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Selectmen's Minutes July 17, 2006

July 17, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, William Roach, Richard Leone, Stephen White.  Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Clayton Adams, Tim Fleury, Van Webb,  Carolyn Dube, Howard Sargent, Catherine Bushueff, Gene Hall, Pat Hall, Tecla,  Beth McGuinn and Rebecca Rice-Robinson.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:05 PM.


A.  Public Hearing:  Webb Conservation Easement

Chairman Smith opened the hearing at 7:06 PM.  Van Webb presented survey maps of the Dane and Harrison lots to the Board of Selectmen.  They have prepared the deeds.  Both deeds and maps will be reviewed by Beth McGuinn of Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation.  Tim Fleury informed the Board that both he and Van Webb met with the Planning Board at their July 6 meeting.  The Planning Board voted unanimous to request the Board of Selectmen accept the easement.   V. Webb will have the deeds ready for the Selectmen’s signatures on July 30, 2006.  Stephen White made a motion to accept the conservation easement for the Harrison and Dane lots as presented on plans certified by surveyor, Cliff Richer, and to authorize the Conservation Commission to move forward to record the deeds.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

S. White thanked Tim Fleury, Van Webb and the other members of the Conservation Committee who worked hard in this effort.  

Donna Nashawaty wanted to let the Board know that the law was followed to a “T” in bringing forth the easements.  It was presented at 3 meetings of the Board of Selectmen, 2 meetings of the Planning Board and 2 meetings of the Conservation Commission.  V. Webb invited the Selectmen to the signing of the deed on July 30th from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon.  This will be held on the Dane lot.  A birthday celebration for his father, Richard Webb, will be held at the same time.

B.  Howard Sargent,  Director of Emergency Management:  Pandemic Planning

H. Sargent  informed the Board that he and Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty, attended a meeting about planning for a flu pandemic.   He stated that a tremendous amount of
Board of Selectmen
July 17, 2006

work has been done in the State of NH.  The State has now narrowed down sections of the State to be more manageable.  Most area towns are in Sunapee’s section.  New London will now be included.  Grantham is working with Dartmouth-Hitchcock.  H. Sargent stated he is impressed  with the organization.  Temp plates can be accessed on line to mold the operation.  He would like to know if the Board will approve of him working with them.  The region Sunapee is in is called the Claremont Region.  The total funding they will receive if $30,137.  These funds will be used for research and organization.  If Sunapee chooses not to go along with the Claremont Region, the town will be on its own with no funding.  H. Sargent stated that no monies will be asked of the towns and cities in the Claremont Region.  He also stated that most of the members of the Claremont Region are volunteers, but someone will be needed on a regular basis.  The grant money will support this.  The Town of Sunapee will be asked to sign an agreement to join the Claremont Region.  Emma Smith asked if there were any plans to inform the public of this possible danger.  H. Sargent  stated  that Sunapee is forming an Emergency Response Committee.  This will represent the 7 towns involved.  It is anticipated that the hospitals in Claremont and New London will be utilized.   The Red Cross does not intend on taking care of the sick.   Public awareness is the major point.  The Emergency Response is putting together safety packages.  All members of the Board stated they were behind this program and thanked H. Sargent for all of the work he has done for Sunapee to achieve this goal.

C.  Beautification Committee Work Session with Selectmen

Emma Smith thanked the committee members, Gene Hall, Pat Hall and Tecla McCann, for meeting with the Selectmen.  She stated that the Board would like to know what the Beautification Committee needs from the Selectmen and what the committee’s plans are at the present.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she felt the committee’s plan needs to be updated and the difference between maintenance and new construction defined.  Tecla McCann and Pat Hall both stated that they thought the committee’s actions were put on hold and that the committee could not do any more in the harbor without the Board’s authorization.  Stephen White and Emma Smith expressed their support of the committee and their efforts.  They both felt that only construction work needs prior approval from the Board and plantings and maintenance did not.  It was explained that a hold was placed on any committee work until the June 5 public hearing.   E. Smith asked what the difference was between the Beautification Committee and the Gardners.  T. McCann explained that the Beautification Committee grew out of the Gardners.  The committee was developed to represent the Gardners before the Board of Selectmen.  T. McCann stated that she thought communication between the Board and committee was the key.  Clayton Adams stated he appreciated the work being done by the Beautification Committee and Gardners but would like to have a public discussion when addressing any alterations to the park.  He feels that too much attention is being placed on the harbor area when there are other areas in town that could be addressed.  Tecla McCann explained that the original plan was only for the harbor area.  Emma Smith stated that she wanted to put
Board of Selectmen
July 17, 2006

the past behind and would like to refortify the gratitude of the Board for the efforts of the Beautification Committee and Gardners  Richard Leone agreed.  William Roach discussed the original plan and how it has deviated over the past few years.  He explained that the Selectmen’s intentions were to bring any construction work done to Town property before the Town’s people at a public hearing.  He also stated that he felt any changes to the original plan for the harbor should come before the Board of Selectmen.  Stephen White stated that the monies were given to the Beautification Committee and Gardners to maintain the harbor area and to beautify it.  Catherine Bushueff stated that she appreciated the efforts of the Beautification Committee and Gardners.  She asked if the Beautification Committee was an official committee of the Town and held meetings with minutes, etc.  Emma Smith explained that the committee was recognized as a volunteer group.  Donna Nashawaty explained the original warrant article that established a fund to be used to beautify the Town.  The committee is recognized by the Board of Selectmen as an advisory committee on how to spend the funds generated.  D. Nashawaty stressed that all the funds are donations received by the Beautification Committee.  These funds can be used anywhere in town; not just the harbor.    Rebecca Rice-Robinson stated that a there appears to be a lot of plans for the harbor and asked if any meetings were held on these.  She stated she had not heard of any.    Emma Smith explained that the Selectmen’s meetings are posted  and anyone is invited to attend.  She also said she is working with WNTK radio to broadcast Sunapee news.  Richard Leone and William Roach both stated that lack of communication is the key.  The Board all agreed that the Beautification Committee and Gardners can continue with plantings and maintenance of the shrubbery.  C. Bushueff asked if the committee had permission to do other items in the original plan such as the lighting in the harbor or changing pedestrian traffic.  She feels these items are significant and should be addressed at a public meeting.  She believes the Board should encourage public participation.  Stephen White stated they are addressed at public meetings as has been done in the past.  When the committee has plans other than plantings and maintenance, they will come before the Board with their proposal.  Emma White thanks Gene Hall, Pat Hall and Tecla McCann for attending.


Please see agenda attached to the file copy of these minutes.


A.  Selectmen’s Meeting – August

Stephen White suggested that the Selectmen change their August 14 meeting to August 15, the date of the Summer Town Meeting.  It was agreed to do this.  The meeting will begin 5:30 PM.

Board of Selectmen
July 17, 2006

B.  Harbor Parking

Gary Obymarco, non-resident, asked to speak with the Selectmen regarding a parking ticket he received from Sunapee Police Department.  He also wished to discuss the towing bill he had to pay.  G. Obymarco does not feel the ticket and towing charges are fair.  He stated that there was no signage at the lot he parked on stating boat trailers were not allowed.    He went to see Chief Cahill and the chief refused to go with him to the harbor so he could point out that there was not a sign.  William Roach explained that there is a sign near the lower end of the lot.  G. Obymarco  stated that he has parked in that same area at least 5 times before and was never ticketed.  Stephen White stated that in the spring, it is up to the discretion of the officer to ticket or not.  The  harbor is not as busy in the spring as it is in the summer.  G. Obymarco stated he felt signs should be placed warning that vehicles may be towed.  Richard Leone stated he would like to take it under advisement and speak with the Police Chief.  Emma Smith agreed and stated that someone would get back to G. Obymarco by July 31.  The Board agreed to discuss an ordinance at their first October Selectmen’s meeting that would address “unattached”


A.  Appointments to the Recreation Committee

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the background checks for Melissa Eastman and Brian Garland were completed.  The Selectmen signed the appointment forms.  


A.  Tax Deeded Property

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the Town holds a tax deed for property of  Rocco Pignataro on Route 103.  She has written to him and corresponded with him by phone.  R. Pignatro has promised on several occasions to pay the taxes due, which are approximately $6,500.  D. Nashawaty stated she knows the Selectmen do not like to take property, but does not know what to do.  The Board suggested D. Nashawaty write again to R. Pignatro with a final date to have the taxes paid in full.

B.  Safety Services Building Update

D. Nashawaty reported that the grounds work is nearly done.  Carroll Concrete is coming soon to redo the floor.  While work is being done on the floor, the emergency vehicles are being housed at the highway garage.  

Board of Selectmen
July 17, 2006

C.  Abatements – 2005

D. Nashawaty distributed the proposed tax abatements presented by the assessor Norm Bernaiche.  She asked the Board to review these for discussion at the July 31 meeting.  She suggested that if the Board has any questions, they should email Norm.

D.  Meeting with School Board and BAC

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she has scheduled a meeting with the Selectmen, School Board and BAC for Monday, September 25.  She is looking in a facilitator.

E.  Letters

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she received a letter from a property owner on Central Street.  Two abutting property owners are in disagreement over their property line.  D. Nashawaty spoke with both parties and explained that the Town could not get involved as it is a civil matter.

D. Nashawaty read a letter to the Board from Peter Segal who owns property on Westwood Road.  Mr. Segal would like to see the Transfer Station opened some holidays so out of stators will be able to dispose of their rubbish and not have to wait.  A letter will be sent to Mr. Segal stating that his suggestion is being taken under advisement.

D. Nasahwaty  informed the Board of a letter of commendation Chief Cahill has written to three police officers.  The officers are Officer Boucher and Officer Cobb from Sunapee and Officer Emily Binder with the Claremont Police Department.  These three police officers noticed a break-in taking place at the Georges Mills store.  They apprehended the individual and took him into custody.  All three officers were off duty at the time.  All Selectmen stated they were very proud of these individuals.

D. Nashawaty has received complaints from property owners on Depot Road and Paradise Road.  The construction of the new storage lots on an abutting property is causing erosion of their properties.  D. Nashawaty explained that the contractor had not taken into consideration the amount of rain fall we have had.  He is now putting in a retention pond.

D. Nashawaty informed the Selectmen of a letter from the Town of Newbury requesting that the property boundary between the two towns be walked.  William Roach thought walking the town lines had been given to the Conservation Commission.  Bruce Burdett of the Conservation Commission will be consulted.

Board of Selectmen
July 17, 2006

Emma Smith reported that she received a phone call from John Mapley.  Mr. Mapley would like to set up a meeting with Harry Gale's Advisory Committee and at least two members of the Board of Selectmen.  He is concerned with the bad under currents that the Board seems to have with H. Gale and would like to mend fences.  Richard Leone and Stephen White agreed to attend.  E. Smith will call J. Mapley to let him know.

Emma Smith reported that the Planning Board would really like to get some money this year for a charrett.  She estimates that $2,000 would give them a good start.   D. Nashawaty stated that unbudgeted monies can only be spent in an emergency and she does not feel this is an emergency.  The Board agreed.  E. Smith will contact Peggy Chalmers, Chairman of the Planning Board.

The meeting adjourned at 11:20 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                                        Approved___________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                                                  Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Richard Leone                                                                 William Roach

Frederick Gallup