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Selectmen's Minutes September 26, 2005
SEPTEMBER 26, 2005

Present:   William Roach, Emma Smith,  Frederick Gallup, Richard Leone and   
                  Stephen White.                                         

Also Present:   Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Others: Ronald Verblauv, Deb Champagne, Donna Roberson, Mike Durfor,
                Rebecca Miller, Harry Gale, Steve McGrath and Artie Osborne.

Items Signed:  Minutes  September 12, 2005; Review of Payroll and Payables Manifests;  Sign Permit – Robert Vigneault 133/17; Land Disturbance permits  - Matthew Croteau 118/54 and Christopher Domian & Dianne Perkins 116/6; Certificate of Compliances – Patti McDaniel 132/47-1, Sunapee Harbor Riverway Inc 133/91, Christopher Domian & Dianne Perkins 116/6, Jackie Partlow 233/2 and Robert Palmer 233/70.

7:00 PM  - The meeting was called to order by Chairman Roach.


a.  7:00  PM – Mike Durfor; Non-Profit Corp. Discussion

Mike Durfor informed the Board that a non-profit economic development corporation is
being established and asked if a member of the Board would like to be a representative
from the town.  Stephen White offered to do this.  The board agreed unanimously to have
Stephen White represent Sunapee on the corporation.

b.  7:15 PM – Representative Harry Gale

Rep. Harry Gale presented a report  dated September 6, 2005 to the Selectmen on his findings and actions with regard to secession.  The report is attached to the file copy of these minutes.    H. Gale stated to the Board that he has never spoken negatively about the Board’s objections or goals and has only supported them.    He also stated that he would not like one of his legislative people to take a hit for anything he does or any way he behaves or in anything he refused to do.  They understood when they agreed to work with him that they were going to be sounding boards and they  could respond in any fashion they choose to do so.   They are not responsible for any of his behavior or anything he does in Concord.   He stated that he respects their judgment and their input.  He listens to it and makes his best judgment.   H. Gales suggested that the Board appoint a subcommittee to sit with him to see if they could figure  what is holding things up between him and the Board and find a way to resolve it.   W. Roach stated that hopefully they are all working for the same thing which is equity of tax payments to the County.   He added that they all need to work on a fair payment plan of taxes to the County for each community.  The Board thanked Mr. Gale for attending.


a.  Boat Trailer/Launch/Parking in Harbor; Continuing Discussion

W. Roach began by informing those present that the Board has been thinking about
charging a fee for the parking of boat trailers also to find a way to more control the
parking of trailers.  Some trailers have taken up space for up to 8 to 10 hours which has
not allowed people to come in to the area and shop at the various shops.   Steve McGrath
spoke stating he thought the additional parking at the Ben Mere and the site plan review
of that area would be the topic for discussion tonight.  W. Roach stated that it probably
would not be discussed.  The Board has not taken any action on it.   E. Smith stated that
the Planning Board meets next Thursday and the site plan will be discussed at that
meeting.  D. Nashawaty stated that any change or addition to parking would be a
Selectmen’s decision.  S. White felt that there were two issues here.  One is the
Woodvine  Development in that they don’t have sufficient parking without using some
public spaces.  The second is that D. Nashawaty brought to the Board’s attention last year
that they needed to revamp the boat parking facilities.  The Selectmen will have to take
up this issue after the Planning Board has decided what course of action they will be
taking.  Artie Osborne stated that he believes the Board has more problems to worry
about in Town other than parking in the harbor.  He can view the parking area from his
porch and feels there is only a couple days when it really gets busy.  He stated that he
really does not think that it is a problem.  He does not like to see the Town keep giving
away property for parking.  S. White stated that the Board is not discussing additional
parking tonight but charging for existing parking to somehow compensate the Town.
E. Smith asked A. Osborne what specifically he thought the Board should be addressing.
A. Osborne replied that he is having a problem with the Planning Board.  He feels that
they sometimes follow the rules and regulations and other times don’t.  He also expressed
his disapproval of the Woodbine project.  He feels it will devalue homes nearby.  Also,
he feels the setbacks are not being followed.  He believes there is a state law which
requires 30 feet between structures.  The Woodbine project would be closer than 30
feet.  A. Osborne stated that another problem with the Woodbine project would be
drainage.  E. Smith asked A. Osborne if he were concerned with the restaurant opening
up or the proposed condos.  A. Osborne stated that he objected to the condos.  

Steve McGrath raised the issue of charging for parking in the harbor.  He does not agree
with this.  He feels there is adequate parking and doesn’t want to see any charges.  He
feels that visitors already pay the community by using the facilities in the area.    With
regard to creating more parking spaces in that area,  he does not feel any of the Ben Mere
property should be used for more parking.  He stated that the property was not secured
by the community to be used for parking or to increase parking.   He believes that it will
not be allowed upon investigation. S. McGrath stated that the is not against the Woodbine
 project.  The community has zoning and must abide by it even if the neighbors are
against it.  In summary, he stated he is against charging for parking at the boat launch and
and is against creating more parking spaces.

D. Nashawaty informed those present that she had done some research and found out that
there exists a Ben Mere II which was the second portion of the project to borrow more
federal funds in order to put that paved parking lot in.  The Division of Recreation does
support some parking and that was part of the plan.   

