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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2010/07/29

Board of Commissioners Meeting
July 29, 2010
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Theodore Gallup-Chairman, Christopher Leonard, David Cain, Paul Manson, Kurt Markarian.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Neil Cheseldine.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Forms for Signing:
June 24, 2010 Meeting Minutes:  David C. made a motion to accept the meeting minutes as printed, seconded by Paul M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
June 2010 Sewer Purchase Journal:  Paul M. made a motion to accept the sewer purchase journal as presented, seconded by David C., after some discussion regarding IDEXX, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
June 2010 Water Purchase Journal:  Christopher L. made a motion to accept the June water purchase journal as printed, seconded by Kurt M., after some discussion regarding Usko’s and Eastman Contracting, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
Grant Acceptance Certification:  David C. made a motion to authorize Theodore Gallup as Chairman to sign grant acceptances on behalf of the Commission, seconded by Paul M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that ditch 2 is on line as of today and that he had a problem with the rotor gearbox and had to order parts to replace it. Dave B. reported that the aerators have been moved and that the plant is back to what it looked like before cleaning and inspecting the ditches. Dave B. reported that the new return pump is all installed and running, but is not quite aligned yet.. Dave B. reported that he and Theodore G. had met with some people on Rocky Rd. that want to tie onto the sewer system, they have decided to try and attach to the New London force main on Jobs Creek. After some discussion regarding how billing for the attachment would work and if New London will agree to this. The Commission does not have any problems with these homes connecting and would have the people attend the September meeting as that will be a joint meeting with New London present. There was much discussion regarding the issues that may come with this line being attached to the force main.
Dave B. reported that he had received a letter from the State that requested marking out sewer lines in the area of a culvert right by the New London pump station in Georges Mills and that he had passed this information on to New London.

Water Treatment Highlights: Dave B. reported that he had a person come out today to look at the concrete tank, this person would propose spraying something in the tank to seal it up well after being sandblasted. Dave B. has not seen any quotes on fixing the tank yet but will let the Commission know how they look. Dave B. reported that he has someone to fix a small concrete block space at the storage tanks.
Dave B. reported that he has received a quote from Herb Stiles to paint River Road pump station and that he is awaiting quotes from other painters in Sunapee.
Dave B. reported that there had been a lead violation from the samples just done in Sunapee and that more testing will most likely be the result of the violation. There was some discussion regarding what could have been the problem and what will happen now.
Dave B. reported that there had been a chlorine violation in June due to a chlorine pump failing at Harbor Hill, he explained what had happened and that the State may be sending a violation letter. There was some discussion regarding being able to sample from another location that may read a better chlorine residual and the possibility of installing an analyzer in the tank for testing chlorine residual.
Dave B. reported that Mr. Austin had come to meet with him this morning and that he does not want to change the line under the neighbor’s driveway. There was some discussion regarding the issue with the line and if he is in agreement with being billed by the street meter. It was decided that the meters at the houses should not be replaced as this will cost the department more money and they may clog again. A letter will be drafted to the owners stating that if at any time in the future there is a large amount of water use due to leakage the line will be shut off.
1st Abatement Request: There was some discussion regarding the terms of the granting of abatement not having been met. Kurt M. made a motion to reject the 1st abatement request due to the fact that not all of the conditions were met to receive the abatement, seconded by Christopher L., after some discussion regarding the portion of the line that was repaired, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
2nd Abatement Request: Paul M. made a motion to deny the second abatement request based on the denial of the 1st abatement request, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

Old & New Business:  
Provan & Lorber request for payment: Paul M. stated that a copy of the invoice should be sent to David Little to see who he believes is responsible for payment.
Dave B. reported that he will be on vacation on the 29th of August. The meeting was scheduled for the 19th of August instead.
Theodore G. would like Neil C. to come back with an answer on where to go from here if there are no results with the funding, or what can be taken to the town for a vote. Neil C. stated that he had attended tonight to get a feeling for where things were at with the Commission. There was some discussion regarding Rural Development and if there was any hope for the grant funding at all. There was some discussion regarding the new Census data and if that would affect the funding for Sunapee in the near future. Neil C. stated that the next step is to put in applications with DES for funding as well as Rural Development. He stated that this year’s SRF loans come with the opportunity for 20-30% debt forgiveness and that there is only 20,000,000 in funding to go around. Neil C. has already put in an application for both New London and Sunapee separately to see if either would qualify for any of this. There was much discussion regarding what is most in need of upgrading at the plant and the possibility of going forward with dewatering and a new headworks. Neil C. stated that it could be portioned into parts and stated that he is back to working on phasing the project as it seems this is how it may have to be done now even if it may cost more in the long run. There was much discussion regarding everything being a priority and which things should be done first. The September meeting with New London there should be a good idea of funds available and what things could be done with those funds. There was some discussion regarding rotors to replace the ones that were at the plant originally. Neil C. feels that purchasing another floating rotor device would be the best idea. Paul M. made a motion for Dave B. to purchase a new horizontal rotor that he had a quote for in the area of $17,000 from replacement funds, seconded by Kurt M., after some discussion, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.

7:35 p.m. Paul M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Christopher L., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2010.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Theodore Gallup-Chairman                                David Montambeault

_________________________________               __________________________________
David Cain                                              Peter Hill

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Christopher Leonard                     

Paul Manson