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Selectmen's Minutes June 26, 2006

June 26, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, Frederick Gallup and Richard Leone.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Beth McGuinn of Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust, Van Webb, Timothy Fleury and Lela Emery.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Smith at 7:04 PM.


Please see agenda attached to file copy of minutes.

As members of the Conservation Commission were waiting for Beth McGuinn to arrive, the Selectmen took up Town Managers Report.


Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that both the police and fire departments were in the process of moving into the new Safety Services Building.  She spent last Thursday with the Police Chief putting together all the desks and countertops for each work station.  She stated that the Chief is very happy with the outcome.  A few items such as vacuums and cleaning tools were over looked when constructing the new building.  These will need to be purchased.  Also what needs to be addressed is who books the Community Room and who will be responsible for cleaning the public toilet facilities.  She is planning on having the fire department and the police department meet on a regular basis to keep in touch.  

Chairman Emma Smith opened the public hearing for the Webb Conservation Easement at 8:17 PM.

Van Webb recused himself from discussion of the process.  He was present to answer any questions the Board may have of him.

Donna Nashawaty explained to the Board that this was the first of two required public hearings.  The second public hearing is scheduled for July 17th.  These have been advertised.  

Tim Fleury, Chairman of the Conservation Commission, reminded the Selectmen that this was the item originally discussed with them on January 23, 2006.  It is a bargain sale for two Webb parcels.  The Harrison Lot of 69 acres on Youngs Hill Road and the Dane
Board of Selectmen
June 26, 2006

Lot of 74 acres on Brook Road.  This was discussed with both the Selectmen and the Planning Board and since there were no objections, the Conservation Commission has had the easements drafted and $12,000 was allocated for the bargain sale.  They are now
at the point of finalizing the easement language.  The Conservation Commission will hold the back up easement and the primary easement holder will be the Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust.  The easement language has been forwarded to the Town Manager and Town Counsel for review.  

Tim Fleury turned the hearing over to Beth McGuinn of ASLPT.  B. McGuinn distributed information to the Board which explained the conservation easement.  She also distributed copies of the draft easements.  These are attached to the file copy of these minutes.   B. McGuinn explained the purposes of a conservation easement, which is basically to protect open spaces, wildlife habitat and to maintain scenic beauty.  She also explained the use limitations of the easement, for example the property cannot be developed or subdivided.  There are rights reserved by the landowner such as being able to post the property against camping and motorized wheeled vehicles such as ATV’s.  B. McGuinn explained that ASLPT also had affirmative rights, such as access to monitor the property and enforce the easement.  

Richard Leone asked about the purpose for prohibiting  ATV’s.  B. McGuinn stated  they were prohibited  because of possible erosion problems.  

Donna Nashawaty stated she noted that commercial use was prohibited and asked about cross country skiing.  Van Webb responded that this issue has been discussed and will be further discussed.    Commercial use is something that needs defining.  

Richard Leone asked if there were any liability issues.  V. Webb stated that State Statutes protect the land owner and if no admission is charged, there is no personal liability.  

Stephen White thanked V. Webb for all of his and the Conservation Commission’s work on this project.  V. Webb stated that these were the last two properties his father wished to provide through conservation easement and he is proud to do this for him and the town.  V. Webb is currently having the properties surveyed.  He will provide the town with a copy upon completion.  

The public hearing was closed by Chairman Smith at 7:45 PM.


Donna Nashawaty discussed the banner placed in front of Town Hall to advertise the Summer Town Meeting.  This is scheduled for August 15, 2006 at 7:00 PM in the Music Room of the Middle High School.

Board of Selectmen
June 26, 2006

William Roach stated that he observed about twenty boat trailers left parked at the Sherburne Gym over the weekend without being attached to vehicles.  Therefore, this means that the vehicles are taking up space by parking in the harbor.  He feels this is
unfair and the owners of these boat trailers should keep their vehicles with the trailer and save parking in the harbor area for shoppers and tourists.  It was noted that this had been discussed previously and it was agreed by the Board to observe this activity over the summer and bring it up for discussion this fall.  It was also noted that Sunapee is the only town that provides free access to the lake and this is part of the problem.  

Emma Smith reported that she attended a meeting to discuss renovations for the elementary school.  She was told that the web site for the school was no longer available and wondered if the Town might be able to report on the meetings of the renovations on the Town’s site.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the school did have a site and that it can be accessed through the Town’s site.  E. Smith stated she must have misunderstood and that the school is in the state of reorganizing.  She will discuss this again at the next meeting.  

A brief discussion was held on the possibility of a large tract of land that might be available to purchase.

The meeting adjourned at 8:06 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved______________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                    Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                           Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup