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Water and Sewer Commission Joint Minutes 2014/02/27

New London/Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission Joint Quarterly Meeting
February 27, 2014
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, Peter Hill, Charles Smith, Kenneth Meyer, Kurt Markarian, Paul Manson.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Kimberly Hallquist-New London Town Administrator, New London Selectmen-Tina Helm and Peter Bianchi, Neil Cheseldine, Douglas Gamsby.
ABSENT: David Cain.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

November 21, 2013 Joint Meeting Minutes: Tina H. moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Charles S., Sunapee and New London voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.  
Wastewater Treatment Highlights:
Dave B. reported that the plant has been running pretty good lately. Dave B. stated that he has just started having Stearns hauling sludge to Concord again and that ditch 2 needs to be emptied out so that work can begin on it, but that it is ½ full of sludge at this point and ¼ of that is ice currently. Dave B. stated that a mixer and a rotor that have broken down will need to be fixed to create enough aeration to clean out the ditch but that he is hopeful that this can all be worked out prior to any high flows in the spring with could be an issue with one ditch offline. Dave B. is looking for a gearbox for the rotor that is needed to repair it.
David B. reported that there had been a frozen sewer line on Oak Ridge Road in a manhole that is 6 feet deep. There was some discussion regarding frost depth.
Dave B. stated that Ron Oxland has retired and that job applications are coming in to replace him as laborer at the Wastewater Plant.

Proposed Change Order for Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade: Dave B. passed around pictures from a tour of Bristol’s treatment plant chemical building, and stated that due to the approximately $330,000 contingency remaining in the upgrade project Neil C. is looking to have Penta quote a chemical building for the Sunapee plant. While waiting for Neil C. to arrive, there was much discussion regarding the type of building it would be, the verbal quote of $200,000 for the building and what equipment that quote included. Neil C. arrived and Paul M. questioned what the engineering cost for designing and construction administration of the chemical building would be. Neil C. passed around a proposed engineering contract change order in the amount of $23,000 and stated that the pricing for the building would be broken into two stages the building itself and then the process equipment and new everything. Neil C. stated that he thinks the quote from Penta will come in at around $300,000 for everything. There was much discussion regarding what other items at the Wastewater Treatment Plant may need addressing and what happens with the different funding and grants involved in the project. Kurt M. made a motion to move forward with the design phase of the chemical building so that there can be a quote produced by Penta Corp for the building and process equipment, seconded by Tina H., after some discussion regarding the need for special architecture for the building and what would be inside the building, Sunapee voted in favor of the motion, New London voted in favor of the motion, so declared by the Chairman.

Penta pay Requisition # 20: Neil C. presented pay requisition number 20 in the amount of $230,301. from Penta Corp. to the Chairman. Charles S. made a motion to accept the pay requisition as presented and have the Chairman sign it, seconded by Kenneth M., New London voted in favor, Sunapee voted in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
Neil C. presented the monthly pay requisition for signature by the Chairman and presented that the pre closing on the Rural Development loan for the upgrade would be happening next week and gave a synopsis of what will be happening at this closing and what is going on with the interim financing interest.
Neil C. presented change order #5 to grant a time extension of 28 days and an addition in cost for the changing of the shower unit in the operations building as it was specified without a handicap accessible shower and needs to have one. Peter B. made a motion to accept change order #5, seconded by Charles S., after some discussion, Peter B. made a motion to amend the motion to be for a set amount of $ for the shower unit, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor of the amendment, voted unanimously in favor of the motion as amended, so declared by the Chairman.

New London departed at 6:30 p.m.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission and New London Selectmen

this ______ day of __________________, 2014.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup                                 Kurt Markarian

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Douglas Gamsby                                  Kenneth Meyer                   

_________________________________               __________________________________
Paul Manson                                             Tina Helm

_________________________________               __________________________________
Peter Bianchi                                           Janet Kidder