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Water & Sewer Mins 06/25/09

Board of Commissioners Meeting
June 25, 2009
Sunapee Town Offices
PRESENT: Theodore Gallup – Chairman, Charles Smith, Paul Manson, Kurt Markarian.
ABSENT: David Montambeault, David Cain, Christopher Leonard.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Tina Helm, Mark Kaplan, Larry Balin, Jessie Levine, Richard Lee, Neil Cheseldine.

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:34 p.m.
Wright-Pierce Engineering Contract Update: Jessie L. reported that she has discussed the draft contract with New London legal counsel and that she has a letter from counsel with a few proposed changes to the contract, and that counsel stated that paragraph 5B covers the issue of a performance guarantee. Jessie L. stated that she has spoken with Neil C. and that there is not much that can be done to change the cost of the design engineering. Neil C. stated that the only things that will be billed for is the actual cost of the work as it is performed. He stated that there is an option of doing only a preliminary design contract that would lead to a better idea of the cost of the entire project and that this would be approximately 30% of the cost of a full design contract.
Charles S. stated that he thinks that doing the design in phases makes more sense than doing it all at once. There was some discussion regarding future requirements at the plant and issues with the clarifiers.
Wright-Pierce will draw up a draft contract for the preliminary design. Charles S. questioned what would be included in a preliminary design versus the full design. Neil C. explained the differences.
Jessie L. questioned not being notified about the RDA visit in a timely fashion. Neil C. stated that this visit is with the technical engineer from RDA so that he can evaluate the draft plan for the upgrade as far as needs at the plant. Neil C. stated that everyone will be welcome to attend when RDA is ready to discuss financing.
Wastewater Treatment Highlights: Jessie L. stated that New London wishes to discuss the odor proposal from Wright-Pierce. Dave B. stated that he has requested another odor evaluation for the 4th of July week as it is a notoriously bad time for odors. Dave B. gave a list of items that were addressed at the Dewey Beach Pump Station. There was much discussion regarding the issues in the area and what has been changed at the pump station and in the manhole on Jobs Creek Rd.
Dave B. reported that the new rotor is in and is running well he thinks that there should be some cost savings from running this new rotor.
Dave B. reported that RMI has contacted him and would be presenting a quote on removal of the sludge in the large geo-bags.
Dave B. reported that ditch 1 is back on line after the engineers had inspected it. Neil C. stated that the ditch was in better shape than expected, there are still some issues but not as many as anticipated. Neil C. will inspect the second ditch after Labor Day. Dave B. stated that he thinks cleaning the ditches is a good thing to do as it got rid of much build up in it.
New London departed at 6:30.
Forms for Signing:
May 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes: Kurt M. made a motion to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by Paul M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
May 2009 Sewer Purchase Journal: After some discussion regarding Stearns and the geo-bags, Kurt M. made a motion to accept the sewer purchase journal as printed, seconded by Paul M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
May 2009 Water Purchase Journal: Kurt M. made a motion to accept the purchase journal as written, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
R11GM 1285 Abatement Request: Paul M. made a motion to grant the request for abatement, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
Water Treatment Highlights: Dave B. stated that the water heater at Harbor Hill was being installed today.
Dave B. reported that he had received the approval from the state to use the new chemical. There was some discussion regarding the cost savings that could be realized by using the soda ash.
Dave B. reported that they had done a water dig at Pump Station 5 but the hole was too wet and it did not get installed the way he had intended. project in general.
6:45 p.m. Paul M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.
Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2009.
_________________________________ __________________________________
Theodore Gallup – Chairman David Montambeault – Vice Chair
_________________________________ __________________________________
Christopher Leonard Charles Smith
_________________________________ __________________________________
Kurt Markarian David Cain
Paul Manson
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