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Selectmen's Minutes 10/16/2006

October 16, 2006
Work Session

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.  

OTHERS PRESENT:  Cynthia Sweeney, Arthur Osborne and Leena Mark.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Smith at 7:05 PM.  She explained that the meeting was called to be a work session to discuss the boat trailer parking at the harbor.  E. Smith asked if any one from the public wished to speak before the Selectmen began their work session.

Cynthia Sweeney, Charlestown, introduced herself to the Board and informed them that she was running for Sullivan County Treasurer.  It is her belief that there are some severe issues with the way the County is budgeting funds.  She believes that as the Country Treasurer she will be able to ask questions with regard to the budgeting and  the needs.  She stated she is concerned that paper work is not being filed properly.

Stephen White explained the Board’s position with regard to sucession.  He stated that the Sunapee Board was not heard until they stated they were going to try to sucede from Sullivan County.   This is the only time Sunapee was given any recognition.  S. White suggested that C. Sweeney try to meet with local groups such as the Lions Club and Sunapee Invite.  

William Roach stated that the Board feels the amount being taxed to Sunapee is quite inequitable.  Sunapee pays ¼ of the county budget and receives only 8% of the services.  W. Roach stated he was not happy with the way the Sunapee Selectmen have been treated by the County Commissioners and Manager.  The Board’s numerous questions regarding the county budget and amounts paid by the towns of the county have been left unanswered.  In particular, W. Roach stated he thought it very unfair that under Human Services, the Town of Sunapee receives 1.9% of the services and pays 24% of the budget.  He believes there has been a gross misuse of funds.  

Richard Leone stated that he served on various committees with Cynthia Sweeney and found her to be very fair.  


Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she has consulted with Police Chief David Cahill regarding the numerous amount of boat trailers left unattached at the Sherburne
Board of Selectmen
October 16, 2006

Gym and asked his advice.  Chief Cahill could not attend the meeting  and wrote a memo to D. Nashawaty and the Board of Selectmen.  A copy of the memo is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  Chief Cahill suggested that  the parking spaces close to the harbor be 2 hour parking and the  remaining lots be six hour parking.  He would have two five hour shifts on every Saturday and Sunday to patrol the area.  D. Nashawaty suggested that Riverway, who owns lots in the area, be approached to see if they would limit their parking.  Fred Gallup stated that not only the parking in the harbor should. be limited but that the fine of $40 be increased.  Stephen White stated that he did not feel that 2 hours was enough time for a patron to shop in the stores or dine in one of the restaurants.  Richard Leone agreed stating that the 2 hour limit might be a disadvantage to the businesses.  D. Nashawaty stated that she felt what the Board wanted to do was to optimize the use of the amount of spaces presently available.  The Board agreed.  F. Gallup stated that he believes the Board would like to keep the parking spaces on a turn over and discourage disconnecting trailers.  

William Roach stated that he has seen on many occasions this past summer where there were no parking spots available in the harbor and that the Sherburne Gym lot was filled with boat trailers disconnected from vehicles.  He believes and has seen people park their boat trailer at the gym and then drive up to the harbor and park their vehicle there.  These people often times spend the entire day on the lake and doing so, have taken up a space that might have been used by patrons.  

Discussion was held on the different parking lots in the harbor and their designated hours of parking.  Some of these spaces are used by employees who work in the harbor area.  W. Roach stated that he agreed with the Chief in  having some areas 4 hour parking and others 6 hour parking.  S. White stated he would like to see an ordinance stating no unattached boat trailers allowed.  It was agreed that since the only time parking is a problem is during the spring through to early fall, that limited parking only be enforced from Memorial Day to Columbus Day.  D. Nashawaty stated she felt  she could reword the parking ordinance to make it more simply understood by using the recommendations of the Police Chief and Selectmen.  The easiest way would be to strike the one line with the 6 hour limit.  It was agreed that River Road parking would stay as it is.  Emma Smith suggested that signage be put in place.  Lana Osborne recommended that the wording could be put on one sign as is seen in other towns.  D. Nashawaty asked what the Selectmen would like to see proposed as the fine.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup that the fine for illegal parking be increased from 40.00 to $60.00.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The motion carried with 4 in favor and 1 against.  R. Leone stated he would like to discuss this after review of the ordinance at a public meeting.  

Donna Nashawaty will have a draft ordinance for review at the next Selectmen’s meeting.  It was agreed that a hearing on the ordinance would be held at the November 20 Selectmen’s meeting.
Board of Selectmen
October 16, 2006

Leena Mark questioned why she has not seen as much patrolling of the harbor area that she did before the police moved into the new Safety Services Building.  She also asked why Sunapee now had 16 officers.  D. Nashawaty and E. Smith stated that they did not believe there were that many officers, even counting the part time ones.  

Emma Smith asked that Chief Cahill be present for the November 20 public hearing.   D. Nashawaty reported that Chief Cahill has applied for a grant to provide money for walking patrol.


Emma Smith stated she thought the open house at the Safety Services Building on Sat., Oct. 14 when extremely well planned and was very well attended.  She said the tours were terrific, the meal was wonderful and she was so proud of the employees and volunteers of the town that assisted in the open house activities.  E. Smith stated that she wished to publicly thank Donna Nashawaty for putting the open house together, adding that she did an excellent job and she heard many positive comments of those in attendance.  It was guessed that about 500 to 600 people were in attendance.  DART from Dartmouth Hitchcock provided free helicopter rides, which delighted everyone, especially the children.  William Roach, Stephen White, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup all praised Donna Nashawaty for her guidance and skill in bringing the event together.  D. Nashawaty thanked the Board for their kind words and said she was proud to be a part of it and was very proud of the employees and volunteers who assisted.    D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the Safety Services Building project ended within budget and that on the first year $25,000 to $27,000 in interest was saved.  The loan is at the rate of 3.97%.  

Richard Leone stated that people should be told that the town of Sunapee residents receive the insurance rates that a full time fire department would receive.  This is something few people know.  It is because of the fine and professional service the department provides.  

Dates for Budget Hearing and Deliberative Session

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the School Board is having their meetings on the same night the Selectmen had chosen.  She would like to know if the Board would agree to holding the budget hearing on January 11, 2007 and the Deliberative Session on February 6, 2007.   The Board agreed.

D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the Selectmen are scheduled to meet with the Master Plan committee on Thursday, October 19th .  The meeting begins at 7 PM and the Board is slated for 7:40 PM.

Board of Selectmen
October 16, 2006

D. Nashawaty notified the Board that on Tuesday, Oct. 24th the Zoning Board is hosting a meeting with Town Counsel.  This is a free meeting to receive advice from counsel.  The ZBA is inviting the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen to attend.  The meeting is at 7 PM at Town Hall.  

D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that budget meetings with the BAC will begin Oct. 31st at 7 PM at Town Hall.  E. Smith will not be present so Stephen White will chair.

Emma Smith informed the Board that she is still looking for a person to be appointed a member of the BAC.

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that rather than go over each budget line item, she has requested that the department heads address only those that have been raised.  This will same time and is less confusing.  

Emma Smith informed the Board that the BAC and School Board have agreed to the current guidelines set for the BAC.  

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that at this years LGC conference, the towns of Sunapee, Newbury and New London have been asked to speak on tri-town assessing.  Also their pictures will appear on the cover of the Town and City Magazine.

Fred Gallup informed the Board that the Historical Society will restore the old steam roller now located on Rte. 103.  This is the first piece of machinery that was owned by the Sunapee Highway Department.  

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the first meeting of the French Livery Restoration Committee was held and the following have been chosen as officers:  Kevin Rickard, Chairman, Dana Ramspott, Vice Chairman and Betsy Katz, Secretary.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup