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Selectmen's Minutes September 11, 2006


September 11, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach, Frederick Gallup and Richard Leone.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Carolyn Dube, Argus Champion and Carolyn Stoddard, Intertown.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:05 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


There were no appointments.


Please see agenda attached to file copy of the minutes.


A.  Recreation Committee Appointments

Melissa Eastman, Christine Williams and Paul Skarin were appointed to the Recreation Committee.

B.  French Livery Renovation Committee

Kevin Rickard, Mike Durfor, Betsy Katz, Betty Tatlock, Ron Garceau, Tony Bergeron, Betsy Webb, Catherine Busheuff and Dana Ramspott were appointed as members of the committee with three year terms each.  D. Nashawaty asked the Selectmen if there was anything they would like to see specifically.  The Board expressed openness to what the committee might provide for answers, whether it be a facility to be used by the Town or even the sell of the facility.  To the amusement of the other Board members, William Roach thought maybe the facility could be renovated for a new County complex.  Emma Smith stated she would like to have a report by the committee before Christmas of this year.  She would also like to be informed of when and where the meetings of the committee will be held.  Motion was made by Stephen White to give the committee broad discretion for ideas and to bring these suggestions back to the Board by
Board of Selectmen
September 11, 2006

December 15, 2006 in time for budget preparation.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Policy Process – Vote & Delegate


1.  Municipal Participation in Retirement Issues:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

2.  Cable Franchise Legislation:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

3.  Charitable Definition and Mandated Property Tax Exemptions:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

4.  Right to Know Costs and Specificity Required:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

5.  Right to Know Law Exemption:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

6.  Underground Utilities:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

7.  Downshiting of State Costs  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

8.  Binding Arbitration:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

9.  Telephone Company Property Tax Exemption:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

10.  State Revenue Structure and State Education Funding:   With regards to items a to e, the Selectmen did not feel they had enough information to address this at this time.  With regard to prohibiting retroactive changes to the distribution, the Selectmen voted to support this policy.  With regard to opposing reductions in state revenue to political subdivisions, the Selectmen voted to support this with the removal of the wording “adequate education grants” in the last sentence.

11.  Land Use Compliance by Government Entities:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

12.  Utility Appraisal Method:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

Board of Selectmen
September 11, 2006

13.  Minimum Vote Required for Bond Issues:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

14.  Mandated Employee Benefits:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

15.  Mass Transportation:  The Selectmen had no opinion on this policy.


1.  Assessing Practices – Income and Expense Statements:  The Selectmen support to back this policy.

2.  Local Welfare and Health Costs:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

3.  Capital Reserve Funds for Debt:  The Selectmen voted not to support this policy.

4.  Government Body Recommendation For All Warrant Articles:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy but to make it an option of the Board and not a requirement.

5.  Terms of Appointed Officials:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

6.  Gifts of Personal Property:  The Selectmen voted to not support this policy.

7.  Credit Bureau Due Diligence:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

8.  Discretionary Preservation Easements:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

9.  Supervisors of the Checklist Sessions:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

10.  Supplemental Budget Hearings:  The Selectmen stated that they would need further clarification before expressing an opinion on this policy.

11.  Tax Bill Information:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

12.  Special Meetings for Zoning Amendments:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

13.  Bond Rescission Process:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

14.  Taxation of Travel Trailers Used as Residences:  The Selectmen voted not to respond to this policy.

Board of Selectmen
September 11, 2006

15.  Affordable Housing:  The Selectmen voted not to respond to this policy.

16.  Appointment of Town Clerks:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.  


1.  Exemption from Land Use Change Tax:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

2.  Siting Landfills In Neighboring Municipalities:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

3.  Air Pollution, Preemption and DES Permitting:  The Selectmen voted not to respond to this policy.

4.  Billing for Solid Waste Collection:  The Selectmen voted not to respond to this policy.

5.  Open Space Retention/Sprawl Prevention:  The Selectmen voted not to respond to this policy.

6.  Sludge/Biosolids:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

7.  Current Use:  The Selectmen voted to support this policy.

8.  Conservation Investment:  The Selectmen voted not to respond to this policy.

Town Manager Donna Nashawaty will attend the Legislative Policy Conference scheduled for Friday, September 29 and will present the Selectmen’s policy opinions at that time.  A copy of the Floor Policies are attached to the file copy of these minutes.

