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Selectmen & BAC Meeting 11/08/2006

November 8, 2006

PRESENT:        Selectmen Stephen White, William Roach and Richard Leone.  Budget Advisory Committee Arthur Muller, Charlie Balyeat and Scott Unsworth.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith and Frederick Gallup.  Budget Advisory Committee Michael Snow.

OTHERS:  Town Clerk/Tax Collector Betty Ramspott, Deputy Town Clerk/Tax Collector Melissa Heino, Road Agent Tony Bergeron, Librarian John Walden.  School Board members Shaun Carroll and George Curt.

The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chairman Stephen White at 6:05 PM.

Stephen White addressed the Budget Advisory Committee regarding their meetings with the School Board.  He reported to the BAC that the School Board was present at the November 6th Selectmen’s meeting and told the Selectmen that they were concerned about the absence of members of the BAC at their last three budget meetings.  The only member of the BAC that was present at these meetings was Arthur Muller.  The School Board wanted the Selectmen to disband the BAC for the remainder of this budget year but the Selectmen did not feel that this was the right thing to do.  S. White explained that the Selectmen want the BAC to insure that they have a quorum at each and every meeting.  It is understood that the BAC is lacking a member and the Selectmen are trying to fill that vacancy, but with no luck yet.   Arthur Muller explained the absence of Mike Snow and that his schedule only allowed him to go to 6 meetings.  He wished these to be the last six.  Arthur Muller explained that he will not be present at the next meeting of the BAC as he will be away.  Donna Nashawaty added that it was as important for the BAC to attend Selectmen’s meetings as well as the School Board’s.   She added that if the dates slated for the meetings were not acceptable, the BAC should let her know so she can rearrange them.  Arthur Muller will speak with Mike Snow.  D. Nashawaty will suggest to the School Board that a calendar for meetings be developed.


Town Clerk/Tax Collector Betty Ramspott was present to discuss her proposed 2007 budget.  She stated that her office has instituted the MAP program and now can obtain vital statistics on line.  All is working very well.    She reported that she and the Checklist Supervisors have been working on the Help America Vote Act and wanted the Selectmen and BAC to know that her office feels very fortunate to have a great group of supervisors.  
Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 8, 2006

The requested budget amount for elections is less than half of what it was in 2006.  This is because there will only be one election in 2007.   However, she stated that five elections will be held in 2008 so an increase would take place in that budget year.   B. Ramspott reported that her tax collector budget request has not changed a lot over 2006 and there is a decrease in the mortgage lien line item.   The training item has increased by $70.00.  This is for conferences.  Her office is also planning on purchasing a new laser printer.  Donna Nashawaty added that there will be a charge  an nternet connection in the Sherburne Gym in the 2007 budget.  This is required for elections.  

The Selectmen thanked Betty Ramspott for attending.


Road Agent Tony Bergeron began by explaining that his salary figures appear in the proposed budget with an increase of 4%.  This will change with the new cost of living percentage received in the later part of November.    With regard to line item #380 – Paving Overlay, this has gone up by $9,000.00 because of an increase in contracted services and a 71% due to the increase in cost of petroleum products such as asphalt, etc.  T. Bergeron discussed his paving schedule.  The severe rains and washouts prevented him from following the schedule in 2006.  It took his department approximately 10 weeks to correct the roads from the damages received due to the rains.  His department has spent $64,439.00 to date on paving.  With regard to line item #390 – Other Professional Services is up by $3,700.00 for catch basin cleaning.  The item also includes repairs to curbing.  Item #394 – Cement Services  has decreased.  This item includes work to the cross walks that could not be done in 2006 because of the weather.  Item # 430 – Building Repairs/Maintenance is up $500.00 for repairs to the furnace and overhead doors.  

School Board members Shaun Carroll and George Curt arrived at the meeting at this time.

In line item #631 – Tires have increased due to the need to replace and  repair several tires.  Item # 682 – Sand & Gravel has increased due to the increase in the products.  T. Bergeron explained that this is the reason he overspent this line item in 2006.  Item #684 – Bituminous Products has increased due to the increase in costs in petroleum products such as cold patch, etc.   Tar alone has risen 73% in cost.   Item #685 – Drainage Materials is up by $5,000.00.  This is for erosion stone to stabilize the drainage ways.
No funds will be needed in line item #688 – Bridges and Guardrails in 2007.  The highway department will concentrate on drainage and roadways in 2007.No special projects are planned in his 2007 budget.  Item # 740 – Capital Equipment is up $5,000.00 to upgrade the steam cleaner and to replace the culvert thawer.   In conclusion, the total highway budget is down by approximately $23,000.00.  

Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 8, 2006

Richard Leone asked about the money budgeted for street lights.  Donna Nashawaty explained that Public Service suggested that this item be flat lined.  

Arthur Muller questioned the wear and tear on trucks and was it down and that is why the department is not looking to replace a truck in 2007.  Tony Bergeron replied that the normal rain fall is 67 ½” but in 2006, Sunapee received 104”.  This large amount of rainfall actually increased the wear and tear on the trucks.   A. Muller thanked  T. Bergeron for submitting a reduced budget.  

Shaun Carroll asked what roads were planned for paving in 2007.  T. Bergeron responded that portions of the following roads were planned for paving:  Lake Ave., Young’s Hill, Pine Ridge, Fernwood and Scotts Cove.  A special article will appear in the warrant for $300,000.00 to pave a little over 2 miles of Jobs Creek Road.  This will be done by an outside contractor.  

Shaun Carroll asked the Selectmen if they had spoken with the BAC members regarding attendance.  He and George Curt thought the meeting began tonight at 7 PM and not 6 PM.  Stephen White explained that the Selectmen instructed the BAC to make sure they had a quorum at each meeting.  George Curt suggested that if this can not be the case, then perhaps the BAC should be disbanded as he feels they lack leadership.  The Selectmen disagreed and will not disband the BAC.  G. Curt stated that a public meeting is being held November 27th regarding the elementary school and all are invited to attend.  

Tony Bergeron discussed his capital reserve budget items.  The program was not funded with enough monies initially and he can not make it work as it presently is.  He is proposing an increase in these vehicle and equipment funds to bring it on line as projected.  Discussion was held on putting capital reserves in the operating budget.  Donna Nashawaty will check with Town Counsel to see if this can be done.    With regarding to the paving of dirt roads,  $40,000.00 will be requested for Sunny Lane and Gardner Bay Rd.  Another article appears to purchase a one ton truck for the highway, with the funds to be withdrawn from the capital reserve fund.    The bridge capital reserve is set at the standard amount.  The next bridge on schedule for repairs is the Lower Main St. bridge.  Another article appears to add $10,000.00 to the Used Equipment Capital Reserve Fund.  The fund contains a balance now of $10,000.00.  

Transfer Station

Tony Bergeron and Donna Nashawaty explained the four solid waste options they investigated for 2007.  The town will be with the NH/VT Solid Waste District until June of 2007.  The budget shows this.  Beginning July 2007, the town is on its own for the disposal of waste.  The four options investigated were Berlin, GDS,  and two options with Bethlehem.  Both T. Bergeron and D. Nashawaty prefer the lesser Bethlehem option which provides a disposal cost of  $50.00 per ton.  T. Bergeron stated that the cost of fuel
Board of Selectmen & BAC
November 8, 2006

will increase due to trucking.   The equipment line item has increased because he will require two more containers at $10,000.00 and he needs to replace a bailer.  In conclusion, there will be a savings of $30,000 in the budget for 2007 and possibly more will be seen in 2008.   

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved___________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup