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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2012/02/23

Board of Commissioners Meeting
February 23, 2012
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, David Cain, David Montambeault, Charles Smith, Peter Hill, Kenneth Meyer, Paul Manson.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Kimberly Hallquist, Tina Helm, Peter Bianchi, Eileen Stiles, Jolyon Johnson.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m.

EDR 155 Abatement Request:  The Chair invited Eileen S. to join the table. Dave B. stated that the department has some supplies and are planning to do some work on the meter pit at 155 Edgemont Road. There was some discussion regarding the meter pit and what had happened. Eileen presented a chart of the usage at the Granite Works and explained the use of water at the site. Eileen S. presented that water had been running under the barn and that the department had come out and found no chlorine in the water at that time. There was some discussion regarding the amount of water that the granite saw uses and what else water is used for at the Granite Works. Charles S. made a motion to grant the abatement as requested, seconded by Peter H., there was some discussion regarding the amount of water used at the site historically. There was some discussion regarding the issues with meter pits and leaks that do not surface. David C. stated that once the new readers are in quarterly billings would help the consumers, but he does not feel that anything can be done to abate the charges. David M. averaged the last two prior years and there was some discussion regarding the amount. David M. made a motion to amend the abatement amount to $1,252.94, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding no more abatements being issued for leaks at the location in the future, voted 6 in favor of the amendment, 1 opposed, the amendment passes, so declared by the Chairman. Voted 6 in favor of granting the abatement as amended, 1 opposed, the abatement is granted as amended, so declared by the Chairman.

New London/Sunapee Intertown Agreement Revisions: There was some discussion regarding whether or not the revisions require an act of Town Meeting to ratify. Theodore G. reported that there had been a meeting in New London regarding the design, and reported that there would be a waiting period after the final design is submitted to DES and RD for them to give final approval, prior to the project going to bid. Dave B. reported that at that meeting it was revealed that RD and DES are disallowing the UV disinfection option and that Neil C. is working on trying to change their opinions to allow the UV bid alternative. Charles S. questioned if Wright-Pierce’s extra work would be included in the contract cost or if it would be an extra cost. Dave B. stated that it was included in the contract costs.
Kimberly H. questioned if the Intertown Agreement proposed revisions were currently being reviewed by Sunapee Counsel. Holly L. reported that both Commission Counsel and Town Counsel are currently reviewing the Agreement. New London will wait until Sunapee’s Counsels have approved the revisions before sending it to New London Counsel for final approval.

Forms for Signing:
January 26, 2012 Joint Meeting Minutes:  David C. made a motion to approve the Joint Meeting minutes of January 26,th 2012, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

New London Departed at 6:30 p.m.

Perkins Pond Sewer Easement:  
The Chair invited Jolyon J. to join the table.
Jolyon J. presented that he had wanted to attend the meeting to speak about the easements for the Perkins Pond Sewer Line and that he had purchased two of the properties that the line would run through with the easements attached. Jolyon J. presented that he is looking to put these lots into conservation to avoid development and protect the valuable aquifers in this area. Jolyon J. presented that there may be the possibility of going with the gravity sewer route instead of the low pressure option and that this could be less costly for the overall project. Jolyon J. plans on approaching one of the abutters to see if they would agree to this change now.
There was some discussion regarding the Treatment Plant being in Town Forest and investigating the easements that are in place to ensure that they have been executed correctly.

  • Forms for Signing:
January 26, 2012 Meeting Minutes: Paul M. made a motion to accept the minutes for January 26th, seconded by Kenneth M., Charles S. pointed out a paragraph on page 2 that was confusing and offered some possible amendments to the wording. David C. made a motion to amend the minutes as suggested, seconded by David M., voted unanimously in favor of amending the minutes. Voted unanimously in favor of the minutes as amended, so declared by the Chairman.
January 2012 Sewer Purchase Journal: David M. made a motion to accept the January Sewer Purchase Journal as presented, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding Powers Generator, Paint n Place and uniforms, voted 6 in favor, 1 abstained, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.
January 2012 Water Purchase Journal: David M. made a motion to accept the January Purchase Journal as presented, seconded by David C., after some discussion regarding Goshen Auto Wrecking, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

  • Water Treatment Highlights:  David B. reported that filter 3 had been cleaned and that the new conveyor belts had been used to do the job and that they had worked out great. Dave B. reported that he has a video of the intake pipe and that the configuration around the dam is such that it will make replacement much easier than had originally been assumed. There was some discussion regarding the replacement of the intake pipe.

Old & New Business:  
David M. made a motion to amend the sewer attachment fee ordinance to provide that, at any time there is a bond issue, all existing structures with sewer at the time of construction would not be required to pay the attachment fee, seconded by Paul M., after some discussion regarding the cost of these types of projects to the individual property owners that are being required to attach, voted 2 in favor, 4 opposed, the motion fails.

Dave B. reported that the Rocky Road sewer project is currently in litigation with the Town Assessors. There was some discussion regarding the project.

2012 Rates: After some discussion regarding funds on hand and 2011 expenses versus income, David C. made a motion to keep the sewer rates the same as in 2011, seconded by Paul M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
After some discussion regarding bond fees and how the water rates should be raised, David M. made a motion to set the bond fee at $150.00 for the year and the water user fee at $220.00 per year with the same water usage allowance, seconded by Kenneth M., after some discussion, voted 6 in favor, 1 opposed, passes in the majority, so declared by the Chairman.

The Superintendent’s Review was tabled until another meeting.

David M. stated that it has been a pleasure working on the Commission and offered any assistance he could give in the future.

8:00 p.m. Paul M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by David C., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2012.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                Kurt Markarian

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kenneth Meyer                                   Charles Smith                   

Paul Manson