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Selectmen's Minutes November 21, 2005

November 21, 2005

Present:                William Roach, Frederick Gallup and Richard Leone.

Also Present:           Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Absent:         Emma Smith and Stephen White

Others Present: Aaron Aldredge, James Aubuchon, Susan Aubuchon, R. D. Ogden,
                        Norman Logan, Ada Logan, Cary Hill, Allen Henry, and Police
                        Chief David Cahill


Browns Hill Association:  Flashing Light/Speed Limit

James Aubuchon was present to speak with Board.  The Browns Hill Association is requesting that the Selectmen endorse the erection of a yellow, flashing light at the intersection of Browns Hill and Route 11.  They are also requesting that the present 50 MPH speed limit be reduced.  Mr. Aubuchon explained that there has been a great amount of accidents at this intersection.  There was even one fatal accident.  The line of sight is blocked by ledge and a hill.  Speed is a factor.  The Association feels that by lowering the speed limit, reaction time will be increased.  They recommend a speed limit of 40 MPH.  They are in the hopes that a flashing light and a lower speed limit will make the intersection safer.  Police Chief David Cahill spoke in favor of the light and reduction in speed.  He presented the Selectmen with a diagram which depicted the length it would take a vehicle, with driver’s reaction time, to stop at this intersection.  Fred Gallup asked if removing the ledge and hill would be a solution.  Chief Cahill stated that it would be the ultimate solution, but does not foresee this.  Richard Leone asked what the state required for a line of sight.  Chief Cahill responded that he believed it was 300 feet and noted that this intersection does not follow that rule.  R. Leone asked if Chief Cahill had been in touch with the State highway department.  He responded that he had and Donna Nashawaty produced a copy of a letter dated February 2005 in which the state addressed the accidents at this intersection.  It is his feeling that the State is not interested in working in this area at anytime soon.  He would like to see a speed limit of 40 MPH to 45 MPH.  Chief Cahill’s department has patrolled the area and will continue but feels that reducing the speed limit and the flashing light along with police patrol will be a win-win situation and will curb the problem.  Donna Nashawaty showed the Selectmen a letter from Mt. Royal Academy requesting the current 35 MPH speed limit sign be moved further up the road.  Fred Gallup suggested that the state be contacted and request that a flashing light be installed and also a reduction in the speed limit from 50 MPH to 40 MPH.  They should also be requested to improve the line of sight.  Chief Cahill produced a letter from Newport Sgt. Robertson endorsing the reduction in speed limit.  There have been 74 reportable accidents from the Radio Shack to Otter Pond since 2003 with 29 of them occurring in the Browns Hill area.  A total of 1721 cars have been stopped for speeding in this same area since 2003 with 274 of those at the Browns Hill intersection.  D. Nashawaty read a letter outlining the process to reduce the speed limit and have a flashing light installed.  F. Gallup recommended that D. Nashawaty write to NH DOT to petition that the speed limit be lowered to 40 MPH, a flashing light be installed and the blockage removed to improve the line of sight.  The others agreed and this will be done.  Mr. Ogden recommended that also a “Dangerous Intersection” sign be erected.  D. Nashawaty again discussed the request of Mt. Royal.  It was agreed that the 35 MPH sign would be moved up the road further.


Please see agenda attached to file copy of minutes.


A.  Town Assistance Guidelines

The Selectmen were given the Assistance Guidelines at the last meeting to review.   R. Leone inquired if all individuals were treated equally and fairly.  D. Nashawaty explained that they were and that is why the guidelines are necessary as it makes the process much clearer and fairer.  Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to accept the Town Assistance Guidelines as presented.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  D. Nashawaty reported that Sunapee Police Sgt. Joseph Collins is a part of the Communications Western Operations Unit.

B.    D. Nashawaty discussed with the Selectmen the fate of the old Town safe now at the Police Department.  She informed the Board that while going through old Town Reports searching for something else, she came up an article appropriating $80 in 1902 to purchase the safe.  Chief Cahill stated that he would take the safe with him when his department moves into the new building but that it would have to be placed in the basement section of the new building and would never be able to be moved.  Fred Gallup said he would like to see if the Historical Society would like the safe.  He did not want to see it put where it would never be seen.  D. Nashawaty will contact the society to see if they would like to take possession of the safe.

C.  William Roach discussed a letter received from Representative Gale regarding the bills to come before the house.  When the Selectmen met with the Speaker of the House on November 8, they were told that Mr. Gale would give to them the wording for the new LSR and they should have it, at the latest, on Monday, November 14.  To date, the Selectmen and Manager have not heard from Representative Gale.  Mr. Gale wrote in his letter to the Board that he will post the bills on his web site when ready.  The Board expressed their being upset that Mr. Gale has not provided them with the wording of the LSR since he has it.  D. Nashawaty was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Gale requesting the wording of the LSR.  Fred Gallup wanted to know the latest date the Board can request a discussion with the committee regarding the bill should the wording not be changed to their satisfaction.  D. Nashawaty will check into this.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to have the Town Manager write to Representative Gale asking what the wording LSR is so that the Board may review it, inform Mr. Gale of the time line and request his support for the accountability bill.  The motion was seconded by Frederick Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  D. Nashawaty announced that the 2005 tax rate is $11.69 per thousand.  Richard Leone asked if many complaints were received after the bills were mailed.  D. Nashawaty reported that they were very few and the public has been directed to speak with the Assessor, Norm Bernaiche if they had any questions.    D. Nashawaty read a letter of complaint from one property owner.  This will be referred to the assessor for a response.

E.  D. Nashawaty asked if the Selectmen could meet with the Water and Sewer Commissioners on Monday, November 28 to discuss work at the Safety Services Building and the Lake Ave. projects.  The Police Chief and Road Agent will be asked to attend.

F.  D. Nashawaty reported that she is still working on the new lease with the Mt. Kearsarge.

G.  D. Nashawaty will meet at 3:45 PM with F. Gallup and E. Smith on Tuesday, November 22 to discuss her salary.

Motion was made by Frederick Gallup at 9:05 PM to enter non-public session in accordance with RSA 91-A: 3II(a) to discuss personnel.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The voice vote was unanimous.

Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to leave non-public session at 9:25 PM.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The voice vote was unanimous.

Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to seal the minutes.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The voice vote was unanimous.

H.  D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she received a letter from the School Board stating that they would be putting $6,000.00 in the budget request to resurface the proposed access road.  She also informed the Board that testing has been done with ledge and the Road Agent participated in this.


A.  R. Leone raised discussion on a new bill regarding the right to know law which will make it much harder for Selectmen to communicate when not at a meeting.  No town business should be discussed by the Board members when not at a noticed public meeting.  Comment was made that the Board has always been extremely careful about this.  

B.  R. Leone reported that he had met with Ron Verblauw and Mike Durfor of the Harbor Riverway and was very encouraged by what he saw.  Discussion was held on focusing on what should be done with the old Town Hall when the Police Department moves out.  Interest was expressed in keeping the Woodbine cottage for possible future development.  

C.  Discussion was held on the placement of a warrant article in the Town Meeting 2006 warrant to ask if the residents wish to secede from Sullivan County.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved____________________

____________________________                    ____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                      Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    ____________________________
Frederick Gallup                                                      Richard Leone

Stephen W. White