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Town of Sunapee Water and Sewer
Board of Commissioners Meeting
January 31, 2008
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: David Montambeault-Vice Chairman, Charles Smith, Aaron Simpson, Theodore Gallup, Paul Manson.
ABSENT: Tracy Nangeroni-Chairperson, Helen Charpentier.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Jessie Levine, Brian Prescott, Larry Ballin, Richard Lee, Anthony Bergeron, Steve McGrath, Herb Tobey, Regina McCalmont, Walter Goddard.

Charles S. called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m.
David M. arrived at 5:40 p.m. and chaired the remainder of the meeting.

Forms for Signing:
Aaron S. made a motion to let the persons attending for abatements go first on the agenda, seconded by Theodore G., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by Charles S.
LAS 375 Abatement Request:  Steve McGrath stated that he was attending to represent the St. James Rectory. Steve M. gave a synopsis of why he was requesting the abatement for the Rectory, and questioned what type of procedure the Commission has for monitoring the water lines. There was some discussion regarding the line to the building and the fact that it is a summer line. Steve M. questioned if there may have been any flow testing on that line at the time of the leak. Dave B. explained that there may have been testing on the new Lake Avenue line at several times over the summer but that this was segregated from the working line that serves the Rectory. Steve M. stated that he had not entered an amount requested for the abatement and would leave that up to the Commission. Theodore G. made a motion to grant the abatement in the amount of one half of the overage charge, seconded by Charles S., after some discussion regarding not for profit organizations, and what ramifications there could be in granting this abatement, voted 3 in favor, 1 opposed, passes in the majority, so declared by the Vice-Chair.
SNK 7 Abatement Request:  David M. stated that he knew that there were 8 bedrooms in the house in question prior to the sewer attachment fees being instated, and that there had been a playhouse building on that property as well. After some discussion Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement as requested, seconded by Theodore G., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.
HD 16 Abatement Request:  Walter Goddard presented that he lives at 16 Heritage Drive and has been experiencing problems with water pressure since 2005. There was some discussion regarding the water line and what had happened in the past with having water lines that are above the line where sufficient water pressure can be delivered. There was some discussion regarding approaching a neighbor to see if the line could be run across their land then to a tank where the Goddards could pump up from. David M. would like to see the line hitched on somewhere other than where it is now. Walt G. stated that he thinks the neighbors are  worried about this causing them to lose pressure at their homes. Aaron S. questioned whay the line has lost pressure over the years. Dave B. explained that there is more of a problem with volume on that line which creates the pressure issue as the property is above the 1218 elevation that can be supplied with sufficient water pressure and volume. There was some discussion regarding where the line runs and what options might resolve the issue. The Commission would suggest doing some tests in the spring to see what can be done to remedy the issue. David M. would propose looking into some options and come up with a plan to solve the issue and see how much this may cost. Aaron S. made a motion to approve the abatement in the amount of $95.00, seconded by Theodore G., voted 3 in favor, 1 abstained, passes in the majority, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.

New London/Sunapee Joint Quarterly Meeting see Joint Meeting Minutes:  
Tax Collectors Lien Warrant:  
Aaron S. made a motion to approve the warrant in the amount of $53,204.98, seconded by
Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.

Old & New Business:  Dave B. reported that there needs to be a laboratory analyst certification added to the requirement options for the job descriptions of Operator I and Operator II. David M. made a motion to add the Wastewater Laboratory Analyst as another license for the Operator I and Operator II job descriptions, seconded by Aaron S., voted 4 in favor, 1 abstained, passes in the majority, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.

8:10 p.m. Aaron S. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Theodore G., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Vice-Chairman.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2008.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Tracy Nangeroni, Chairman                               David Montambeault, Vice-Chairman

_________________________________               __________________________________
Aaron Simpson                                   Charles Smith

_________________________________               __________________________________
Helen Charpentier                                       Theodore Gallup                 

Paul Manson