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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2012/06/28

Board of Commissioners Meeting
June 28, 2012
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, Charles Smith, Peter Hill, Kenneth Meyer, Kurt Markarian.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Kimberly Hallquist, Mark Kaplan, Peter Bianchi, Neil Cheseldine, Janet Kidder.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

New London Sunapee Joint Meeting:  See Joint Meeting Minutes.

Forms for Signing:
May 31, 2012 Meeting Minutes:  Kenneth M. made a motion to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Peter H., voted 5 in the affirmative, 1 abstained, the motion passes, so declared by the Chairman.
Neil C. stated that another decision needs to be made on the testing engineers and who to award this to. Neil C. gave some information on the different companies that had bid on the testing. There was some discussion regarding going with the low bidder. Peter H. would go with Turner. David C. made a motion to select the proposal of JT Turner Consulting, seconded by Peter H., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
There was some discussion regarding the signing of the contracts and the Selectmen grating a certificate of authorization allowing Theodore G. to sign monthly pay requisitions and change orders.
May Sewer Purchase Journal:  David C. made a motion to accept the Sewer Purchase Journal as written, seconded by Kenneth M., voted 5 in favor, 1 abstained, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.
May Water Purchase Journal:  David C. made a motion to accept the Water Purchase Journal as written, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.
Certificate of Authorization:  The Commission signed the certificate of authorization stating that Theodore G. as Chairman of the Commission has the authority to sign to accept grant funds on behalf of the Commission.  

Water Treatment Highlights:  
Dave B. presented a flyer from LaValleys for a 10 x 18 shed for $3,000 to store valves and such in at Harbor Hill. There was some discussion regarding what would be stored in it. There was some discussion regarding getting quotes from other companies for a shed.
There was some discussion regarding Penta Corp.
Dave B. reported that a filter has been cleaned and that the department is ready for the busy 4th of July holiday.
Dave B. stated that Scott Kelley had been looking to find out the Commissions feelings on his proposal for tank maintenance. The Commission would have Dave B. report to him that the proposal is too expensive.
Dave B. reported that he has approached Sunapee Street Auto and that they will take $3,500 for a newer blazer and will give him $500 for the old blazer. The Commission confirmed that he has the authority to spend up to $3,000.
Dave B. reported that he was on the phone with Terry Welch who is going to come and give him an opinion on replacing the water intake. There was some discussion regarding Terry W. and what he does. Charles S. does not feel that the Commission should tackle putting in a new water intake without a registered hydraulic engineering firm to do it. There was some discussion regarding the plan for replacing the intake. Charles S. questioned if there is a written document from the state allowing the replacement of the intake. There was much discussion regarding replacing the intake and getting a permit from the State to do so.

Old & New Business:  
There was no old or new business to be discussed.

7:31 p.m. David C. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2012.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                Kurt Markarian

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kenneth Meyer                                   Charles Smith                   

Paul Manson