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Zoning Board Minutes 2008/01/22

January 22, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Peter Urbach – Chairman, James Lyons – Vice Chairman, Alex Kish, Bennie Cooper – Alternate, Roger Landry – Zoning Administrator.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Chairman Peter Urbach.

There were no disqualifications.  Three regular members and one alternate were voting on the cases.  

Planning Board Report

Roger reported that the subdivision case for Bob Bell has been continued to the next meeting.  The subdivision/annexation for New Liden at 477 Route 11 was approved with conditions and the site plan was also approved with conditions.

MINUTES:  The minutes of the December 13, 2007 meeting were approved.

PULIC HEARING:  Continued Case #07-32.  Richard Blackshaw & Justin Goodwin.  Map # 107.  Lot # 29.  Seeking relief in the form of a Special Exception.  Art. III. 3:50 B to reduce the road front setback to 25’ from the center line of Lake Av. to allow the construction of a new attached garage.  1104 Lake Av., George’s Mills, N.H.  Roger Landry advised Barry Paddock, builder, to use 12’ from the edge of the Right of Way instead of 25’ from the center line of Lake Av.  Mr. Paddock presented the case and advised that the lot is in the Residential District which is zoned for 1 acre lots.  The lot is .3 acres.  It is a steep lot with a plateau next to the road.  They will be building a garage at this location.  Roger advised the members that if they went low, it would encroach on the steep slope.  Mr. Paddock advised that for the house, they will maintain the footprint and the deck.  They will be replacing the building within the setback and add a garage.  Roger advised that they will still be under the 30% allowed lot coverage.  That is calculated by the survey.  Alex Kish questioned if the criteria of the proposed warrant article can be applied in this case and Peter Urbach stated he doesn’t think it would change anything because it meets the criteria of the proposed article.  Mr. Paddock advised that the height of the garage is 19’6”.  Dick Dulude, abutter, questioned the height of the house and was advised that the highest is 38’ from the peak to the ground.  Susan Cobb, abutter, questioned what the Right of Way is and Peter Urbach advised it is the Right of Way of the road.  She also questioned if the garage will be connected to the house and Mr. Paddock stated that it will be.  The audience looked at the plan.  Ms. Cobb stated that the bottom of the house is currently a crawl space and she questioned if they are going to make it a full cellar.  Mr. Paddock advised yes they are.  She also questioned how far from the lake will the building be and was advised that it will be in the same location as the existing structure.  She questioned the new State Regulations and Roger advised that they are effective April 1, 2008.  He also advised that they will post a land disturbance bond to cover any runoff.  She again questioned how far from the lake the building will be and was advised about 30 feet.  Mr. Dulude stated that there is a very active spring stream that comes through the culvert.  Mr. Paddock stated that there will be a silt fence with stone in front.  Roger explained that the State may request a retention pond after April 1, 2008.  He also advised that the State will present a program around the end of February to explain the new Comprehensive Shoreline Protection Act.  It will be open to the public and will be posted.  The square footage of the house was questioned by a member of the audience.  Mr. Paddock stated it is about 3300 square feet.

A motion was made by Bennie Cooper to approve Case #07-32, Map 107, Lot 29, Richard Blackshaw and Justin Goodwin, to reduce the setback to 12 feet from the road right of way for the proposed garage.  The motion was seconded by Jim Lyons and was approved unanimously by the Board.


Roger spoke briefly on some of the highlights of the new Shoreline Protection Act for information purposes only to the Board members and the general public that remained at the meeting.

Alex Kish made a motion to adjourn at 7:49 PM.  The motion was seconded by Jim Lyons and approved unanimously by the Board.

Submitted by,                                                   Date approved                           
Joan Bleau, Zoning Secretary


Peter Urbach, Chairman                          James Lyons, Vice Chairman

Robert Henry                                            Alex Kish

Harry Gazelle                                           Svend Filby, Alternate

Bennie Cooper, Alternate                                Charles Balyeat, Alternate