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ABSENT: Robert Henry, Helen Charpentier, David Montambeault The Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:40 p.m. Granliden Water Line: David L. stated that Granliden has been working on getting the financing for the water line project in place and that they are looking into the New London sewer easement route to find out if it is financially feasible to utilize. There was some discussion regarding who the easement was granted by. David L. stated that he had met with the Conservation Commission last night and went over some issues such as tree cutting with them. David L. stated that Granliden still does not know if the cross country route is feasible and that he has been looking into what steps would need to be taken in order to run the water line that way. Aaron S. questioned how much of the easement is in wetlands. David L. stated that there were some wetlands near Dewey Beach and in some other spots. There was some discussion regarding what options there could be for running the water line in the New London right of way. There was some discussion regarding whether the Town might be interested in helping out with the cost in order to have the pipe run down Jobs Creek Road. Tracy N. questioned who owns the water line once it is completed and what kind of maintenance issues there may be due to the cross-country route. There was some discussion about the water department owning the pipe once it is finished and what the cross-country route means to the department. David L. departed at 6:05 p.m. 2007 Rates: Sewer Rates: There was some discussion regarding the new budgets and last years budgets. After some review of the print outs that were handed out, Charles S. made a motion to increase the sewer user rates by $10.00 per year, seconded by Theodore G., after some discussion , voted unanimously in favor so declared by the Chairman. Water Rates: There was much discussion regarding water use and equivalent units. There was some discussion regarding Granliden and what rates they would pay. Charles S. suggested reducing the flat rate amount from 18,000 to 16,000 gallons per billing to encourage conservation. There was some discussion regarding Granliden and how changing the rates will effect all the users. Theodore G. made a motion to raise the water user fees by $10.00 per year, seconded by Charles s., after some discussion regarding dropping the flat fee gallonage next year, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman. Ordinance Changes: After some explanation of what changes had been made, Aaron S. suggested moving the miscellaneous section to the last part and to have the cross-connection control section right after metering. It was decided that the attachment fee section should be directly after billing and rates, with the construction section right before the metering section. Aaron S. suggested that the format for all sections should be more uniform throughout the ordinance booklet. Holly L. will revise the booklet and it will be discussed at a future meeting. Old & New Business: There was a letter of deficiency from DES received for review by the Commission. Charles S. brought up the fact that it had been voted on in the past not to address anything that was not included in the packets. Aaron S. would have Tracy N. contact Tom Croteau to see if the response deadline could be moved to after the next meeting. Aaron S. feels that the response letter should be more definitive regarding what actions should be taken to resolve the deficiencies. 8:20 p.m. Aaron S. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. Submitted by Holly Leonard. Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2007. _________________________________ __________________________________ Tracy Nangeroni, Chairman David Montambeault, Vice-Chairman _________________________________ __________________________________ Aaron Simpson Charles Smith _________________________________ __________________________________ Helen Charpentier Theodore Gallup _________________________________ PAGE 3 PAGE 2 Town of Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission March 8, 2007 Minutes RW l до ФзЈ­Ў45;<=>?ABCIJKLMŒќїќђќђќђќђќыїќслсаслќЪслсПслЙЪќ hDK|CJh+6Н0JmHnHu hDK|CJhDK|0JmHnHu hDK|0JjhDK|0JU hDK|5>* hDK|>* hDK|5hDK|%3RSЅо   T W m гдт,ŽљљљїїёьёїїщщщщозаззЩТТ & F@& & F@& & F@&„@&`„ „„@&^„`„@&$a$$@&a$ ЦрР!4ŽўўŽЄWXYУФйЎЏ789:;WXЎЏѕ45јёјјјјјјъјпеЯЯЯЭЪЭЪЯЯЯЯ@& ЦрР!  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