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Zoning Board Minutes 2011/05/12
May 12, 2011
PRESENT: ~~Alex Kish, Chairman, Edward Frothingham, Dick Katz, Charles Balyeat, William Larrow, Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator
ALSO PRESENT:~ ~Susan Rayno
Chairman Alex Kish called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM.~
The Board reviewed the April 14, 2011 meeting minutes for any required changes. ~Motion by Dick Katz to accept and approve minutes as presented.~ Seconded by William Larrow.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
Roger Landry stated that is imperative that “as per plan(s)” and date of plan for each case is noted within minutes and on decision sheets where applicable.  
Roger Landry gave a review of the previous week’s Planning Board meeting cases.~
Chairman Kish informed the applicant, Susan Rayno, that all members are present which is required in order for the application(s) to be approved.~
Chairman Kish presented the issue.  Susan Rayno was present to explain details of her request.  Presently, she owns two day care businesses.  Locations include South Sutton (infant – 6 years of age) and the other in Bradford (school age program – before and after school) located at the elementary school.
During the month of August, she takes Grade 3-6 age children on various field trips.~ It has now become a “summer program”.  She has the ability to rent space at the school but would rather do this from her home.~ In the past, she has attempted to do this from the daycare center.  The past schedule would include meeting at South Sutton or Bradford locations with pick-up via fifteen passenger van transport.~~ A typical day begins with a stop at her home with departure by 9 AM, with a brief return at approximately 3 PM.   She presented her tentative schedule for August to the Board.  Afternoon activities take place at her home with reading and book discussions, as well as swimming.~ At the end of the day, children are driven to the pick-up/drop-off point at Newbury Harbor.~ The applicant would like to extend the program at her home to include games, arts and crafts – one day per week on Wednesdays.~ Further, if approved by the Zoning Board, she intends to move forward with State approval in order that her house be reviewed and, hopefully, approved for the summer care program.~ Specifically, she is asking for approval for in-home school age summer program licensure for up to fourteen children.~ She has not received any comments or complaints from neighbors in the past.~ Susan Rayno is requesting that the Zoning Board allow this change in use in order to pursue State approval.~
Alex Kish asked about possible pick-up and drop-off issues in connection with transportation.~ Susan Rayno stated that it is entirely off-site at this time.~ Activity at her home location will only take place during the month of August at this time – one full day per week as previously stated.~ In the future, she may request to do this for additional summer weeks or months if demand arises.~ Alex stated that class of use would have to go through the State if that is to occur, and it was stated that any special exceptions that are approved remain with the property.~ Also, one other criteria required in connection with the special exception is to ensure that the sewer system is adequate to support this program.~ Susan Rayno stated that it was renovated seven years ago for the existing structure which includes four bedrooms.~ She stated that there was no more usage this year than last year.~ This will be reviewed by the Planning Board as the next step if approval is granted by the Zoning Board.  
There were no abutters present with any comments or issues.~ Chairman Kish closed the public portion of the meeting.~ No further questions were presented in connection with the issue by the board members.~ William Larrow stated that stipulations should be made in regard to the approval.  Chairman Kish suggested that the Board review the five criteria for use as a way of doing this:  

(1) That the selected site is an appropriate location for the proposed use.
(2) That adequate and safe highway access is provided to the proposed site and that there is adequate off-street parking provided for the proposed use.
(3) That adequate method of sewage disposal is available at the proposed site.
(4) That the proposal will not be detrimental, hazardous, or injurious to the
(5) That the proposed use is consistent with the spirit of the Ordinance and the intent of the Master Plan.

It was determined that the request for exception meets all of the criteria.

The time frame was questioned by William Larrow.  Roger Landry stated that this would go through the Planning Board.~~ Alex Kish reiterated that any change in use would be required to go through State approval.~ Roger asked about possible restricted covenants.~ Susan Rayno stated that there are none and that, overall, there is decreased use of the road to her home in August.~ She stated that there are only two days during the month that parents would be going back and forth to drop off and pick up gear in connection with a once per summer camping trip.  Further, her location is at the end of the subject road.~
Motion made by Edward Frothingham to approve Case 11-06, Map 238 Lot 18 to Susan Rayno for a special exception as per Article IV, Section 4.10 to open and operate a school age summer care program at 65 Highland Hill Drive.~ Seconded by Dick Katz.~ Motion accepted unanimously.
Roger Landry presented the issue of a future review of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Rules of Procedure.~ They have not been changed and/or reviewed since 2000.~ Copies were distributed for review in order to discuss at the next meeting.~ Roger Landry further stated that this needs to be signed off after any changes are made and the review is complete.
Rogers Landry stated that Dick Katz will be attending the Office of Energy and Planning Conference scheduled at the Radisson Hotel in Concord in June with the possibility of William Larrow and Alex Kish also in attendance.~
The meeting was adjourned at 7:47 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Caron
Alex Kish, Chairman~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edward Frothingham, Vice Chairman
Dick Katz~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ William Larrow
Charles Balyeat