D.  Oakledge Road Maintenance

D. Nashawaty reported that Road Agent, Tony Bergeron, has given her a list of costs for use of Town equipment.  He did also tell her that he was not sure when his schedule would allow him to do the work.  The cost for the grader is $68 per hour and $55 per hour for the roller.  This includes labor.  Within the list of costs for equipment use, T. Bergeron had added other equipment costs such as a backhoe, dump truck, etc.  Fred Gallup expressed concern that a precedent not be set wherein other private road owners would request the Town highway to perform road work.  He wants to make sure that any requests are taken care of case by case and to make sure that the Road Agent knows that the Board must approve of any action before being taken.  Motion was made by Stephen White to request that Tony Bergeron send a letter to the Oakledge
Board of Selectmen
September 11, 2006

residents which outlines the rates pertaining to the grader and roller only.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

E.  Resignation – Budget Advisory Committee – Rick Mastin

D. Nashawaty read a letter of resignation from Rick Mastin.  R. Mastin is resigning from the Budget Advisory Committee citing time constraints and limitations.  The Board agreed to send R. Mastin a letter to accept the resignation with regret and to thank him for his past service on the BAC.  D. Nashawaty urged the Board to find an individual as soon as possible to fill the vacancy as budget time is approaching.  The Selectmen will try to have names of possible individuals for the next Selectmen’s meeting.  


A.  Master Plan Review Meeting – October 19, 2006 (7:40 PM)

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that they were slated to meet with the Planning Board on the above date and time.  Emma Smith instructed the Board on what information the Planning Board would like to gather, such as what does the Board see happening within the town over the next 10 years and what possible actions might need to be taken.   This will be an item for discussion on the agenda for the next meeting.

B.  Safety Services Building Open House – Sat., Oct. 14, 10 AM to 4 PM

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the open house for the new Safety Services Building is being held Saturday, Oct. 14, 10 AM to 4 PM.  Richard Leone requested that the Town of Grantham be invited.  Emma Smith said she will get together with D. Nashawaty to organize the occasion and plan on what to serve for refreshments.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the police and fire personnel are planning an organizational meeting.  E. Smith stated that she would like to be notified of the date so that she may attend.  Discussion was held on the old ladder truck.  D. Nashawaty will check with the Fire Chief to find out if and when the truck may be put out for bid.


A.  Develop Guidelines for the BAC with the School Board

The old guidelines will be reviewed and given to the Board for their input.  Emma Smith will contact the BAC and School Board to get two members from each Board to review the guidelines.  Emma Smith and Richard Leone will represent the Board of Selectmen.

Board of Selectmen
September 11, 2006


A.  The Sullivan County Commissioners will hold a meeting September 13th at 10 AM to review the county audit.  Other business will also be discussed such as the budget and revenues.  D. Nashawaty will attend.  

B.  A hearing of the Zoning Board of Adjustment is scheduled for Thursday, September 14 at the Music Room at the High School.  The hearing will discuss the proposed cell tower on Stagecoach on property of M. Wiggins.  

C.  D. Nashawaty raised an issue with regard to appointments of Cemetery Trustees.  She has gathered information and this will be sent to Town Counsel for review.

D.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that Rocco Pignataro did not pay his taxes as promised.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to take the deed to the property reluctantly and to start the eviction process.  F. Gallup stated that this was not the Board’s desire, but they have no other recourse.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

E.  Emma Smith reported that she had received a call from Sharon Knapp regarding the Crean property on Quarry Road.  S. Knapp stated that Mr. Crean had parked a trailer and a car in one of the owner’s rights-of-way.  Discussion was held on S. Knapp’s complaints and it was agreed that this was a civil matter and the town could not get involved.

The meeting adjourned at 10:25 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup