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Zoning Board Minutes 2006/11/10

NOVEMBER 10, 2005


Peter White, Don Weatherson, Richard Guyer, Robert Henry and Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator were absent.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by James Lyons, Vice Chairman. Alex Kish, alternate was designated to vote in place of Peter White. The Board decided to go ahead on the hearings , even though there were only three members present.

MINUTES :  The minutes of October 25 were reviewed. The minutes were approved as printed .

COMMUNICATIONS:  There were none.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT: . There was no Planning Board Report.

PUBLIC HEARINGS:  7:15  P.M. Continued Case #05-57. Matt Croteau. Map # 118. Lot # 54. Special Exception. . Art. III. 3:50 I. Alter and raise roofline to allow more head space in bedrooms. The Acting Chairman asked Mr. Croteau if he wanted to go ahead with his hearing and reminded him that he would need three affirmative votes. He wanted to go ahead with the case. He had modified his original plans. The new plan was handed out to the members .He will be adding a second floor only. The building will have a pitched roof. There will be three bedrooms upstairs. He plans to take out the old septic system and install the new Clean Solutions System. He has shortened up the open balcony deck area and it will be within the existing footprint. He also plans to have a cathedral ceiling to the front and attic storage to the rear of the house. The Public part of the hearing closed at 7:30 P.M. Peter Urbach made a motion to approve the request of Matt Croteau.. Case #05-57. Map #118. Lot # 54. Special Exception. Art. III. 3:50 I. To alter and raise the roof  the roofline to allow more head space in the bedrooms. 80 Burma Rd. Sunapee. Alex  Kish seconded the motion and there were three yes votes.

Case #05- 65. Matthew Girard. Map #237. Lot #12. Special Exception. Art. IV. 4:10. Seeking the Special Exception. as required under mixed use zoning, for multi-family dwellings. 562 Rt. 103. Sunapee.  The Acting Chairman , James Lyons Gave Mr. Girard the option of either the hearing of the case or continuing it since there were only three voting members. Mr. Girard understood that he would need three affirmative votes. He wanted the case to be heard. He presented his case. His plan is to build 2  three unit buildings. and one duplex on 4.1 acres. iin the mixed use area on Rt. 103.

ZBA MINUTES                                         Page 2.                             November 10, 2005.

He has been to the Planning Board and he has a State approved driveway permit. He will have a 10,000 gallon  water storage tower for fire safety.  He has a State approved septic system. Wells have been installed.  There is a 25 foot wide driveway to the project. The first 50 feet will be paved. There will not be more then 8 dwelling units on the property. There is an existing building on the property, that Mr. Girard has already renovated the inside. There was some discussion of removing that building or tearing it down. Mr. Girard objects to that because he could make some use of it other then a residence. Abutter, Irving Smith is against the project. He is very concerned about one half acre lots.  He feels that bringing  in 8 more potential families is too much for the small area. Abutter , Mark Wirta also has concerns about the existing building which has been renovated. He also feels that adding eight units is too many for what he considers  a  residential area.
Chuck Weinstein also had concerns about the project. He formerly owned the property and he said there is a lot of wetlands in the property. James Lyons, acting Chairman, read section 4:10 of the ordinance. Alex  Kish asked what the time line is for the completion of the project. Mr. Girard estimates two years. The Public part of the hearing closed at 8:07 P.M. Peter Urbach made a motion to approve the request of Matthew Girard. Case # 05-65 for a Special Exception . Art. IV. 4:10 for construction of multi-family dwellings in the mixed-use zone. 562 Rt. 103. Sunapee. Alex Kish seconded the motion. there were three yes votes.

Case # 05-66. Andrew and Martha Berman. Map # 139. Lot # 54. Variance. Art. III. 3:10. Seeking relief from the 15’ side setback to construct a sound abatement wall with roof. 60 Birch Pt. Rd. Sunapee. James Lyons gave the applicant the option of continuing the hearing  to a later date or  hearing it as scheduled. Mr Berman chose to hear it at this meeting. There are four air condition units adjacent to the LaCava’s property. There is considerable noise that is bothering the LaCavas. Mr. Berman had put in hedges to alleviate the noise, but  that did not work. He also tried acoustic blankets. He then looked into installing 8’ walls . 5’ from the property line. The sides would be open. There will be a roof over the wall panels. James Lyons said that he had  lived next door to one of these situations and was in favor of this project. The walls will be moveable. James Lyons went over the five points of the variance. Alex Kish made a motion to approve the request of Andrew and Martha Berman . Case # 05-66. Map # 136. Lot # 54.for a Variance. from
Art. III. 3:10 to construct a sound abatement wall with roof  at 60 Birch Pt. Rd. Sunapee. Peter Urbach seconded the motion. There were three yes votes.

Case # 05-67. Helen and Frank Macioce. Map # 128. Lot # 67. Variance. Art. III. 3: 40 C. Reduce lakefront setback for construction of a replacement deck. 107 Lake Ave. Sunapee.  Peter Schiess of Landforms presented the case. Mr. Schiess  was given the option of hearing the case at this meeting or continuing it to a new date. He chose to have it heard  at this meeting. The plan presented  is a 15% smaller deck than the existing one. It is planned in a different reconfiguration . It is smaller in square footage and less closer to the Lake. It is less non-conforming.  The Board went over the  five points of the variance. There will be plantings near the lakefront.

ZBA  MINUTES                                       Page 3.                               November 10, 2005.

There was no further comment. Peter Urbach made a motion to approve the request  of Helen and Frank Macioce. Case # 05-67. Map # 128. Lot # 67. Variance. Art. III. 3:40 C. Reduce lakefront setback for construction of a replacement deck. 107 Lake Ave. Sunapee. Alex Kish seconded the motion. There were three yes votes.

Case # 05- 68. Robert Evans and Anne VanTine. Map # 118. Lot # 50. Variance. Art. III. 3:10. Reduce 25’ side setback to construct a garage addition 2’ from the boundary line. 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee.  The existing garage, that will be torn down, is on the property line. The attached garage to the house, which has not been built, will be a two car garage with a  second story . The second story will not be for bedrooms. It will be used as office space. The new garage will be 24’ a long the property line , but not on it. The driveway will be over the grass There will be a new Clean Solutions, State approved septic system for the house. James Lyons went over the five points of the variance. The road is private. Peter Urbach made a motion to approve the request of Robert Evans and Anne VanTine . Case # 05-68. Map # 118. Lot # 50. for a Variance from Art. III. 3:10 to reduce the side setback to construct a garage 2’ from the property line at 98 Burma Rd. Sunapee. He also added that the number of bedrooms will not exceed the limit of three with the proposed septic system.  Alex Kish seconded the motion. There were three yes votes.

 The members were reminded of the meeting on Wednesday, November 16.

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                   Date approved:                

Edythe C. Dexter, ZBA Secretary                                                             

ALTERNATES:                                             ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT

ROBERT HENRY                                           PETER WHITE, CHAIRMAN

ALEX KISH                                                     JAMES LYONS, VICE CHAIRMAN

                                                                         PETER URBACH

                                                                         DON WEATHERSON

                                                                         RICHARD GUYER