W. Roach stated the Board has two conflicting reports on parking at the harbor.  The
Parking  Committee, after completing a study, thought there was enough parking at the
harbor.  However, the Planning Board felt there was not enough parking.   He stated he
feels it is true that on nights of special events and weekends, it is hard to find a parking
space but not at other times.  With regard to paying for parking, W. Roach feels this may
be a good idea as he has seen people occupying these spaces for a very long time.  
 A. Osborne  raised discussion allowing 2 hour parking for certain spaces.  S. White
spoke in favor of the Town providing parking for businesses citing surrounding
communities of Newport and New London who provide parking for their businesses.
S. McGrath raised discussion on the Planning Board and Zoning Board stating they
should be following the adopted ordinances.  They should not be allowed to approve a
plan if it does not meet regulations.  W. Roach added that he is a little upset with the
Planning Board as he does not feel they treat  applicants equally.  He does not believe
this is correct.  E. Smith spoke in defense of the Planning Board stating that the Board
has been very careful to dissect every application and follow the rules.  She will pass
these concerns onto the Town Planner, Michael Marquise.   With regard to parking, D.
Nashawaty informed the Board that it was thought to change the parking to 2 hours but
after the study, the Board decided to make only one lot 2 hour parking.  This lot appears
on Chart #1.  W. Roach raised the fact that Sunapee is the only launch that does not
charge for parking.  R. Leone raised discussion on the fact that the Town Clerk can
register boats and that this money goes to the town.  It was noted that many people do
not realize that the Town gets these monies.  It was suggested that this be advertised in
the Town Report every year.  

The Board agreed to hold a public hearing on 2 hour parking at  Lot D, Chart #1 on
October 24, 2005.  F. Gallup offered to look at the other lots prior to the hearing.

b.  Petition and Pole License:  Verizon

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a pole license from Verizon to place a pole
on Westwood Ave.  The Board signed the license.


a.  Columbus Day:  Closed at Town Hall

D. Nashawaty told the Board that the office would be closed on Monday, October 10
in honor of Columbus Day.  Even though this is not a holiday realized by the Personnel
Handbook, D. Nashwaty explained that the office personnel have been taking this day off
as a vacation day for quite a while.   She also asked the Selectmen when they wanted to
reschedule the meeting and suggested October 11.  After discussion, it was
agreed  the next regular meeting would be held on Tuesday, October 11.  This way a
a public hearing date could be set for October 24 regarding the harbor parking.  Motion
was made by Stephen White to hold the next Selectmen’s on Tuesday, October 11,
2005.  Discussion at this meeting to take place on setting a public hearing for
parking in the harbor.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was
unanimous and the motion carried.

b.  Bud Lauridsen:  Died/ Worked Closely in Past with New London and Sunapee Fire

D. Nashawaty passed around an announcement of the passing of Bud Lauridsen.    He
worked very closely with the New London and Sunapee Fire Department for a number of
years.  The announcement gives the date and time of his services.  A sympathy card from
the Selectmen will be sent to the family.  

c.  Budget:  Details for Future Meetings  

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that department head budgets are due into her office
by the end of this week.  She has asked for a needs budget and doesn’t expect to see big
items with inflation as it is – only basic necessities.  She has tied into a fuel contract with
Claremont and Lebanon at a purchase price of $1.5990 per gallon.  D. Nashawaty
would like to schedule budget meetings earlier this year.  She would like to begin the
third week of October.  It has been suggested to her that the meetings be held from 5 PM
to 7 PM.  F. Gallup stated that the Budget Committee needed more exposure to the
departments than what they were provided with.  D. Nashawaty urged the Board to be a
part of the process all of the time to be aware of what questions were being presented  to
the department heads.  S. White recommended one meeting with each department and then sit down  with the Budget Committee and have a third meeting of the Selectmen, Budget Committee and department heads.  Discussion was held on setting the meeting dates.  Fifteen were held last year.  N. Nashawaty recommends doing two meetings per week.  She will email all involved to see what two days of the week and what times were


a.  Letter from Chris Domian and Dianne Perkins

A letter from Chris Domian and Dianne Perkins was given to the Board.  They are requesting that the Selectmen consider and vote upon naming Northwest Lane an emergency lane.  The letter states that six properties occupy this lane and four of them are occupied full time.  F. Gallup questioned the reasoning for the request.  The other roads established as emergency lanes had been somewhat maintained by the town for years.  This lane, Northwest, has not been maintained by the town.  R. Leone questioned the fact that a cul-de-sac does not exist and doesn’t think the town could even do anything on this road until a cul-de-sac was put in place.  There is no turn around.  F. Gallup thinks the board should check obligation to this before taking action.  E. Smith suggested that Tony Bergeron be consulted.  The Board requested that a meeting be set up with Tony Bergeron.  

b.  Letter from Property Owner Concerning Revaluation

D. Nashawaty brought to the Board’s attention a letter she received from a property on Quarry Road.   To bring the Board up to date, prior to this letter a property owner from Quarry Road came to the office to also complain.  He wanted to know why his property was assessed so much more than his neighbors.  Upon investigation, it was discovered that  his property was the only one being assessed with water access, when all of the properties should have shared this access assessment.  Therefore, a second letter was sent to the other owners.  Thus this most recent complaint.  The woman wanted to know why her assessment had risen in a second letter she received from Vision.   D. Nashawaty felt that this was an item the Board should be aware of.

b.  Pay Scale

D. Nashawaty raised discussion on the salary chart and asked the Board to assist her in updating the chart.

The meeting adjourned at:  11:00 PM

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved________________

________________________________                        ________________________
William Roach, Chairman                                             Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

________________________________                        ________________________
Richard Leone                                                   Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White