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Selectmen's & BAC Minutes 12/05/2006

December 5, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, William Roach, Richard Leone and Stephen White.  Budget Advisory Committee members, Scott Unsworth, Charlie Balyeat, Stephen Nilsen and Arthur Muller.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS:  Road Agent Tony Bergeron and Librarian John Walden.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 6:05 PM.

Donna Nashawaty presented the Executive budget.  Arthur Muller questioned line item #540 – Executive Training asking why the amount remained at $1,500.00 when only a little over $300.00 was spent in 2006.  D. Nashawaty explained that these are funds to train employees and she did not have the time to set up training in 2006.  She plans on sending two employees to Adobe training in 2007.

Line item #901 – Contingency was discussed.  Stephen White explained that these were funds set aside for unforeseen expenses.  He would like to increase this amount to $6,000.00 for 2007 because he would like to see some monies available for town events such as the 4th of July celebration, parade, etc. should it be needed.  This was agreed to by both the Board of Selectmen and BAC.  The notation “for unforeseen expenses” will be added to the note section of this item.

With regard to the Finance budget, D. Nashawaty explained that the salaries included a payroll clerk for up to 16 hours per week to assist the current bookkeeper.  The salary is set at $12,970.70 for nine months.

Included in the Audit line item is $4,000.00 to cover the cost of GASBE, which allows the town to create their books using assets and depreciation costs.  She is not sure that GASBE is needed and should be looked  at again in two years.  She believes the town should wait and see what other towns are doing.

Item #625 – Postage has increased because the assessing department is planning on doing a large mailing in 2007.

Item #313 provides $5,000.00 to hire a firm to appraise the utilities in town.  

Item #320 – Legal Services, Stephen White asked why $20,000.00 was budgeted when only $6,000.00 was spent.  Donna Nashawaty explained that legal counsel charges a very
Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 5, 2006

reasonable hourly rate and does not charge a retainer.  It is good to have funds in this line item should something occur.  

General Government Buildings was the next budget discussed.  Tony Bergeron was present to discuss portions of this budget.  He explained that item #610 – General Supplies was up because he plans to repair the sidewalk in front of the gazebo with concrete and not tar.  He believes this will look much nicer.  Under item #410 – the cribbing under the dock needs repairing.  Once this is done, he can complete the decking.  

Item #410 has increased because of the MV Mt. Kearsarge.  The MV Mt. Kearsarge reimburses the town for this amount.

With regard to item #110 – Maintenance Position, T. Bergeron informed the Boards that the gentleman, Craig Heino, hired for the maintenance position has done a tremendous amount of work for the town in the short time he has been hired.  Now he is not only assisting the many departments, he is doing the renovations to the Town Hall.  T. Bergeron believes that this position has shown a substantial savings on repairs and projects that would have had to have been hired out previously.  He also stated that C. Heino has repaired a number of items that have not worked for years.  These items were not repaired simply because the departments did not know how and did not have the funds to hire someone to repair them.  The position has been put in as part time until March Town Meeting, but shows as full time after that.  

Item #430 includes $5,000.00 to repair the old Town Hall roof.  Arthur Muller asked if there were any plans to do anything with the building.  Tony Bergeron, member of the Livery Renovation Committee, stated that he believes the committee will submit two articles for the 2007 warrant.  One to ask the voters if they wish to save the building and the second, to request funds for a detailed study of the structure and to discover the best use of the building.  Richard Leone asked about the condition of the foundation.  T. Bergeron replied that the river side was in good condition, but the side facing the street was in need of repair.

Donna Nashawaty noted that in the General Government Buildings, a new line item was included in the amount of $1,100.00 to pay Riverway for the 4 parking spaces next to the old Town Hall.

Charlie Balyeat asked T. Bergeron what, if any, were the plans for Beech St. Ext.  T. Bergeron replied that the project would cost approximately $400,000.00.  He is still considering taking it on with his department personnel but is concerned that about the grade and that there is not enough right of way.  Stephen Nilsen questioned drainage.  T. Bergeron replied that it would be bad and would have to be addressed.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 5, 2006

D. Nashawaty explained that item # 520 – Insurance has risen a little because the values have risen.  

With regard to the Information Booth budget, D. Nashawaty explained that this was the town’s portion of the Greater Lake Sunapee Chamber of Commerce.

Donna Nashawaty explained that the copier line item is up by $500.00 because the machine is getting older and is requiring more maintenance.  The cost of printing has also increased so that budget item has risen by $1,000.00.

D. Nashawaty stated she was remiss when she told the Boards she had not heard from UVLSRPC.  She did find information they had sent her and distributed copies to the Boards.  The request is based on $1.12 per capita.

D. Nashawaty explained that the Health Officer line item is the same as the previous years.  The salary does not show any expenditures because the Health Officer does not submit his hours for payment until the end of the year.

D. Nashawaty explained that the debt service was for the water bond and the Safety Services Building.  

Donna Nashawaty asked the BAC members if the meeting scheduled for next Tues., Dec. 12 could be changed to Thurs., Dec. 14 because Stephen White could not make the Dec. 12th meeting.  The BAC members agreed.  D. Nashawaty will arrange to have the meeting at the Safety Services Building at 6 PM.  The warrant articles will be discussed at the Dec. 14th meeting.  Department heads will be attending the meeting to answer any questions.  Also at the Dec. 14th meeting, D. Nashawaty will distribute new budget packets which will show expenditures through to the end of November.  

D. Nashawaty distributed a salary sheet which she developed using a COLA of 3.3%.
She informed the Boards and she and T. Bergeron were still investigating what to do about solid waste when the district dissolves at the end of June 2007.  The deal with Bethlehem may not be an option now.

Donna Nashawaty distributed the revenue sheet to the Boards and explained where the revenues were derived and that they were an estimate because the form had to be submitted to DRA before the year was out.   She also explained how the tax rate is computed based on expenses minus revenues.  

Donna Nashawaty stated she would be responding to questions and inquiries she received at the Thurs., Dec. 14th meeting.

Board of Selectmen & BAC
December 5, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup