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Selectmen's & BAC Minutes 11/14/2006

November 14, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Richard Leone, William Roach, Stephen White and Frederick Gallup.  Budget Advisory Committee members Charlie Balyeat, Mike Snow, and Scott Unsworth.

ABSENT:  Arthur Muller

OTHERS:  Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator,  Michael Marquise, Planner,  Peggy Chalmers,  Fire Chief Dan Ruggles, Police Chief  David Cahill

The meeting was opened by Emma Smith at 7 PM.  

Planning and Zoning Budget

Donna Nashawaty reminded the Selectmen that she has requested that department heads address those items in their budget requests that show a change, either as an increase or decrease.   The salaries in the Planning & Zoning budget are based on the number of hours anticipated for employees to work.

Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator, began by explaining that the telephone line item in his budget reflects not only usage by his office, but by other departments as well.    R. Landry explained that Travel and Meals represents inspections he or Michael Marquise may do.  There is a slight increase this year and may be as well next year to cover mileage allowance.  R. Landry explained that the line item Training is used for new members to the Zoning Board.  R. Landry informed the Board that Don Weatherson has resigned his position on the Board and he is looking to appoint Alex Kish, an alternate, to a full position on the Board.  Due to this, A. Kish will require some training.   A second alternate Svend Filby, may be taking the place of Robert Henry, who will be leaving for three or four months of this coming winter.    The Board will be looking for someone as an alternate to take the place of A. Kish.   With regard to Printing, R. Landry explained that he would like to offer a booklet for the public which will identify contractors, surveyors, engineers, etc.  The booklet will not recommend any of the firms.  This will be an informational item only.    R. Landry explained that the increase in Advertising was due to the increase in the number of applications his office has been receiving.    R. Landry explained that Office Supplies provides funds to purchase the new Land Use books for the Planning and Zoning Boards.  Postage is another item that has increased due to the increase in cases.  R. Landry explained that postage is self funding as they do charge for that upon the submittal of an application.  The line item Reference has decreased by $100.00.  R. Landry explained that under Office Equipment and Supplies
Board of Selectmen &  BAC
November 14, 2006

there appears an increase.  This will be used to assist in the new office preparation with a desk, file cabinet and map storage.   Storage is a big problem for planning and zoning.  The applications need to be saved and the current cabinets are filled to capacity.   Richard Leone asked if R. Landry felt there were enough funds left in his current budget to last the year.  R. Landry replied that he felt sure there was.  

Stephen White noted that the planning and zoning budget was up about 19% with most of this for hourly salaries.  R. Landry explained that included in the increase was a couple more hours for him to work weekly.  Richard Leone asked what income did planning and zoning bring in.  R. Landry replied that the monies the town receives in building permits alone pay for the planning and zoning office.  Michael Marquise stated that the planning office brought in approximately $4,000.00 in fees and an amendment to the Subdivision Regulations addresses an increase in fees.  Fees have not been addressed in about 15 years.   R. Landry stated that the Zoning Board will address an increase in fees soon.  Both the planning and zoning boards try to cover with fees most of the expenses related to their departments.   Mike Snow suggested that fees be reviewed on an annual basis rather than waiting years.  Michael Marquise stated that the fees are really up to the Selectmen and they can do a review on a regular basis.  Richard Leone asked what the waiting period was for applications.  R. Landry replied that building permits are processed within two weeks.  Donna Nashawaty stated that R. Landry is extremely busy and often has a line of people waiting to see him.  Stephen White stated that he has never heard a complaint about building permits.  The Selectmen agreed that Roger Landry was doing a wonderful job.

Donna Nashawaty explained that the Planning Board will have a warrant article for the 2007 Town Meeting to appropriate funds for the Master Plan review.  

Mike Snow raised the question on having a full time zoning administrator and would fees cover the salary?   Donna Nashawaty stated that it would probably be very close.  R. Landry added that if the town chose to adopt building codes, then there may be a need for a full time administrator.  

Michael Marquise addressed the Master Plan review which should be done every 10 years.  The last plan was written in 1998 so the Planning Board decided to begin reviewing the plan last year in hopes that the new plan would be ready by 2008.  The Planning Board is working on the writing of an article to fund the review and understand that the funds can be carried over for up to 3 years.  The first step on the revision is the community survey.  Maps will be created with assistance of LSRPC.    The Planning Board is currently looking at $15,000.00 which is one half of what the Town of Newbury spent to get the whole thing done.  The Sunapee Planning Board is building on the foundation of the old plan  so a whole new rewrite won’t be necessary.  Richard Leone asked what the 1998 plan did for the town.  M. Marquise replied that it allowed the town to have land use ordinances.  It also provided the town to have all concerns and
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November 14, 2006

recommendations in one place and assisted with the creation of a zoning ordinance.  R. Leone asked if the planning office worked with the School Board on school projects.  M. Marquise replied that the Planning Board does not have any direct oversight on the School Board, but has met with them to discuss possible projects, such as the road access.  M. Marquise stated that the master plan is not something that regulates but symbolizes goals and dreams.  Peggy Chalmers informed the Board that one of the items that was discussed at a review meeting was use zoning.  The Planning Board has discussed hiring an individual to do the Master Plan, but have decided they themselves and addressed much of it themselves.  They would like to hire an individual to assist the board.   Donna Nashawaty expressed concern that if the warrant article does not pass, it will set the Planning Board back one year.   Stephen White recommended that the Planning Board give a good presentation on why this money is needed at Town Meeting.

Fire Department/Emergency Management

Donna Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that ambulance service from New London Hospital will be coming in to speak with the Selectmen on November 28th with the other outside agencies.

Fire Chief Dan Ruggles and D. Nashawaty explained that utilities to run the new Safety Services Building does not appear in either the Fire Department budget or the Police Department budget.  Most of the price for utilities came out of the Fire Department in 2006 and that it why it looks very inflated.  In 2007 a budget was created to put into physical plant operations.  

Chief Ruggles reviewed his budget requests.  The Part Time Wages line item has been reduced by $1,000.00.  The police and fire will share the expense of the custodian.  Stephen White questioned why dispatch service was increased.  Chief Ruggles stated that he based this request on a 5% increase.  He  explained that basically his budget was less than the 2006 budget.  

Police Chief David Cahill gave to D. Nashawaty a letter from New London for dispatching services.  The request is the amount Chief Ruggles put into his budget and it is a 5% increase over monies budgeted for 2006.  The letter also addressed dispatching for the police department.  The police department will save approximately $13,000.00 in dispatch service in 2007.

Police Department

Chief Cahill reviewed his budget request with the Selectmen.  He explained that the salaries included a cost of living increase and step increases.  Chief Cahill explained that his budget increased by $63,658 out of which $57,318 is attributed to salaries and benefits.    Chief Cahill pointed out to the BAC and
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Selectmen that some line items showed decreases such as dispatch.  Mike Snow asked what the percentage increase in 2007 over 2006.  Chief Cahill replied that the increase was between 9-10%.    Much of the increase cannot be controlled.  D. Nashawaty stated that the dispatch figure will be adjusted in accordance with the request of New London Dispatch.    M. Snow congratulated Chief Cahill for obtaining the service from New London at a large savings to the town.  
Chief Cahill reviewed the line items.  Line item #140 – Overtime Wages has increased by $2,184.  This item represents on call wages and Chief Cahill has figured it out for 6 hours a day.  He has gradually increased this figure each year in an attempt to get it to be at least minimum wage.  #180 – Training Wages exists as a line item so he can track just how much the town pays for training each year.  Line item #341 – Telephone has increased.  Chief Cahill explained that this line item pays for all of the telephones, cell phones and pagers.  Also the alarm lines are paid out of this item.  Decreases in his budget are #360 – Custodial Services.  Line #364 – Vehicle Repair Service is a decrease because Chief Cahill would like to go with a lease program for cruisers. Line #520 – General Insurance is a decrease.

 Line #530 – Travel & Meals shows an increase.  All officers, including part time, and office personnel need training at some time.  This line item is used to pay mileage and a possible meal if the training is a long distance away.  Line item #540 – Training has increased.  These funds cover the department’s ammo and outside training above and beyond the academy.

Line #560 – Dues & Subscriptions has a $200 increase for dues and subscriptions and provides the prosecutor the opportunity to be a part of organizations that are pertinent to his position.

Line #610 – Support Services has increased for equipment and supplies for the DARE officer.  

Line #681 – Uniform Safety/Equipment  has increased .  This line item is used to purchase bullet proof vests.  The department needs one more updated this year.  The money is also used to outfit the new police cars with safety equipment such as video cameras.  It could also be used to update lighting.

Chief Cahill informed the Board that in 2007 the Town of Sunapee will receive the car 54 project that is voice activated lights, sirens, radios, etc.  It comes with $10,000 in equipment for each car and also provides a new light bar.  

Line #741 – Office Equipment/Computer  increase is to purchase a new lap top and update equipment in police vehicles.  Chief Cahill will not purchase a 3rd crime star license in 2007.   Line #670 – References are funds to purchase CD’s, books and manuals.  It also includes $7,000 for the computer service contract.
Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 14, 2006

Chief Cahill presented the Selectmen with a proposal to lease, rather than buy, two cruisers.    The Sullivan County Sheriff’s office has seven cruisers and they lease them all.    Chief Cahill would like to lease two cruisers every three years.  Please see the chart attached to these minutes.   The department would  pay $7,925 each year per cruiser.  Leasing of the vehicles may cost $2,000 more per vehicle than purchasing them, but it will allow the department to have a more updated fleet.  The cruiser purchase will be presented in the form of two articles.  The first to lease the cruisers, the second to purchase a cruiser from the capital reserve fund.    Chief Cahill stated that he felt  savings would be made eventually in both the cruiser capital reserve fund and on cruiser maintenance.  

Purchase vs. leasing of cruisers will be discussed again on the warrant article budget night of  December 12th.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved___________________
Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup