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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2008/05/29

Board of Commissioners Meeting
May 29, 2008
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Tracy Nangeroni-Chairperson, Charles Smith, Theodore Gallup, Paul Manson, Christopher Leonard, Aaron Simpson.

Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, David Little.

ABSENT: Kurt Markarian.

The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.

Granliden – Dave L. reported that Granliden is all hooked up to the municipal water system and that he needs to adjust the rate that the water is coming in at. He stated that Granliden would have to install a flow restricter to slow down the rate of flow. Aaron S. questioned if there had been any comments on the water quality or taste, Dave L. stated that he had not heard any. Christopher L. questioned what size tank there was at the inlet to Granliden’s system, Dave L. reported that it is a 5000 gallon tank. Charles S. questioned if there may be any potential for back flow into the town’s system. Dave L. stated that there is an air gap where the water enters Granliden’s tank to prevent any potential back flow.
Dave B. stated that he plans on changing some valves in the harbor area and that it may mean turning off the water to Granliden for some amount of time. Dave L. will just need some notice so that he can have enough water in storage for the event.
There was some discussion regarding town counsel and if there would be a written contract with Granliden. Aaron S. feels that the Commission needs to find new counsel. There was some discussion regarding who could be hired as counsel for the Commission. Holly L. will contact the Local Government Center and ask if they have a list of possible candidates.
There was some discussion regarding the warrant article funds from the town. Holly L. has spoken with DRA and the Local Government Center and both answered that the funds could be paid to Granliden because it was the intent of the vote to pay for the cost of the water line running on Jobs Creek Rd. Aaron S. would like to see something to this effect in writing from DRA, Holly L. will see if they will put their opinion in writing for the Commission.
There was some discussion regarding how long the Granliden water project had been in the works before the actual completion. Dave L. stated that he thinks it has been about 16 years that he has been working on the project.

Forms for Signing:
April 23, 2008 Meeting Minutes:  Aaron S. made a motion to approve the April 23, 2008 meeting minutes as presented, seconded by Christopher L., after some discussion regarding Perkins Pond and the fact that the report from DES is not yet final, Charles S. passed out a sheet with figures on the electrical cost of having the repeater at Harbor Hill. There was some discussion regarding the figures and what the actual cost may end up being. The Commission would send a bill to the police department for a years worth of electric use figured at $30.00 per month, then in a year evaluate the bills and electric usage to determine if this amount is realistic. The Commission voted unanimously in favor of approving the minutes, so declared by the Chairperson. in
April 2008 Sewer Purchase Journal: After some discussion regarding Ron Meserve and parts for the muffin monster, Aaron S. made a motion to approve the sewer purchase journal for April as presented, seconded by Theodore G., after some discussion regarding Blue River Technologies and the geobags, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.
April 2008 Water Purchase Journal: Theodore G. made a motion to accept the water purchase journal as presented, seconded by Aaron S., after some discussion regarding the Secretary of State’s Office and Stantec doing the stage 2 DBP/LTR reports as well as where the issue with HAA5’s is originating, Theodore G., Paul M., and Aaron S. decided that they will get together and inspect the intake and get some samples from around it. The Commission voted unanimously in favor of accepting the water purchase journal, so declared by the Chairperson.
HHR 63 Abatement Request:  Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement request for HHR 63 as requested, seconded by Theodore G., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.
PHR 85 Abatement Request:  After some discussion regarding the property, Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement request for PHR 85 as presented, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.
LAS 81 Abatement Request:  Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement request for discussion purposes, seconded by Charles S., after some discussion regarding the ordinances and what had occurred at the property, voted unanimously opposed, so declared by the Chairperson.
BHT 10 Abatement Request:  Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement in the amount of $195.00, seconded by Christopher L., after some discussion regarding non use of the water, Chris withdrew his second. Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement in the amount of $390.00, seconded by Theodore G., voted 5 in favor, 1 opposed, the motion passed in the majority, so declared by the Chairperson.

Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that more sludge has been going into the geobags, and that Stearns is still hauling sludge to Concord. Dave B. reported that Ken Lyman had come and done some work on the bridge so that Stearns could get into the plant with his larger truck. Dave B. reported that the engineers have been doing some borings on the road and that the issues with permits are slowing down any work beginning on the bridge.
Dave B. reported that he had met with Stantec today and that the gas testers had been removed from New London’s manhole and the Dewey Beach Pump Station. The results at the time of removal showed 12 ppm in the New London Manhole and 0 in the pump station. Joe Uglevich from Stantec can attend the next meeting to discuss his recommendations and possible solutions to the odor issues. Paul M. questioned if there is a vent on the pump station, Dave B. reported that there is a vent and that there is a charcoal filter on the blower at the station. Dave B. reported that the plant has been running nicely and that the flows have dropped considerably since April. Charles S. stated that at the last meeting there had been discussion regarding coming to an agreement with New London on flow percentages. Holly L. reported that she and Dave B. are going to meet with Jessie L. to discuss the meter issues.

Water Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that another filter will be cleaned probably on Monday at Harbor Hill. He is thinking that he should get all 3 filters running at a slower rate instead of just 2 at a higher rate to see if this helps with the TOC issue that may be causing the high HAA5 readings.
Dave B. reminded the Commissioners that the final Lake Avenue Progress meeting will be tomorrow at 1:00. There was some discussion regarding the height of the hydrants and issues with them for snow removal purposes. There was some discussion regarding a hydrant in a bad location on Springfield Road.
Theodore G. brought up that at River Road pump station there could be some savings on heating costs if some double paned windows could be installed.
Dave B. reported that there had been some vandalism at the Georges Mills well site.
Dave B. reported to the Commission different pressure readings that had been taken on the line to Heritage Drive and that none of them had come in at the 35 psi required. Dave B. priced out the cost to replace the entire line and not including and RPZ device and pavement the parts would cost around $2,500.00. The Commission feels that if the owner put in a large holding tank near the meter they could then install a pump to supply the necessary pressure.
Dave B. had received a quote for running an 8” line from Main Street under the river to make a loop, and it came in at $38,400. Aaron S. questioned if this would be a necessary improvement to the system. Dave B. stated that it is on the Capital Improvement Plan. The Commission would bring it up at the time when warrant articles are being discussed.
There was some discussion regarding the HAA5 violation and the intent to comply form that needed to be signed. Tracy N. signed the intent to comply form.
There was some discussion regarding the Winn Hill service line that was an issue.

Old & New Business:  Statements of Qualifications from 3 engineering firms were distributed for review. Aaron S. would review the information and have the 3 engineers attend the July meeting for interviews. Dave B. will call and check references listed for the 3 candidates.
Charles S. questioned when the plaque would be installed and where. There was some discussion about the plaque being installed on River Road Pump Station.
Christopher L. mentioned a problem manhole that he had seen on Depot Road. Dave B. stated that there are 2 manholes there that are bad and he is having them fixed along with others in town.

8:05 p.m. Paul M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Aaron S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairperson.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2008.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Tracy Nangeroni - Chairperson                   Aaron Simpson – Vice Chair

_________________________________               __________________________________
Christopher Leonard                                     Charles Smith

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Theodore Gallup                 

Paul Manson