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Water and Sewer Commission Joint Meeting Minutes 2015/09/24
New London/Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission Joint Quarterly Meeting
September 24, 2015
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT:  Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, Anthony Bergeron, Peter Hill, Kurt Markarian.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Kimberly Hallquist-New London Town Administrator, New London Selectmen-Peter Bianchi and Janet Kidder.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

January 29, 2015 Joint Meeting Minutes: David C. made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Janet K, New London voted in favor, Sunapee voted in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
April 30, 2015 Joint Meeting Minutes: Anthony B. made a motion to accept the April 30th minutes, seconded by Peter B., New London voted in favor, Sunapee voted in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Highlights: Dave B. reported that the wastewater plant has been running very nicely and that EII and Penta have been cleaning up some work that needs doing. He reported that there was an issue with the SCADA system and the furnace in the new building. Dave B. stated that he has not heard back from EPA in regards to his proposed changes to the new permit and some of the new limits that were presented in the draft one. He reported that in trying to see about meeting the possible new aluminum limit there had been some phosphorus issues last month resulting in a violation. Dave B. reported that the alarms had been tested this afternoon and that there is a new road in place across the back of the treatment plant to access the cross country Perkins Pond sewer.
Peter B. questioned if anything had come of the issues with the state and David B. stated that he had met with someone about trying to eradicate the reeds and that he had found out that it would be a three year project to get rid of these. He stated that the cost would run approximately $10,000 per each of the three years and that the spraying would have to occur in September. There was some discussion regarding options for eradicating the invasive species.
Peter B. questioned the sludge issue with EPA, Dave B. responded that he has not heard anything back from them about the issue. He stated that sludge is being shipped to Claremont and that Mike Rainey from DES, who had been at the plant to take sludge samples, had been impressed with the dewatering operation.

Billing and Flow Percentage: The Chairman questioned what the Commission and Selectmen would propose on the billing percentages. Janet K, stated that New London is looking to establish their billing according to the average yearly flow presented of 57.83%, there was some discussion regarding the 2% to be taken off this for Sunapee’s use of New London’s facilities in Georges Mills. Janet K. made a motion that New London be billed at the ratio of 55.83% for the year beginning September 2015, seconded by Anthony B., after some discussion regarding billing from September to September, New London voted in favor of the motion, Sunapee voted in favor of the motion, so declared by the Chairman.  

2016 Draft Plant Budget: There was some discussion regarding how Dave B.’s salary is split as well as how all other wages are allocated to the plant budget.

New London departed at 6:00 p.m.