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Zoning Board Minutes 2007/02/08

Febuary  8, 2007


Robert Henry and Svend Filby were absent.

The meeting  was called to order at 7:10 P.M.

Harry Gazelle was designated to vote on the cases in place of Robert Henry.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT:  Roger Landry reported he has received notice from the Office of the State Energy Planning and Zoning concerning the Spring conference. It will be on April 28 at the Radission Inn at the Center of New Hampshire in Manchester. The Board will receive further information at the March meeting. Three cases were discussed at the recent Planning Board meeting. None of the cases were approved at the meeting. The 12 lot sub-division , phase two on Trow Hill , has some problems concerning wetlands and the steep slope. The store on the Round Rock Property is waiting for State approval on the driveway. The Selectmen have approved replacing the gas pumps. They are “ grandfathered”. Rosie’s Restaurant on 103B needs to present more detailed plans. Their hearing has been postponed.
Roger went over the revised changes in the ZBA fees. They are now in place.

MINUTES:  The minutes of January 11 were reviewed. There was one correction. On the second paragraph under Public Hearing , the next to the last sentence will read, “ The monitoring will be continued until the State standards have been met. “ Richard Guyer made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected. James Lyons seconded the motion. All members were in favor.

PUBLIC HEARINGS:  Case # 07-2. Joseph and Carol Maraldo. Map # 148. Lot # 24. Seeking a Variance from Art. III. 3:40 C. To reduce the lakefront setback from 50’ to 26’ 6” for construction of a new deck. 8 Hamel Rd. Sunapee. Mr. Maraldo presented the case.
Mr. Lauricello and Christina Harbour sent letters to the Board in support of the Maraldo’s plan. The Maraldos purchased the property in 2006. The land has a 22’ rise from the shoreline. The owners have a safety problem as well as no use of the back area. They would like to have more use of the property. This is the reason for the request of  26’ 6” from the Lake for a deck. The proposed deck would be 31’5” by 12’. Pictures of the existing building were passed to the members. A new septic system was installed in 1999.
There has been considerable erosion of the property. The request is to build a simple deck fron the house. There will be minor disturbance to the land.

ZBA MINUTES                                           Page 2.                                  2 / 8 / 07.

They will put in shrubbery to prevent more erosion. They want to have reasonable use of the property. There is about three feet of flat frontage on the Lake. There is a temporary deck for egress out of the back of the house. Mr. Maraldo feels that the lay of the land and the slope is a hardship. The public part of the hearing closed at 7:35 P. M. James Lyons felt that the Board was back to the problem of building within 50’ of the Lake. He also said that the State is strict about this rule. There is a stone wall. The request is for a 300’ deck. A 150’ deck could be allowed. There was some discussion of lot coverage.  
They do not have a driveway. Richard Guyer made a motion to approve the request of Joseph and Carol Maraldo. Case # 07-2. Map # 148. Lot # 24. for a Variance from Art. III. 3:40 C.  To reduce the lake front setback from 50’ to 26’ 6” for construction of a new deck at 8 Hamel Rd. Sunapee. James Lyons seconded the motion. There were five negative votes. The request would encroach on the 50’ lake front setback. No hardship results from the denial when the deck could be 150’ It was decided that  Cases 07-3 and 4 would be continued.

Case # 07-5.  Daniel and Sandra Trainor. Map # 104. Lot # 60. Seeking a Special Exception from Art. III. 3:50 C. To reduce the side setback from 15’ to 7’ 6” to accommodate construction of a residential addition. 40 Oak ridge Rd. George’s Mills. Lindsay Walkinshan , representing Currier construction Co. presented the case. The existing shed will be relocated on the property. It will back 7 ½’. There will be no basement on the addition. Sonar tubes will be used. The building will be increased by 286 sq. feet. There will be a larger bedroom, bathroom and The public part of the hearing closed at 8:05 P.M. James Lyons made a motion to approve the request  of Daniel and Sandra Trainor. Case # 07-5. Map # 104. Lot # 60. for a Special Exception from Art. III. 3:50 C. To reduce the side setback  from 15’ to 7’ 6” for construction of a residential addition. 40 Oakridge Rd. George’s Mills. Alex  Kish seconded the motion. There were five affirmative votes.
The meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,                                              Date approved:

Edythe C. Dexter, ZBA Secretary                     ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT                                        
                                                                          PETER URBACH, CHAIRMAN
                                                                          JAMES LYONS, VICE CHAIRMAN
SVEND FILBY                                                                             
                                                                           RICHARD GUYER
                                                                            ROBERT HENRY  

                                                                            ALEX KISH

ZBA  MINUTES                                           Page 3.                                       2 / 8 / 07.

                                                                             ROBERT HENRY

                                                                            ALEX  KISH