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Selectmen's Minutes May 8, 2006


May 8, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen William Roach, Emma Smith, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup and Stephen White.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

OTHERS:  Peter & Linda Urbach, Clayton Adams, Charles Balyeat, Michael Snow, Lisa Meehan, Scott Unsworth, Betty Ramspott, Catherine Bushueff, David Bailey, Carolyn Dube, Police Chief David Cahill, Arthur Muller, John Walden, Betty Reid, Peter Fenton, Mary Beth Fenton, Peter M. Fenton, Beth Fenton, Tim Fenton and Bob Henry.

Meeting was called to order by Chairman Roach at 7:00 PM.


A.  Polling Places – Betty Ramspott, Town Clerk

Betty Ramspott began by informing the Board that a change was needed to the Sunapee polling place which has been the gym at the elementary school.  The State now requires internet access and the gym does not have this.  B. Ramspott stated that it is her position and responsibility to make the elections run smoothly.  It is the Selectmen’s job to set up the polling place.  F. Gallup asked why internet was needed.  B. Ramspott stated Sunapee’s checklist would become a part of the state wide data base via the Help American Vote Act which deters voter fraud.  After voting, the person’s name is logged into the net.  Should it appear from another voting facility, the state can track the person who may have voted fraudulently.  B. Ramspott was not sure how the town could pay for the service.  It can be connected and disconnected at the cost of $100.00 each with an additional annual cost of $1,400.00.  She also wondered if the Selectmen knew of any other polling places since the school would have to approve the installation of the internet connection.  Donna Nashawaty stated that they checked with a wireless connection and there are not enough signals for this.  Betty Ramspott stated that she wanted the Selectmen to be aware of this and that it is needed for the September Primary.  D. Nashawaty stated that the annual cost for this service would be between $1,000.00 and $600.00 depending on how many elections were being held.  B. Ramspott informed the Board that the State is providing some financial assistance with the connection.  Emma Smith suggested that the Selectmen discuss this with the School Board at their joint meeting scheduled for May 22.  The use of the high school was raised and B. Ramspott informed the Board that this was tried once and it did not work out well as there were many interruptions.  Use of the new Safety Services Building was questioned, but it was agreed that it would be better to keep using the elementary school facilities.  B. Ramspott reminded the Board again that something would have to be in place by the September Primary.

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

B.  Job Descriptions and Pay Scale – Library, Police & Highway Buildings


Donna Nashawaty explained to the Board that a number of job descriptions needed to be reviewed and approved by the Selectmen.  Some of the positions are brand new such as the Buildings Maintenance person, the Lieutenant position, and two in the Water and Sewer Department.  D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with copies of the descriptions and the revised organizational chart.  

John Walden, Librarian, was present to discuss the Children’s Librarian position.  This position is part time and replaces the part time Children’s Aide.  Emma Smith questioned why no educational requirements were mentioned in the description.  J. Walden will add that the minimum education requirement would be a high school diploma.  

Police Department – Lieutenant Position

Chief David Cahill was present to explain to the Board that the position of Sergeant will be replaced with the position of Lieutenant.  The Lieutenant position will be salaried which he believes will be more cost effective.  He is keeping open the option of hiring a part time Sergeant at a later date.  Richard Leone asked if the cost would be more.  Chief Cahill responded that the Lieutenant position will be approximately $3,000.00 to $4,000.00 less than the Sergeant position because over time will not be paid.  Fred Gallup asked if Chief Cahill would be requesting additional positions in his department.  Chief Cahill responded that he anticipates requesting a 6th full time officer in 2007 or 2008.  He feels he needs to keep up with the growing community.   He also anticipates keeping the Sergeant’s position open for 1 to 1½  years.  Stephen White asked if there were any requirement for age or education.  Chief Cahill responded that education would be a minimum of high school.  His goal is to have an accredited police department to satisfy State requirements.  Richard Leone stated he had a problem with growing government.  He feels he doesn’t have enough details to make a decision.  He stated he knows that Chief Cahill is doing a good job, but would like to see more facts.  Stephen White stated that he would like to know more reasons why Chief Cahill feels the need to move in this direction.  Chief Cahill explained that the department is making more and more arrests which require more investigations.  The community had one sex offender when he started his job as Chief and now there are 6 or 8 living in the community.  He feels he needs to stay active with what the community requires.  Chief Cahill explained that more and more evidence is required in each case and there has been a great increase in calls.  S. White stated that the issue is if a 6th police officer is needed.  Chief Cahill explained that Sgt. Collins needs to  have some relief of doing the prosecutions.  A Lieutenant will take more of a role as second in command.  The Prosecutor may be more multi-communitied.  

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

Fred Gallup wondered if the Sergeant could become salaried as well.  Donna Nashawaty explained that title and authority make the difference with respect to workers’ compensation coverage in that positions are exempt or non-exempt.  Charles Balyeat asked if this would  be discussed at a budget session.  D. Nashawaty explained that it may next year or the year after.   

Police Department – Prosecutor Position

Chief Cahill informed the Board that he has some other towns that may be interested in sharing this position.  This would require no change in his budget.  The position is budgeted at 20 hours per week with no benefits.  Chief Cahill explained that if other towns are interested, the position would probably drop to 15 hours per week in Sunapee.  
Fred Gallup asked if the towns were to share a prosecutor, would Sunapee’s case load be handled first.  Chief Cahill responded that it would.  Discussion is being held on some communities paying annually and some on a case by case basis.  A fair price will have to be determined.  Stephen White stated that Chief Cahill should be ready to explain the increase in officers as he will be asked some hard questions.  Chief Cahill responded that he is planning for the future.  He feels it is important to see how much time is involved in each case.  His hope is that his department will be more visible and in doing so, will deter crimes.  William Roach stated he can accept the new change in title but will need facts for the Sergeant’s position should it be reinstated.  Emma Smith asked how the changes will help with State accreditation.  Chief Cahill responded that the current Policies and Procedures will be updated as set by the standards.  He believes this will provide a positive more professional police department and better services to the community.  Chief Cahill also informed the Board that Police Standards and Training,  Primex and the Local Government Center may be able to provide financial assistance.  This move improves everything accomplished by the department.   D. Nashawaty pointed out to the Board that the revised Organizational Chart shows a Lieutenants position and no Sergeants position.

Water & Sewer Departments

David Bailey, Water & Sewer Superintendent, was present to explain the job descriptions in his departments.  D. Nashawaty wished to point out that even though the Board is being shown 5 job descriptions, the department only fills 3 at a time.  D. Bailey explained to the Board that essentially the reason for the change in the descriptions is to allow him to move his employees up the ladder in the pay scale.  When an employee starts as a laborer and then earns his license he should be credited.  As it now stands, there is a spot missing between the laborer and a Grade One classification.  The Operator in Training position is needed to give incentive to an employee to keep improving.  Other changes are that the Operator grade #II  has been moved to Chief Operator and the Chief Operator grade to Operator Mechanic.  The Operator Mechanic position is more involved as there

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

is an endless amount of repairs to be made at the waste water treatment plant.  D. Bailey explained that he is looking for a way for his employees to move up.  He will not be  hiring any new individuals.  Stephen White stated that he is pleased that D. Bailey is keeping the Board up to date with his positions, but that the Selectmen have no say in the operations of  his departments.  D. Nashawaty explained that even so, a process is needed to make sure the Selectmen are informed of changes to the Organizational Chart.  William Roach stated that he believed the pay scales in the water and sewer department should be in line with the town’s pay scales.  D. Bailey explained that the water and sewer mechanic position is totally different from that of the highway mechanic.  The water and sewer mechanic also needs to have an operator’s license.  It was noted that the positions of Operator I and II need to be switched on the Organizational Chart.  Stephen White stated he was comfortable with the changes as presented.  D. Nashawaty stressed that the water and sewer budgets contain 3 positions and there will be no budgetary change due to the adoption of the new job descriptions.  

Building Maintenance

Donna Nashawaty explained that the Board has already approved this position and the salary was approved at Town Meeting.

Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the job descriptions of the Children’s Librarian, all Water and Sewer job descriptions, Building Maintenance, the Police Lieutenant and Police Prosecutor positions, and that the Organizational Chart be corrected to show the proper salaries for the Water and Sewer Operator I and II positions.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  

Richard Leone stated he was not convinced with the Police Lieutenant position and would like to vote on  the Police Department job descriptions  separately.  

Stephen White withdrew his motion and Emma Smith withdrew her second to the motion.

Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the job description of Police Lieutenant.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The motion carried with one member opposed.

Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the job description of part time Police Prosecutor as presented by Chief Cahill.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the job descriptions of the Water and Sewer Departments, Building Maintenance and Children’s Librarian (to require a minimum of a high school education) and to change the Organizational Chart to
correct the salaries of the Water & Sewer Department Operator II and I.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to accept the pay scale that includes the position of Police Lieutenant as indicated.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The motion carried with one member abstaining.

C.  Interested Volunteers – Scott Unsworth & Michael Snow, Budget Advisory Committee and Lisa Meehan, Town Building Committee

William Roach expressed the Boards gratification to these individuals for their interest in volunteering to serve the Town.

Scott Unsworth began by stating his interest in the Budget Advisory Committee.  He has lived in Sunapee for 6 years and loves the small town atmosphere.  He was the Dewey Beach Manager for the past two years.  It was suggested to him that he volunteer for the BAC so he agreed.

Michael Snow is also interested in serving on the Budget Advisory Committee.  He is now a member of the Trustees of the Trust Funds and enjoys being involved in the operations of the Town.  

Stephen White stated that the BAC is a busy job with both the Town and School budgets to review.

Lisa Meehan stated her interest in the community of Sunapee, in particular the new library.  She expressed interest and concern with regard to all town buildings.  

Stephen White invited L. Meehan to attend a Lions meeting to discuss the plans for the new library.  He stated his appreciation to L. Meehan for being an active member of the community adding that he feels she would be a plus to the Building Committee.  William Roach added that the old Town Hall is in dire need of discussion.

Motion was made by Stephen White to appoint Lisa Meehan to the Building Committee with a term to expire June of 2007, Scott Unsworth to the Budget Advisory Committee with a term to expire March 2007, and Michael Snow to the Budget Advisory Committee with a term to expire March 2007.  The motion was seconded by Emma Smith.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

William Roach, on behalf of the Board, congratulated these individuals, and thanked them for being community volunteers. Donna Nashawaty suggested that the Budget Advisory Committee plan for a work session sometime in June.  Charles Bayleat informed the Board that Arthur Muller was now the Chairman of the BAC.


A.  Manager Update to BOS on Police Department

Donna Nashawaty reported to the Board that after doing research, she found some of the information presented on the handout of Eric Daignault is in error.  She discovered multiple inconsistencies.  First, she never said he was a “bitter employee” or “slanderous”.  She did say he sounded like “sour grapes” and warned him to be careful what he said as he should be careful he didn’t slander the Chief.  D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the reason the Chief’s salary was as reported is because it included special details for which the Town is reimbursed for.  D. Nashawaty gave the Selectmen a memo she had written which contained a table showing the gross pays for the Chief and Sergeant.  The memo is attached to the file copy of these minutes.  D. Nashawaty pointed out that the Sergeant made approximately $500.00 more than the Police Chief.  She noted that the Board of Selectmen is aware of the pay tables which had to be adhered to.  COLA’s were given at Town Meeting.  E. Daignault received the COLA increases as well as all other employees.  D. Nashawaty also reported that upon checking with the Newport Town Manager, the salary for the Newport Chief , as quoted by E. Daignault, was not accurate.  She also wished to point out that Chief Cahill’s salary also includes on call pay of $3,027.00 per year.  Stephen White noted that the data reported in the newspaper was then incorrect.  D. Nashawaty reported that the budget increases reported by E. Daignault were also incorrect.  She stated that in 2002-03 there was an 18% increase because an additional officer was hired.  In 2004-05, there was an increase of 4.6% and in 2005-06, an increase of 9% because the position of Prosecutor was added.  D. Nashawaty reported that 75% of the Police Department budget is for personnel.  With regard to the hourly wage paid to Sergeant Collins, it was $1.12 more than E. Daignault’s based on education.  She added that E. Daignault would have received an increase from COLA if he had kept his job.  

Chief Cahill stated he wished to address the “favoritism” acquisition.  He stated he brought his family attorney with him because he was not sure what was going to happen.  Also with regard to scheduling, everyone’s schedule changes during the busy months of May 1st to October 1st.  Extra coverage may be required certain days or evenings.  He schedules his department with the needs of the community.  Chief Cahill wished to note that he did give E. Daignault every 3rd Saturday  off so that he could visit with his son.  

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

With regard to the claim that he hires “friends”, he only knew Sergeant Collins professionally before he was hired.  He met Sergeant Collins when he was a K-9 handler at the Police Academy.  Chief Cahill stated that the only friend he hired was Bob McAllistar.  He had the oral board interview B. McAllistar and he did not attend for this reason.   Since then, B. McAllistar left the Sunapee to work for Newport Police for more pay.  Chief Cahill stated he agreed with Stephen White that hiring an acquaintance is a good idea because you have a feel about how they will work out in the department.  With regard to most of the department living out of town, the only employee of the Police Department required to live in town is the Chief.  

Chief Cahill noted the improvements that have been made to the department since his becoming Chief.  The old computer system has been replaced.  Every cruiser now contains a lap top and can directly report to the department.  Chief Cahill has written and received many grants for the department in the amount of over $100,000.00 in monies received.  One grant received was for the K-9 program in the amount of $13,000.00.  Also the vehicles are now on a regular maintenance schedule.  Chief Cahill is also the Project Director for the Sullivan County Underage Drinking Task Force.  Because of this, he has spoken at many seminars, one in Arizona last year and this year, he will be speaking in Baltimore.  He also conducted in-depth research into the construction of the new Safety Services Building to make sure that the Police Department was set up efficiently.  In summary, he added that he places the needs of the community first and wishes to achieve the quality of life the residents are accustomed to.  

Stephen White thanked the Chief for the information and added he hoped this will be reported in the newspapers.

Chief Cahill also stated he wished to clear up E. Daignault’s accusation of reprimands given to Sergeant Collins. None have been issued.  E. Daignault was basing his information on assumption.

D. Nashawaty stated that the Chief wanted to go on record to correct the accusations made by E. Daignault.

B.  Deed Research Harbor Property

D. Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a copy of the 1944 warrant article and the minutes of the 1944 meeting.  The deed was received  from the Citizens National Bank to the Town in the amount of $1.00.  It was originally owned by the Woodsome Steam Company.  There are no covenants on the harbor property that would prevent the Children’s Garden.  

With regard to the garden, the stakes will be put up soon, possibly by the end of the week or weekend depending on weather.
Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006


A.  D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that a joint meeting with the School Board is being held May 22 from 7 AM to 8 PM.  She thought maybe after that meeting, the Board may be able to meet with the Beautification Committee.  Catherine Bushueff asked if there were a plan of the Children’s Garden for the public to view to see what is being staked out.  She would like the public to be able to see the full impact the project will have on the site.  Stephen White stated that the Selectmen have asked for the plans so they can see them as well as the public.  Fred Gallup stated that the reason the Selectmen asked for the stakes is so they will know just where things will be.  The Gardner’s really didn’t know when they first approached the Board.  F. Gallup stated he disagrees with the over reaction of the public.  Stephen White suggested that the Board wait to discuss this issue until the Gardner’s are present and after viewing the site.   William Roach added that the Selectmen have approved nothing to date.  

B.  William Roach read a letter from the UNH Technology Transfer Center which informed the Board that highway employee, Dwayne Abbott, has achieved Road Scholar #1 and he was noted for his extra effort and commitment.  W. Roach believes D. Abbott should receive recognition for his achievement and asked that the letter be placed in his personnel file.   D. Nashawaty will see to this.

C.  Richard Leone reported on his second meeting with NHMA.  The NHMA are trying to  get members of the Boards of Selectmen to be on the NH Retirement Board.  They have also discussed cable franchises.  The NHMA reported that the right-to-know law is a big issue with the cost for communities to produce records.  Medical costs of the County were discussed, as well as telephone pole taxation.  State education funding is still being discussed.  A change in the revenue structure was discussed with regard to the School Building Aid.  Other items discussed were:  mandated property tax exemptions, a unity appraisal method and ballot communities.  The committee hopes to be finished with recommendations by June.

Motion was by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 9:30 PM in accordance with 91-A:3 II (d) consideration of the acquisition, sale or lease of real or personal property.

At this time Clayton Adams stated he wished to speak to the Board before they entered non-public session.  With regard to the Sooni project that will  be discussed at the meeting of  May 22, he would like to build a mock structure that would be 3 dimensional to show what it will look.  Stephen White informed C. Adams that he can do this if he wants and does not need the Selectmen’s permission for it.  He recommended that C. Adams speak with Gene Hall of the Beautification Committee.

Board of Selectmen
May 8, 2006

Stephen White’s motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  The Fenton’s and Bob Henry were invited to attend the session.  The voice vote for the motion was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 10:13 PM.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Motion was made by Stephen White to authorize the Town Manager to negotiate with the Fenton’s for the dock lease for the Mt. Sunapee II.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion made by Stephen White to enter non-public session at 10:15 PM in accordance with RSA 91-A:3 II (a) personnel with Police Chief David Cahill.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The voice vote for the motion was unanimous and the motion carried.

Motion was made by Stephen White to leave non-public session at 11:00 PM.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  Motion was made by Stephen White to seal the minutes of this non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Frederick Gallup.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

_______________________________         _____________________________
William Roach, Chairman                         Emma Smith, Vice-Chairman

_______________________________         _____________________________
Richard Leone                                           Frederick Gallup

Stephen W. White