ࡱ> CEB5@  bjbj22 !.XX`g8 $(:::$R!BB::W555::555 l: @݁@*m0*" ""T" Zo@54 BB +  Board of Commissioners Meeting February 22, 2007 Sunapee Town Offices PRESENT: Charles Smith, Aaron Simpson, David Montambeault-Vice Chairman, Theodore Gallup, Helen Charpentier. Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, Betsy Boege, Jessie Levine. ABSENT: Robert Henry, Tracy Nangeroni The Vice-Chairman called the meeting to order at 5:35 p.m. Forms for Signing: January 25, 2007 Meeting Minutes: Aaron S. made a motion to approve the minutes as printed, seconded by Helen C., there was some discussion regarding the Lake Avenue project funding and the letter that was sent to David Irwin. Aaron S. questioned what had happened with the letter sent to Granliden. There was some discussion regarding the need to find out what Granliden is proposing to do at this point in time. Dave B. will request that David L. attend the next meeting to discuss the easement issues. Voted unanimously in favor of approving the minutes, so declared by the Vice-Chairman. January 2007 Sewer Purchase Journal: Charles S. made a motion to approve the sewer purchase journal as presented, seconded by Aaron S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chairman. January 2007 Water Purchase Journal: Charles S. made a motion to accept the Water Purchase Journal as presented, seconded by Theodore G., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Vice-Chairman. Wastewater Treatment Highlights: Dave B. reported that the plant has been experiencing problems with freezing up and is not working very well due to the extreme cold. There was some discussion regarding wasting and the amount of solids being put into the ditches. There was some discussion regarding warming up the ditches and if there was any options that would help the situation. Dave B. reported that A/D Instruments will be coming to calibrate the meters at the treatment plant. Dave B. will notify New London so that they can schedule calibration at the same time. There was some discussion regarding the changing of the weir plate and if the calibrations were being done properly. Betsy B. stated that there was an issue with the Georges Mills pump station meter and that New London would be using the town line meter readings as they were more accurate. Betsy B. reported that Paul Casey had confirmed that the Town Line meter was reading accurately. Dave B. reported that the Geobags have not been disposed of yet and that he has permission from Waste Management to take them to their landfill. First he will check with EPA to see if they will allow this to happen when the bags defrost. Betsy B. asked if anything had been done with the flow meter for the sludge pump. Dave B. reported that it is on order and will be installed as soon as it is received. There was some discussion regarding the permit and the capital improvement study. Dave B. reported that Jeff MacDonald of Stantec had been to the plant but he has not seen any recommendations from him yet. Betsy B. questioned if the cost analysis for the geo-bags had been completed yet. Dave B. reported that is has not been done yet. There was some discussion regarding different options for sludge dewatering. Charles S. asked if DES has presented any findings on Perkins Pond yet? Holly L. reported that the study is still underway and that DES is now doing a build out scenario. Betsy B. referenced the warrant to do away with the New London Sewer Commission and stated that this may change prior to the next meeting. There was some discussion regarding the intertown agreement and what may happen if the Commission is dissolved. Betsy B. and Jessie L. departed at 6:15 p.m. Water Treatment Highlights: Dave B. reported that there had been a water line break by Marzellis Deli the end of January and that the insurance company is dealing with damage to the building from that break. Dave B. described the problem that had caused the leak and stated that when the weather gets better it will be fixed more permanently. Dave B. reported that Chris Roberts has received his certification from Supervisors Academy I and that Dave B. will be attending Supervisors Academy II in May. Dave B. reported that the customer on Springfield Rd. with the leak has not responded to the certified letter that was sent. After some discussion it was decided that Dave B. should speak with the owner and give suggestions on how to remedy the issue. There was some discussion regarding having another meeting in two weeks as David M. had to leave. The meeting will be held on March 8th and Holly L. will notify everyone as to where it will be. Dave M. turned the Chairing of the remainder of the meeting over to Charles S. at 6:45. Old & New Business: Ordinance Changes: Will be discussed at the next meeting. Aaron S. stated that there were some issues with the sanitary survey and that the emergency plan is one of them. He has started compiling much information on emergency plans and would send the most updated version of Sunapees plans to DES for review. It was decided that a copy of the letter from Rick Skarinka would be given to Stantec for them to review. Lake Avenue Bid Recommendation: Aaron S. made a motion to approve the bid award to DBU Construction, as recommended by Underwood Engineers, seconded by Theodore G., after some discussion regarding possible upcharges and ledge and boulder removal, voted 3 in favor, 1 abstained, passes in the majority, so declared by the meeting Chairman. Aaron S. questioned if anything had been done with the plaque for River Road, David M. will be asked about this at the next meeting. 7:35 p.m. Aaron S. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Theodore G., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairman. Submitted by Holly Leonard. Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2007. _________________________________ __________________________________ Tracy Nangeroni, Chairman David Montambeault, Vice-Chairman _________________________________ __________________________________ Aaron Simpson Charles Smith _________________________________ __________________________________ Helen Charpentier Theodore Gallup _________________________________ PAGE 3 PAGE 3 Town of Sunapee Water & Sewer Commission February 22, 2007 Minutes Lf x z _  -G?R` a g h i j k m n o u v w x y ִܺ h6gCJh 0JmHnHu h6gCJh6g0JmHnHu h6g0Jjh6g0JU h6g5>* h6gH* h6g>* h6g5h6g(%7LM ' ( ) e f z \ _  & F@&@&` & F @& @&^`@&$a$$@&a$ !`  X,-'$?TJ[\]^ !  !h^h @&^` & F@& & F@&@&`^_`abcdefg!`a 8 9 ] ` k l h]h&`#$@& !l m n y h]h&`#$ 0/ =!"#$%<@< NormalCJ_HmH sH tH 8@8 Heading 1$@&>*@@@ Heading 2$h@&^h>*DA@D Default Paragraph FontVi@V  Table Normal :V 44 la (k@(No List d$@d Envelope Address!@ &+D/^@ ;CJ4@4 Header  !4 @4 Footer  !.)@!. 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