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Selectmen's & BAC Minutes 11/21/2006

November 21, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Budget Advisory Committee members Arthur Muller, Scott Unsworth, Charlie Balyeat and Steve Nilsen.

OTHERS:  Chris Williams, Robert Collins, Charles Smith and Scott Blewitt.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 6:10 PM.

Recreation Department Budget

Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, presented his proposed budget.  First he thanked the Selectmen and BAC for their support with 2006’s budget.  He notified the Boards that the volume of people participating in recreation programs has increased.  The first increase in his proposed budget is that he would like to hire a sailing instructor in 2007.  He has had 20 boats donated, a value of approximately $12,000.00, and 35 life jackets.  The pay would be approximately $10.00 an hour for a total of 60 hours.   S. Blewitt stated that as other departments, he has used the COLA for approximate salary increases.

Another increase in the recreation budget is seen in line item #390 – Professional Fees.  This pays for umps, refs and instructors.  There is also a slight increase in electricity.

Line #430 – Building Repair and Maintenance has risen in the past years.  This has paid for improving the drainage in the playing fields.  This will also pay for more picnic tables for Dewey Beach.  S. Blewitt informed the Boards that LaValley’s Building Supply donated $2,500.00 toward the construction of a new shed at Dewey field.  

Line #440 – Rents Inc. Chemical is up slightly.  This pays for the various chemical toilets placed throughout town in recreation areas.  

Line #511 – Entertainment Seniors has increased by $500.00.  This pays for bus trips for Sunapee senior citizens.

Line #630 – Maintenance and Repair is up $200.00.  Arthur Muller asked S. Blewitt is his department has been using the new maintenance man.  S. Blewitt replied that he has and finds the new man is tremendous and has saved his department with items he would normally have to hire out.  

Board of Selectmen and BAC
November 21, 2006

With regard to Special Events, S. Blewitt stated that he does not anticipate an increase.  This will still be one week in length of time for ages 8 to 13.  Volunteers will be used as have in the past.  Scott Blewitt also stated that he would like to start a swim team.

Hydro Plant Budget

Robert Collins, Plant Operator, was present to explain his budget request.  The only area that shows a real increase is line item #365 – Equipment Repairs.  This has increased by $5,000.00 due to aging equipment.  

Donna Nashawaty explained hydro supplies and what is needed to operate the plant.  All electricity is sold to PSC.  R. Collins also runs the Ruger plant in Newport.  The hydro has generated $194,000.00 for Sunapee for 2007.  There is a balance in the hydro fund of $325,000.00.  D. Nashawaty explained that capital improvements are what the funds are used for.   Machinery to operate, such as turbines are very costly.  

Water and Sewer Budget

David Bailey, Superintendent, was present to explain his budget request.  He explained that the salary increases are the same as the rest of the town departments.  D. Bailey explained the increases.  One is the amount of time it takes to read meters.  His department currently takes one week to read the meters.  D. Bailey reported that fees may need to be raised to meet increases.  The departments have been getting hit hard.  There is a need for new lines.  A summary of the water and sewer budgets showing income is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  There is a need for increases in the vehicle fuel and repairs line items.  

Richard Leone asked where sludge was disposed of.  D. Bailey replied that it is taken to Concord.  The department is currently investigating the use of a GO  Bag system.  This would be an upgrade to clean the sludge when needed.   Charles Smith stated that the Town of New London is exceeding the capacity use and New London does not infiltrate.

David Bailey received congratulations for the wonderful services his departments have been doing for the town.

Cemetery Budget

Donna Nashawaty presented the proposed budget.  There are three members on the cemetery trustees.  The only change in the budget would be the salaries that would increase due to the COLA increase.  Fred Gallup asked why the budget came in at the same amount when they only spent one-half of it in 2006.  He would like an explanation.  Emma Smith stated she would like to reschedule the cemetery trustees for another

Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 21, 2006

meeting.  D. Nashawaty will call Jeff Trow and ask him to come to the December 5th meeting.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup