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Zoning Board Minutes 2007/05/10

             May 10, 2007


Roger Landry , Zoning Administrator was absent.
The meeting was called to order at 7 P.M.

Robert Henry  recused  himself from # Case #07-7. Bennie Cooper was designated to vote in place of Robert Henry on Case # 07-7.

MINUTES : The minutes of  March 8 were reviewed. Harry Gazelle made a motion to approve the minutes as printed. James Lyons seconded the motion. All members were in favor.
There were no communications and no Planning Board report.

ELECTION OF  CHAIRMAN AND VICE CHAIRMAN.  Robert Henry nominated Peter Urbach as Chairman. There were no other nominations. Harry Gazelle seconded the motion. All members were in favor.
Robert Henry nominated  James Lyons as Vice Chairman. There were no other nominations. Harry Gazelle seconded the motion. All members were in favor.

PUBLIC HEAING:  Case # 07-7. Robert and Tanya Wilkie. Map # 234. Lot # 5. Seeking relief with a Variance from Art. III. 3:10. to reduce a side setback dimension from 25’ to 12 ½’ to construct a barn. 437 Stagecoach Rd. Sunapee. .
Mr. Wilkie presented the case. The plan is to build a 36’x 46’ barn .The driveway would be 8 to 9’ wide. The barn would be located on the northeast side of the property. Mr Wilkie and the Board  went over the requirements of  the variance. The property is comprised of 3 acres. The lot is narrow and a driveway goes down through the middle of the property. The barn would not be closer than 12 ½ ‘ from the property line. The proposed barn will be farthest from the abutters. The abutting property of thirty three acres is owned by the Wilkies and is in current use. The neighbors are in favor of the construction of the barn. The Board is concerned about the hardship condition. The hardship condition must be with the land and not with the cost . It was suggested that some of the current use land could be annexed to the existing three acres and the barn could be 25’ from the property line and the variance would not be necessary for the barn.  
The applicant would need a building permit. Alex Kish felt that changing the lot line would be in the spirit of the ordinance.

ZBA MINUTES                                               Page 2.                              5 / 10 /07.

Alex Kish made a motion to approve the request of Robert and Tanya Wilkie , Case # 07-7. Map # 234. Lot # 5 for a Variance from Art III. 3:10 to reduce a side setback dimension from 25’ to 12 ½’ to construct a barn at 437 Stagecoach Rd. Sunapee. James Lyons seconded the motion. James Lyons voted yes. The other four members voted no and the motion was defeated. The reasons for the denial were that denial of the variance would not result in unnecessary hardship and an area variance is not needed to enable the applicants proposed use of the property , given the special conditions of the property.

The Board interviewed Charles Balyeat as a candidate to be an alternate on the Zoning Board. He was a member of the Budget Committee. He is currently on the Waste Management Committee. Harry Gazelle made a motion to appoint Charles Balyeat as an alternate on the Zoning Board of Adjustment of the Town of Sunapee. James Lyons seconded the motion. All members were in favor.

The meeting adjourned at 7:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                              Date approved:

Edythe C. Dexter, ZBA Secretary                                                             

ALTERNATES:                                                ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT

SVEND  FILBY                                                PETER URBACH , CHAIRMAN

BENNIE COOPER                                            JAMES LYONS, VICE CHAIRMAN

CHARLES BALYEAT                                      ROBERT HENRY

                                                                           ALEX KISH
                                                                            HARRY GAZELLE