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Selectmen's Minutes November 7, 2005
NOVEMBER 7, 2005

Present:        William Roach, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, Richard
                Leone and Stephen White

Also Present:  Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Others: Jim Powers, Peter Fenton, Mary Beth Fenton, Tim Fenton,
                Peter Fenton and Catherine Busheuff.

7:00 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairman William Roach


7:00 PM:  Public Hearing Timothy Road and Jeffrey Drive

Chairman Roach opened the hearing at 7:00 PM.  He explained that the roads came about as a result of a subdivision off of Bradford Road.  It is his understanding that the roads have been constructed to town specifications and the developer is now requesting that the Town accept these roads and take over the maintenance.  Emma Smith asked if these roads were Class V roads.  Donna Nashawaty responded that they would be classified Class V if taken over by the Town.  She informed the Board that the Road Agent and Fire Chief have both inspected the roads and are satisfied.  They recommend the Town accept these roads.  W. Roach asked about a question of a boundary line in this subdivision approximately one year ago.  D. Nashawaty explained that she was approached by an individual who lived on the property, but did not own it, accusing the developer of moving a property line.  No legal action was ever taken and a plat properly signed and stamped by a surveyor has been recorded at the Sullivan County Registry of Deeds.  There were no comments from the public.  W. Roach closed the hearing at 7:07 PM.  Motion was made by Stephen White that the Board accept Timothy Road and Jeffrey Drive as Class V, Town roads, as accepted by the Road Agent.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

7:15 PM:  Kearsarge Lease Negotiation

W. Roach explained that this was discussion to renew the present lease for the Mt. Kearsarge to dock at Sunapee Harbor.  He questioned if this should be conducted in non-public session or not.  The Fenton’s were asked if they wished to negotiate in non-public session.  The response was that they did not mind discussing this in public.  D. Nashawaty stated that it was her understanding that if the Board wished to privately discuss negotiations, among themselves, then they would have the option to enter non-public session.  D. Nashawaty explained that the lease renewal is being discussed late as it ran out November 1, 2005.  It was a short lease, May 15 to November 1.  Hopefully, a longer lease can be established this year.  D. Nashawaty read a letter from Watermark informing that they had visually inspected the dock.  All recommended repairs have been made to the dock.  There is no visual sign of wear and tear.  Stephen White recommended that the lease be for one year.  Possibly January to December.  Frederick Gallup recommended that the lease run from ice out to ice in time such as May to May.  Emma Smith asked if the Fenton’s were considering docking in Newbury.  The reply was that the conversations surrounding this were informal and no offer was ever made.    P. Fenton asked if the Board might consider doing a multi-year lease, with a clause to consider the lease amount each year.  A five year, multi-year lease, would make his business feel more secure.  F. Gallup agreed and suggested rather than May, a November to November lease be considered with discussion to be held each year on the lease amount.  D. Nashawaty stated that if the Board should do a multi-year lease, it must have an out clause because the existing Board cannot bind future Board’s to any long term agreements.  The lease could be a five year lease with a six month out clause on each anniversary.  S. White commented that he thought the boat was well received by the community and thanked the Fenton’s for the good job and great atmosphere they offered residents and visitors.  R. Leone asked how many people did the boat bring to the harbor this past summer.  B. Fenton stated that approximately 8,000 to 10,000 people purchased tickets this past summer.  T. Fenton stated that he feels the boat helps the town as their passengers generally visit the stores in the harbor.  He feels that the afternoon trips went very well.  R. Leone asked if the 2 hour parking limit recently instituted in Lot 1, Parking lot D, would affect their business.  P. Fenton responded that he knew and advertised that parking was available behind the gazebo.  Discussion was held on the availability of handicapped parking and if the 2 hour limit applies to handicapped spaces.  D. Nashawaty will check into this with the Police Chief.  R. Leone asked how many people did the Mt. Kearsarge employ.  B. Fenton responded that approximately 15 people were hired this past summer.  Most of then are high school and college students.  D. Nashawaty raised the issue of snowmobilers on the lake and asked the Fentons about the Aqua Term Registration solution.  She suggested that maybe a winter berth might want to be investigated rather than leaving the boat in the harbor.  The Fentons stated that they would try to think of a way to get the boat out of the way for snowmobilers.  P. Fenton asked the Selectmen if they planned to do some work on the dock in the coming year.  D. Nashawaty responded that it was in the Highway Department budget to redo the entire dock in 2006.  Discussion was held on what amount to charge for the lease.  D. Nashawaty stated that there was nothing to compare this with and she had a hard time coming up with a figure for 2005.  F. Gallup stated he thought the Board was in agreement with the multi-year lease, to be reviewed November 1 to November 1 of each year, containing an out clause, the receipt of a letter of credit, proof of insurance coverages, so all that was left was to determine an amount.  W. Roach suggested a percentage rate.  S. White suggested going by something with the number of passengers.  F. Gallup suggested a percentage of the gross receipts.  D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the Mt. Kearsarge pays for the electricity in the public bathrooms at the harbor and also pays for watering the gardens.  It was agreed to come back to this subject later in the evening.


