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Water and Sewer Commission Joint Minutes 2012/06/28

New London/Sunapee Joint Meeting
June 28, 2012
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, Charles Smith, Peter Hill, Kenneth Meyer, Kurt Markarian.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Kimberly Hallquist-New London Town Administrator, Neil Cheseldine, Mark Kaplan. New London Selectmen: Janet Kidder, Peter Bianchi, Tina Helm.
ABSENT: Paul Manson.
The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

April 26, 2012 Joint Meeting Minutes:  David C. made a motion to accept the minutes as written, seconded by Peter H., Tina H. made a motion to accept the minutes from April 26th, seconded by Peter B., voted Sunapee in favor, New London in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that he is now approved to use Net DMR and he can now submit his reports on line. Dave B. reported that they have been working on the garage at the wastewater treatment plant and cleaning up around the area to prepare for the upgrade construction. He reported that he is insulating the garage so that it will be able to be used as a work area during the construction. David C. suggested putting up 5/8 sheetrock instead of plywood. Dave B. would propose putting a shed up at Harbor Hill to store water fittings and valves in. Dave B. reported that the plant has been running pretty well with no upsets.
Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Contract:  Neil C. stated that things are moving along and that the evaluation of the bids has been done and that DES and USDA are pretty much good with entering into the contract with Penta Corp. Neil C. explained the process that will happen next. Peter B. questioned how the numbers work out to the total of the project. Neil C. explained the budget for the project which includes all components, not just the construction portion. There was some discussion regarding the 2010 estimate cost. Mark K. questioned technical services costs and the $570,000 versus the total engineering fees and the contingency amount from the September 2010 estimate. Neil C. explained that the new numbers are much more firm and that everything is included. There was some discussion regarding the bids and costs of the total project. Neil C. presented that he has his revised cost estimates that were presented to DES and USDA and he had copies made to hand to everyone. There was some discussion regarding the contingency and the different funding issues, Theodore G. pointed out that it was decided to spend the entire amount that was approved for the project and that going forward that total amount would be spent on whatever can be done for that sum. Neil C. explained the new cost estimate that was handed out. Peter B. pointed out that it may not look good to the voters if they know what the bids came in at to spend the entire amount of the warrant articles. Neil C. explained change orders and that a decision will need to be made as to whom can approve theses and that some of them will need joint board approval while others will need to be made very quickly so as not to slow down the construction process. There was much discussion regarding who the decision makers would be on where any extra funds should be used and if they should be used. Neil C. pointed out that the Sunapee Selectmen needs to give authority to the Commission to sign off on construction items. Peter B. questioned if the discretionary decisions would be made after all construction is finished. Neil C. stated that it will need to be done before substantial completion.
Charles S. questioned the contingency funds and the well amounts on the construction contract. There was some discussion regarding the indeterminate amounts. Charles S. believes that the contracts should be for an exact amount. There was some discussion regarding construction contracts. Charles S. questioned the statement in Wright-Pierce’s letter stating that Penta’s office was rated low to good and that they cannot guarantee that Penta can do the project for the bid amount. Neil C. explained that the letter is a boiler plate and not necessarily written by him. There was some discussion regarding Penta Corp. and what they can do as well as why these items were in the letter.
Charles S. made a motion to award Penta Corp. the construction contract based on Wright-Pierce’s recommendation, seconded by Kenneth M., Tina moved the motion for New London, seconded by Peter B., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Theodore G. stated that he want to make sure that the lines of communication say open between the two Town’s during the construction and this should avoid and bad feelings or issues with the two boards. There was some discussion regarding the construction meetings and New London’s involvement with them.
Charles S. stated that he had noticed that there had been another sewer spill in Georges Mills. There was some discussion regarding the incident and if any fines would be issued. Peter B. reported that the alarm monitoring has been changed and that an engineer is being hired to check all of New London’s pump stations as well as other things that are being done to ensure that the issue does not happen again.
New London departed at 6:40 p.m.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.
Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission and New London Selectmen

this ______ day of __________________, 2012.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                Kurt Markarian

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Charles Smith                                           Kenneth Meyer                   

_________________________________               __________________________________
Paul Manson                                             Tina Helm

_________________________________               __________________________________
Peter Bianchi                                           Janet Kidder