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Board of Commissioners Meeting
June 26, 2008
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Aaron Simpson-Vice-Chairperson, Charles Smith, Theodore Gallup, Christopher Leonard, Kurt Markarian.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, William Roach, William Scharff, Joshua Archibald, Regina McCalmont, Bruce Jennings.
ABSENT: Tracy Nangeroni, Paul Manson.

The Vice-Chair called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Perkins Pond –Gary S. and William S. joined the table to give an update on the status of the Pond and the study that DES has not issued yet but has finished. Gary S. explained that at the association meeting he had informed everyone that there still was no report from DES and the association had decided to press on with the sewer project for the spring 2009 ballot. Gary S. gave a synopsis of what had occurred during the study and after the testing had occurred. Gary S. reported that the summer of 2006 was when the report was due out from DES and that he had spoken with Paul Currier from DES who stated that the report was on his desk and that it would be issued soon. Gary S. stated that he had met with the Board of Selectmen at their last meeting and wanted to keep the Commission informed as well on where the association would like to go from here. Gary S. questioned if the Commission had any input as to what could be done to promote the project. There was some discussion regarding what had happened with the previous votes and who would actually be paying for which parts of the project. William R. gave some background on the original failed articles. There was some discussion regarding how to advertise and come before the voters to better inform them on the issue. William S. stated that in 2000 the appraisers had stated that sewering the properties on the pond would result in a 15% increase in valuation and that this would increase tax revenue enough to pay the bond.
Aaron S. stated that he had spoken with Jody Connors at DES and there is something to do with an issue that was not addressed during the study, which is holding up the issuing of it. Aaron S. stated that he is receptive to having the Commission get involved in getting the study issued by writing a letter and addressing it to all the State Representatives as well as DES. The Commission has no objection to sending the letter.
There was some discussion regarding the watershed and the hydraulics of the pond. William S. gave some information on what had happened in the past with dams and problems created by them and the hurricane of 1938. Aaron S. feels that it may be a bad time to put a large ticket item on the ballot. William S. questioned if it would be possible for him to speak with Steve Clifton of Underwood regarding the issue. Theodore G. stated that Underwood might charge to speak with anyone about the issue. There was some discussion about other alternatives to the project. Aaron S. feels that getting the report issued and publishing the findings to better inform the public should be done as soon as possible.

Forms for Signing:
May 29, 2008 Meeting Minutes:  Theodore G. made a motion to approve the meeting minutes as written, seconded by Kurt M., Aaron S. stated that he did not ask the question regarding possible backflow from Granliden. Charles S. stated that he had asked that question and that the minutes should be amended to reflect that. After some discussion regarding Granliden, new counsel for the Commission, and billing the Police Department for electricity, Christopher L. made a motion to amend the minutes as noted, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor of amending the minutes, so declared by the Vice-Chair. Voted unanimously in favor of approving the minutes as amended, so declared by the Vice-Chair.

Odors at White Shutters: Regina M. questioned if the Commission had any more information on the testing done in the White Shutters area. The Commission responded that they had just received a report and had not had time to investigate the findings in it. There was some discussion about having a special meeting to address the odor issue. There was some discussion regarding the problems and who needs to fix them. Dave B. stated that he would be installing the recommended equipment at the Dewey Beach Pump Station and that in August he would have the engineer come back and do another round of testing. Regina M. thanked the Commission for addressing the issue.

Department Organization:  Aaron S. stated that he would like to enter non-public session to discuss the letter that Joshua A. had sent to the Commission. Theodore G. made a motion to enter non-public session pursuant to 91-A:3 subparagraph (a), seconded by Kurt M., polled the Commission, all were in favor. The Commission entered non-public session at 6:33p.m.
The Commission returned to public session at 6:36 p.m. While in non-public session the Commission decided that the issue of department organization did not need to be discussed in non-public session. Aaron S. stated that he did not agree with the organizational chart for the department that the Town had created. There was some discussion regarding the chart and the number of employees that can be in the different tiers of employment. There was some discussion regarding the differences in pay and job descriptions. Charles S. feels that it is Dave B.’s problem to solve and that the Commission would be happy to do what Dave B. suggests. There was some discussion regarding the longevity of employees in the department and the amount of training employees need to attain certification. The Commission feels that it is Dave B.’s decision as to what classification his employees should be at and that Dave B. should put together his own organizational chart bearing budgetary constraints in mind.

Forms for Signing Continuted:
May 2008 Sewer Purchase Journal:  There was some discussion regarding Stearns and the City of Concord. There was some discussion regarding the pump station painting and clean up. Theodore G. made a motion to approve the purchase journal, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chair.
May 2008 Water Purchase Journal:  Theodore G. made a motion to approve the purchase journal, seconded by Christopher L., after some discussion regarding Crazy Ed’s and Twin Ridge Polaris, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chair.
1st Additional Billing Warrants 2008:  Kurt M. made a motion to accept the water and sewer rent collectors warrants as presented, seconded by Charles S., after some discussion, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chair.
Certificate of Authorization:  Theodore G. made a motion to authorize Tracy N. to sign the state grant application on behalf of the Commission, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chair.

Water Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that he has a customer on Central Street that would like to have the water turned back on after years of being on a well. He stated that he remembers having disconnected the service in the street when he was working for the highway department. There was some discussion regarding what had happened and that the customer will have to pay for the time and materials to fix the issue. There was some discussion regarding the bond fees and if they could be back charged to the customer. There was some discussion regarding legal counsel and who to hire, Holly L. will call DRA and LGC regarding the bonding question.
Holly L. mentioned that Donna N. wanted an official vote of the Commission to accept the Granliden line in order for the Town to issue payment of the article 23 funds to the water department. Charles S. made a motion to take receipt of the funds from the Town, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor.

Old & New Business:  
Holly L. had drafted a memo to the engineering firms to be interviewed at the July meeting. Holly L. reported that George N. of DES had offered to sit in on the interviews if the Commission would like. The Commission would have Dave B. invite George N. to the July meeting. There was some discussion regarding the amount of time that is being allotted for each interview. Aaron S. feels that the interviews need to be short, Charles S. feels that the timing is too tight. There was some discussion regarding what criteria the Commission would be using for their decision. Aaron S. feels that the CIP plan and the 2000 Wastewater Study should be sent to each of the firms with the memo. The Commission would have the project engineer at the interview. The timing of the interviews was changed to allow for time between interviewees.
Charles S. stated that he was upset that a vote of the Commission had not been followed through with. There has not been anyone appointed to the sludge committee from the joint meeting. Aaron S. asked if anyone was interested in being on the Committee no one was. Aaron S. asked if Charles S. would head the Committee, Charles S. stated that he would.  

8:30 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2008.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Tracy Nangeroni - Chairperson                   Aaron Simpson – Vice Chair

_________________________________               __________________________________
Christopher Leonard                                     Charles Smith

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Theodore Gallup                 

Paul Manson