Please see the agenda attached to the file copy of the minutes.


D. Nashawaty suggested dates for the 2006 budget hearing and deliberative session.  It was agreed that the budget hearing would be held January 11, 2006 at the high school gym at 6:30 PM and the deliberative session would be held February 8, 2006 at the high school at 6:30 PM.  Town Meeting day is March 14, 2006.  


Please see the agenda attached to the file copy of the minutes.


A.  Tax Rate:    D. Nashawaty stated that she had hoped she would have the new tax rate to announce to the Board but does not as a mistake appeared on one of the school’s forms.  The rate was tentively set, but now has to be recalculated.  R. Leone stated that it was his understanding that the only SAU who can’t get their figures into the DRA when needed was SAU 43.  Discussion was held on what the Board should do about this to try to prevent it next year.  F. Gallup suggested a meeting with the School Board.  
B.  Access Road:  D. Nashawaty received communication from the School Board that they would place the $6,000.00 in their budget to surface the access road, but it might be a moot point and may not need to be addressed.

C.  D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the Town Hall would be closed on Friday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day.

D.  Stephen White recommended that Aaron Simpson be appointed to the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Council as one of Sunapee’s representatives.  This would be the position now occupied by Donna Nashawaty who does not have the time for this commitment.  Motion was made by Frederick Gallup to appoint Aaron Simpson as Sunapee’s representative to the Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Council.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The next meeting is November 16.  D. Nashawaty will call A. Simpson to let him know.  The vote was four in favor and one abstention.  The vote passed.

E.  A brief discussion was held on the conference in Manchester on November 16 and 17.  R. Leone is up for vote to one of the committees.  

F.  D. Nashawaty gave each member a copy of the proposed updated Welfare Guidelines as recommended by the Welfare Officer, Greg Vigue.  This will appear on the agenda of the next meeting for action.  

G.  Discussion was held on the meeting with the Speaker of the House scheduled for Tuesday, November 8.  The Board will leave Town Hall at 12 Noon and ride together.  The meeting is scheduled for 2 PM.  D. Nashawaty will bring her studies and posters for a presentation to the Speaker.   The purpose of the meeting is to explain the difference between Representative Gale’s bill and the Selectmen’s bill to the Speaker in hopes that the Selectmen’s bill will be addressed on the floor.  

H.  Stephen White brought up receiving a copy of a letter from the Boston Post Office Post Master complimenting Police Chief David Cahill for his performance in a fraud investigation.  The Board all commented on how proud they were to have Chief Cahill working for the Town of Sunapee.  A copy of the letter will be placed in the Chief’s personnel file.

Motion was made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 9:25 PM in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (d) for the consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property, specifically the Mt. Kearsarge.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  Upon the Chairman’s request, the voice vote was unanimous to enter non-public session.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 10:15 PM and to seal the minutes until the agreement and final signing of the lease.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  Upon the Chairman’s request, the voice vote was unanimous to leave non-public session.

Motion was made by Emma Smith to enter non-public session at 10:17 PM in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (a) the compensation of a public employee.  The motion was seconded by Frederick Gallup.  Upon the Chairman’s request, the voice vote was unanimous to enter non-public session.

Motion was made by Emma Smith to leave non-public session at 10:40 PM.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  Upon the Chairman’s request, the voice vote was unanimous to leave non-public session.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:45 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

_________________________________               ______________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                     Emma Smith, Vice Chairman

_________________________________               ______________________________
Frederick Gallup                                                    Richard Leone

Stephen W. White