sunapee. Dick Atkinson  presented the case. The addition will be for a new bathroom. A wall will be removed and the addition will sit on concrete piers. It will be 16’ from the right of way. It will be a single story addition. A letter was received from the President of the White Shutters Association approving the project. Alex asked if the letter had to be notarized. The Board has not required it.
Svend asked if abutters come to disagree They have done so in the past. The Public part of the hearing closed at 7:47 P.M.  Peter Urbach made a motion to approve the request of Duane and Marie Delfosse. Case # 06-5.  for a Special Exception from Art. III. 3:50 B. for addition to existing structure, 36’ 6” from the center of the road  at ( White Shutters). 36 Jobs Creek Rd. Sunapee. Don Weatherson seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

Case # 06- 8.  Bob and Shannon Krieger. Map # 113. Lot # 33. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 C. Reduce side setback from 25’ to 14’ for construction of a replacement dwelling . 10 Ridgewood Pt. Rd. Sunapee. Mr and Mrs. Krieger presented the cases. .

ZBA MINUTES                                           Page 3.                           March 9, 2006.

Letters of support were received from Don and Heather Laperle, Lloyd and Lorie Linnell. Don and Ann Vallerie. Larry and Mary Dufault.called in support of  the project. They want a year round residence.  
 The plan is to tear down the existing building and build a new timber frame house. There will not be a cellar. There will just be crawl space. The house will be a story and a half with some dormers in the front.  The house will not be square. They will continue the driveway so that they can keep the cars off the road. The Public part of the hearing closed at 8:08 P.M. There was no further discussion. Don Weatherson made a motion to approve the request of Bob and Shannon Krieger , Map # 113. Lot # 33 for Special Exception .
Art. III . 3:50 C. to reduce the side setback  from 25’ 14’ for a replacement dwelling at 10 Ridgewood Pt. Rd. Sunapee. Richard Guyer seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

Case # 06-9. Bob and Shannon Krieger. Map # 113. Lot # 33. Variance. Art. III. 3:10. Reduce the side setback from 25’ to 7 ½ ‘ for replacement of existing dwelling. 10 Ridgewood Pt. Rd. Sunapee.  There land is on the point and the lot is .21 acre and they need the reduction of the side setback. They plan to have the house as low as possible and no more than 25’ in height. There will be 25% lot coverage. Their property is on Town Sewer. The Board went over the five points of the variance. They were very satisfied with the answers. The Kriegers plan to have an impervious surface in the driveway and around the building. One tree will need to be removed and they will replace that with several evergreen trees. Richard Guyer made a motion to approve the request of Bob and Shannon Krieger. Case # 06-9. Map # 113. Lot # 33. for a Special Exception. Art. III. 3:10. Reduce side setback from 25’ to 7 ½ ‘ for replacement of existing building. 10 Ridgewood Pt. Rd. Sunapee. James Lyons seconded the motion. There were five yes votes.

Case # 06-10.  Bob and Shannon Krieger. Map # 113. Lot # 33. Variance. Art. III. 3:40 C. Reduce the 50’ lakefront setback for construction of replacement dwelling. 10 Ridgewood  Pt. Rd. Sunapee.. The Board asked that the excavating would be from the inside. The setback from the Lake will be 25’. They plan to have a fireplace. They also plan a patio area and a wood deck. The Board went over the requirements for a variance. They were satisfied with the answers. The Public part of the hearing ended at 9:09 P.M. Don Weatherson made a motion to approve the request of Bob and Shannon Krieger. Map # 113. Lot # 33. for aVariance. Art. III. 3:40 C. Reduce the 50’ lakefront setback for construction of replacement dwelling. 10 Ridgewood Pt. Rd. Sunapee. Richard Guyer seconded the motion. with an amendment that the structure
will be as per drawings presented. There were 5 yes votes.

The Board interviewed Mr. Harry Gazelle for a position as an alternate on the Zoning Board. Peter Urbach made a motion to accept Mr. Harry Gazelle as an alternate to the Zoning Board. James Lyons seconded the motion. There were five affirmative votes. It will be for a three year term.

ZBA MINUTES                                       Page 4.                             March 9, 2005.

 Don Weatherson made a motion to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. All members  were in favor..

Respectfully submitted,                                              Date approved:

Edythe C. Dexter, ZBA Secretary                                                             

ALTERNATES:                                                ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT

ROBERT HENRY                                            PETER WHITE, CHAIRMAN  

ALEX  KISH                                                     JAMES LYONS, VICE CHAIRMAN

SVEND  FILBY                                                 PETER URBACH

                                                                          DON WEATHERSON

                                                                          RICHARD GUYER