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Water and Sewer Commission Joint Minutes 2014/08/28

New London/Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission Joint Quarterly Meeting
August 28, 2014
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, Peter Hill, Douglas Gamsby, David Cain, Kurt Markarian.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Kimberly Hallquist-New London Town Administrator, New London Selectmen-Nancy Rollins, Janet Kidder and Peter Bianchi, Neil Cheseldine.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m.

February 27, 2014 Joint Meeting Minutes: Douglas G. made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Peter B., Sunapee and New London voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.  
Flow/Billing Issues: Dave B. presented that in looking at the average for the past 2 ½ years on the graph from David Mercier, that the numbers represented there show New London to be contributing 75% to 77%  of the flows into the treatment plant. Janet K. questioned if the new meter at the plant has an electronic means of sending out the meter readings. Dave B. explained that he is working on getting the scada system to interact with the EOS system of faxing meter readings daily. There was some discussion regarding the effluent flow meter. Neil C. gave a synopsis of how the different meters function and the different types of meters and measuring areas. Peter B. stated that New London is replacing the sensor in the town line meter and questioned if spurts of flows could adversely affect the meter readings, and questioned if having two different types of meters measuring flows within the system could be an issue. There was some discussion regarding the different types of meters and their accuracy. Theodore G. stated that at the town line there can be an issue with sediment build up in the flume that can cause odd readings. There was some discussion regarding where else Sunapee could have a meter to determine Sunapee’s flows. Neil C. stated that the flume at the New London Town Line slows the velocity of the water down which causes sediment to settle out that could cause a higher reading leading to elevated data. There was some discussion regarding the inaccurate meter reading issues at different times. Theodore G. stated that he would like to see a date set where there is established each coming year’s billing percentages. Kim H. stated that the new meter and changes in the flows indicated that there was an issue with the meter readings, she would propose changing the billing percentages when they are established with the new meter at the plant and the new sensor at the Town Line. Kurt M. suggested checking on the maintenance schedule on the meter and flume for the periods that show obviously erroneous meter readings to see if there is any correlation between maintenance and corrected meter readings. There was much discussion regarding readings, calibrations and possibly changing the billing percentage back retroactively if it is found that it is much different than past flows show. Kurt M. suggested setting a date to set the flow ratios for billings each year. Janet K. suggested setting the ratios/billing percentages around the 1st of October giving time to budget for this in the upcoming year. David C. made a motion to set the rates between New London and Sunapee on the last Thursday of September to be utilized for the billing in the next fiscal year, seconded by Janet K., Sunapee and New London, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
There was much discussion regarding the new meters and erroneous readings in the past. Janet K. suggested that New London get more information and that it be discussed next month. Kurt M. made a motion to table the discussion until next month for another joint meeting, seconded by Janet K., Sunapee and New London voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

Penta pay Requisition # 26: Neil C. presented pay requisition number 26 in the amount of $59,020.61  from Penta Corp. to the Chairman. David C. made a motion to have the Chairman sign the requisition as presented, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
Neil C. presented the monthly pay requisition for signature by the Chairman.
Neil C. stated that they have been asked to grant substantial completion and have not established if it should be granted or not. Neil C. stated that everything should be finished much quicker than it is moving along and explained all of the problems that are occurring to slow down the work. There was some discussion regarding imposing a penalty for going over on the contract time and what things have not been finished that should be by now. Neil C. stated that there will be a letter coming asking for substantial completion to be granted and that then a punch list will be drawn up to be done to reach final completion. Neil C. stated that there will be an open house at the plaint on October 7th then the meeting will move on to Mount Sunapee.

Wastewater Treatment Plant Highlights:
Dave B. reported that there had been some issues with trying to run on one clarifier and stated that some sludge had made it into the contact chamber but not to the marsh. Dave B. stated that he may run into having enough holding room for sludge to allow for one clarifier to be down for upgrading, without Stearn’s needing to haul some sludge to Concord for dewatering. Dave B. reported that 17 yards of dewatered sludge had been hauled to Claremont at a cost of approximately $1,700. David C. questioned how often this is being done, and Dave B. reported that every three weeks they have been running the centrifuge. Dave B. stated that personnel have been learning how to operate the new equipment and that the dewatering is producing about 20% solid. Dave B. stated that the chemical building is erected and that things are moving along with a few issues with alarms and whatnot.

New London departed at 6:47 p.m.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission and New London Selectmen

this ______ day of __________________, 2014.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup                                 Kurt Markarian

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Douglas Gamsby                                  Kenneth Meyer                   

_________________________________               __________________________________
Paul Manson                                             Nancy Rollins

_________________________________               __________________________________
Peter Bianchi                                           Janet Kidder