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Selectmen's Minutes August 28, 2006

August 28, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith,  Stephen White, William Roach, Frederick Gallup and Richard Leone.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty

OTHERS PRESENT:  Ronald Verblauw, Everett Pollard, Robin Pollard, Barbara Cooper, Ben Cooper, Donna Gazelle, Rocco Pignataro, Patricia Hall, Carolyn Stoddard, Peter Urbach, Mark Sperno, Leena Mark, Sharon Knapp, Jerry Karr, Joe Doyle, Richard Haines, Police Chief David Cahill, Michael Johnson, Betty Ramspott and Tony Bergeron.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00 PM.


Mark Sperno thanked the Board for inviting him and Rocco Pignataro to the meeting.
There were no other public comments.


A.  Police Chief David Cahill – Introduction of New Prosecutor

Chief Cahill introduced the new part time Prosecutor for the Sunapee Police Department, Michael Johnson, to the Board of Selectmen and Town Manager.  At the present time, M. Johnson is working Tuesday and Thursday.  Chief Cahill explained that M. Johnson had 22 years of police experience and was a State Trooper from Troop C in Keene.  M. Johnson also works for the City of Claremont Police Department and the Grantham Police Department.   After the introduction, Michael Johnson was sworn in by Town Clerk Betty Ramspott.

B.  Sunapee Beautification Committee:  Decorative Post and Chain Protector

Donna Gazelle represented the Beautification Committee.  She notified the Board that Tecla McCann, once a member of the committee, has moved to Durham.  Gene Hall has resigned from the committee and Pat Hall is no longer Co-Chairman but will remain on the committee.  The committee has chosen Barbara Cooper and Donna Gazelle as Co-Chairmen and Robin Pollard as the new Vice Chairman.   Stephen White suggested that a letter of thanks be written to Pat and Gene Hall and Tecla McCann for their efforts while on the committee.   D. Gazelle distributed a brief history of the Beautification Committee which includes items they wish to do and are outlined in the original harbor beautification plan.  The report also included items the committee wishes to do over time.  Currently the
Board of Selectmen
August 28, 2006-08-31

committee would like to erect a post and chain decorative fence to protect a garden that has been trod upon by pedestrians and skateboarders.  The chain fence is being donated.    The committee also wishes to have a mail box located at Town Hall for notes and information they need.  D. Gazelle stated that the committee needs protocols from the Selectmen.   Other items previously planned for the harbor were discussed.  These involve help from the Road Agent, Tony Bergeron.  Emma Smith stated that the Board will speak with T. Bergeron and will get back to the committee.  E. Smith added that T. Bergeron is extremely busy now trying to repair roads from the recent rains so anything needed by him will have to be on his schedule.  Upon reviewing the items that the committee wishes to do in the future, S. White suggested that the committee get together with Donna Nashawaty and Tony Bergerson to present a list of things that may be planned.  Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the chain fencing as presented by the Beautification Committee.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.    William Roach added that he believes the fencing is an attractive and good idea and will serve its purpose.  Discussion was held on placement of a memorial tree for Russell D. Clark.  The committee will come before the Board with a suggestion.  D. Gazelle told the Board that the committee will give copies of their minutes of meetings to the Board.  The Selectmen thanked the Beautification Committee for their fine work.  

C.  Sharon Knapp – Building and Zoning Issues

Sharon Knapp wished to discuss a zoning issue with the Board.  In June of 2004, she was notified as an abutter regarding a hearing of an application submitted by  Brian Crean to construct a garage not within the footage as required by the Zoning Regulations.  The garage would be built on the site of a three family condominium.  S. Knapp stated that she was in favor of the application but the garage was not constructed.  An addition to the condominium for living space was constructed.  S. Knapp asked the Board who should oversee projects such as this and believes the abutters should have been notified of the change of plans.  There is also a concern of the percentage of coverage of buildings, etc. on the lot.   S. Knapp stated that she has spoken with Roger Landry, Zoning Administrator and members of the Zoning Board and could not get an answer.  Jerry Karr, although not an abutter to the Crean property, stated he agreed with S. Knapp.  The conditions on the ZBA approval stated that the garage would not be taller than 13 feet.  B. Crean has erected an addition of more than that footage.  The input to the abutters was based on what was presented at the ZBA hearing.  J. Karr stated that the true intent was not followed and believes that the abutters should have been notified of the change before a building permit was approved.  D. Nashawaty explained that the application submitted by B. Crean was for an area variance and requested that the building be 20 feet from the lot line rather than 25 feet as required by the zoning regulations.  The granting of the area variance simply met that B. Crean could build within the 20 foot designated area.  The area variance does not set conditions.  D. Nashawaty explained that B. Crean could build what ever he wanted as long as it met the set backs approved by the ZBA.  D. Nashawaty
Board of Selectmen
August 28, 2006

read from a memo given to her by Roger Landry that outlined the events of the Crean application.  

Fred Gallup apologized to the abutting property owners and stated that perhaps the Zoning Regulations should be reviewed to see if it might be amended to cover such things as re-notification to abutters when a change is planned.    S. Knapp restated that she feels the abutters should have been notified of the change in plans. She also complained that the builders worked well into the night.  William Roach stated that he feels the abutters should have been notified since there was a change in plans from a garage to an addition for living space.  Stephen White agreed and thought that the new plans should have gone before the Zoning Board.  D. Nashawaty explained that the change in plans did not need ZBA approval as the structure was within the footage approved by the ZBA.  She also stated that Town Counsel was asked for instruction and he told her and Roger Landry that there was nothing the Town could do.  Sharon Knapp also notified the Board that B. Crean has blocked a R.O.W. with a stone wall.  Emma Smith suggested that Roger be consulted.  Peter Urbach, member of the ZBA, agrees that the building change was unjust and did not follow the conditions set by the ZBA.  It was agreed by the Board that a zoning amendment be addressed to stop this from happening again.  Emma Smith suggested that a meeting be held with the Board, B. Crean, Roger Landry and the abutters to discuss this issue.  
Stephen White, at this time, informed the Board that he has heard from members of the Sullivan County Sheriff’s office, including the Sheriff, that the Town of Sunapee was very fortunate to have David Cahill as its Chief of Police.

D.  Oakledge

D. Nashawaty read a letter sent by the Oakledge Association requesting that the Town highway continue the occasional grading and rolling of the gravel roads in the development.  The highway has done this during the past but found out they should not be using publicly funded equipment on private roads.  Joe Doyle, President of the association explained that the roads have the wash board effect and is worried that emergency vehicles would have a hard time traveling them in this condition.  Tony Bergeron explained that he used to grade and roll the roads at least once per year until he discovered he should not be.  The only way he can do work on a private road is if the town was compensated for the work.  Richard Haines, Treasurer of the association asked how the Town would compute the charges.  D. Nashawaty read the statute governing this.  Payment would be for the cost of operating the equipment, fuel, employee’s labor, etc.  J. Doyle advised the Board that there is approximately 4 miles of road that need work.  T. Bergeron estimated that the cost would be $75.00 per hour.  T. Bergeron will work out the figures and present them to the Board.  This item will be discussed further at the September 11 meeting.

Board of Selectmen
August 28, 2006

E.  Pignataro Tax Deed

Rocco Pignataro requested that the Board allow him two more weeks to pay his tax bill in full.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to allow Rocco Pignataro until September 11 to pay his tax bill in full.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


Please see agenda attached with file copy of he minutes.


A.  Policy Process – Vote and Delegate

The Selectmen reviewed the floor policies and voted on each as follows:

FP 1.  Penalty for Failure to File Utility Property Changes:  The Board voted to support this policy.  W. Roach abstained.

FP2.  Update of Statutes Governing Deposits/Investments:  The Board voted unanimously to support this.

FP3.  Proposal to Clarify the Deposit of Funds:  The Board voted unanimously to support this.

FP4.  Proposal to Authorize Treasurer to Delegate Certain Functions:  The Board voted unanimously to support this.

FP5.  Proposal to Allow Towns the Option to Appoint A Treasurer:  The Board voted unanimously to support this.

FP6.  Electronic Record Retention:  The Board voted unanimously to support this.

FP7.  Opposition to Tipping Fee Increases:  The Board voted unanimously not to support this.

FP8.  Telecommunications in Rural Areas:  The Board voted unanimously to support this.

Additional policies will be discussed at the September 11th meeting.

Board of Selectmen
August 28, 2006

B.  Welfare Guidelines

The Welfare Director, Greg Vigue, gave D. Nashawaty proposed guidelines on rentals for the Board to adopt for incorporation in the Welfare Guidelines.  Motion was made by Richard Leone to adopt the rental guidelines.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

C.  Cemetery Trustee

The Board signed an appointment certificate for Karl Jonas to be on the Cemetery Commission.  His term will expire March 2007.  D. Nashawaty explained to the Board that K. Jonas did not want to serve beyond March 2007 so she would like to see if Richard Quinlan could serve ad hoc on the commission as he is interested in running for trustee in March 2007.   The Board approved of this.


A.  Broadband Committee Report

D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the next broadband meeting is scheduled for August 30th at 7 PM in the Enfield Community Center.   D. Nashawaty informed the Board that it has been determined that the entire project cost to bring fiber every where is about $32 million dollars.  There will be many avenues of funding that will be researched.  

B.   September 5th Work Session

D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the work session with the School Board, Budget Advisory Committee and Selectmen is scheduled for September 5th at 7 PM in the High School Music Room.  She has not been able to find a facilitator yet.

C.  Street Light Committee

D. Nashawaty reported to the Board that she could not find any guidelines set by the past Street Light Committee.  She only found information that stated that lights were put on corners, near bridges and public ways.  A letter will be written to Ms. Skolnik in answer to her request that a light be placed near her property on Lindenhof.  The letter will recommend that Ms. Skolnik contact her condominium association to see if they may install a light.  

Board of Selectmen
August 28, 2006


D. Nashawaty showed the Selectmen what a riverway “blaze” looked like.  It was brought to the Town Hall by Ron Verblauw.  

D. Nashawaty reported to the Board that Adelphia has been bought out by Comcast.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White, Vice Chair

Richard Leone   
                                                               William Roach
Frederick Gallup