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Selectmen's Minutes 10/15/2007

October 15, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, William Roach, and Frederick Gallup.

ABSENT:  Selectman Richard Leone

OTHERS:  Brian Garland and Rem Mastin

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Emma M. Smith at 7:00 PM.

1.  PUBLIC COMMENTS:  The first 15 minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting is reserved for comments from the public.

Discussion was held on an ordinance regulating noise. Brian Garland stated that there are very large trucks that go by his home very early in the day.  The noise created by the brakes of these trucks is disrupting his sleep.  Stephen White stated that he thought some communities did have regulations relating to air brake noise.  An ordinance would have to be voted on at Town Meeting.

Fred Gallup informed the Board that the steamroller he has been helping to repair is running and actually was driven around his father’s yard one week ago.   The roller belongs to the Sunapee Historical Society.  It’s not restored.  There is a lot of work left to do, but it is running.


Public Hearing for the Acceptance of Police Dept. Grant

Chief Cahill was present to explain the grant for the repeater.  The repeater cost is $26,000.00.  Everything will be put in a building.  He has spoken with the Water and Sewer Department about putting it on Harbor Hill.  This is probably the best place to install it because if the power goes out, there is a generator on site.  The system is composed of a 20 foot antenna that is 3 inches around.  Ten feet of that will be above the ridge line and ten below the ridge line.  Other components will be inside the building.  D. Nashawaty stated that a notice was posted in the newspaper 7 days in advance and in two public places in accordance with RSA 31:95.  This allows the town to spend the money in a legal manner.  The Planning Board does not require permission to put up an antenna put vs. a tower.  Motion made and seconded (White/Roach) to accept the grant money for the repeater antenna.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


October 1, 2007:  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to accept the minutes of the October 1st meeting.  Emma Smith would like the minutes to reflect that she was absent.  The vote was 4 in favor and one abstention.


Boards & Committees:  Appointments

Fire Engineer, Mark Scott:  Motion made and seconded (Gallup/White) to appointment Mark Scott as a Fire Engineer until March 2008 Town Meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Recreation Committee:  Three openings; Paul Skarin, Janet Cain and Brian Garland.  Both Brian Garland and Paul Skarin returned their volunteer forms.  The appointments are all 3 year terms.  Discussion was held on B. Garland’s form.  B. Garland is not a registered voter.  He is a citizen of Canada.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to reappointment Paul Skarin and Brian Garland to the Recreation Committee for a term of three years each.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Conservation Commission:  Three openings; Rem Mastin, Roger Whittaker and Robert Hill.  Rem Mastin and Roger Whittaker have returned their volunteer forms.  The appointments are all 3 year terms.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to reappointment Rem Mastin for a 3 year term to the Conservation Commission.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Review of Nominations for the Boston Post Cane

Donna Nashawaty informed the Selectmen that she did not receive and nominations for the cane, but she did have someone in mind when the advertisement was placed.  She stated that she wanted to make very sure the Board was presenting the cane to the proper.  Helene Nutting’s name was given to D. Nashawaty by her brother. She has just turned 97 years old.   D. Nashawaty would like the Board’s permission to hand the replica of the cane over to Mrs. Nutting.  D. Nashawaty will find out if Mrs. Nutting may come to the office, or if the Board has to bring the cane to her home.  The head of the cane will be engraved with Mrs. Nutting’s name.  

Boat Launch

Donna Nashawaty had previously emailed to the Board Town Counsel’s opinion on the boat launch.  She reported that the person from NH Fish and Game who was to write her a letter, never did.  She wanted to know how the Board wanted her to proceed.  D. Nashawaty will again try to contact someone from Fish and Game to ask them to come and meet with the Board.
Discussion was held on allowing only Sunapee residents to launch boats at the Town’s landing.  If this should occur, someone would have to be hired to do the monitoring.  D.  Nashawaty will again attempt to speak with someone from Fish and Game to ask if they would attend a Selectmen’s meeting.  She will also invite LSPA.  

Request from LSPA for Fee Waiver

The LSPA is trying to purchase the Knowlton House for use for their offices.  They were told they needed site plan approval from the Planning Board for the change in use.  A fee of $100.00 was paid by LSPA for the Site Plan Review they wish to have the fee waived and their check returned.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Gallup) to waive the fee and return the money paid.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Set Public Hearing Date for FEMA Fund Use

The Highway Department received approximately $70,000 in FEMA funds due to the severe rain falls which damaged portions of the roads.    In order to spend this money, the Selectmen have to authorize the Highway Department to do this and have the grant funds returned to the general fund to cover the costs through a public hearing.  It was agreed that the public hearing would be held at the October 29th meeting of the Board of Selectmen.  This will be advertised.  

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Courtney Daniel who is working for the UVLSRPC has requested to come before the Board to discuss creating a Hazard Mitigation Plan for the Town of Sunapee.  She is scheduled to appear at the meeting of October 29th.  D. Nashawaty has invited Howard Sargent and Tony Bergeron to attend the meeting.  

Retirement:  Edythe Dexter, Zoning Secretary

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Edythe Dexter will be retiring from the position of Zoning Secretary at the end of the year.  The Selectmen expressed their appreciation for the many years she has served the community.  

Raffle Request:  Sunapee Fire Department GM Station

The Sunapee GM Fire Department is requesting a permit to conduct a raffle.  The Selectmen approved the raffle.

William Roach brought discussion on the county budget and the problems they continually appear to have.  The county has not submitted an agenda for their up coming meeting.  W. Roach wishes to know why Sullivan County has a manager when no other county appears to have one.  W. Roach stated that the town of Sunapee will end up having to pay 25% of the county deficit and Sunapee does not have any residents in the hospital.  The bulk of the residents of the hospital are Claremont residents and Claremont will only be paying 17% of the deficit.   He does not believe this is fair.  He feels that if a resident can’t pay their bill at the hospital, than the town they reside in should pay it through their welfare budget.  Stephen White stated that the solution for the county, as he feels, is for the commissioners to get rid of the present County Manager as he has shown his incompetence time and time again.  S. White feels that the Selectmen should urge the County Delegation to remove the manager from his position.  The Town of Sunapee will pay close to $3 million to the county in 2007.  Motion was made and seconded (Gallup/White) to authorize the Town Manager to contact Martin Gross on this issue regarding the Board’s direction in reference to the county situation where Sunapee is in the potential of being assessed  an extra 1/2 million dollars in taxes.  The fees for services will come out of the warrant article.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D. Nashawaty will obtain a copy of the minutes of the county commissioners.

Emma Smith raised discussion on the hydro funds and the authorization to expend them.  Donna Nashawaty explained that a warrant article allowed the Selectmen to expend monies for repairs to the hydro and other capital expenditures the Town may need.  E. Smith would like the Board to adopt a policy that would only allow funds from the hydro to be expended in only cases of outrageous  emergencies.  D. Nashawaty stated that the funds must be appropriated first by a warrant article.  Emma Smith stated she did not agree with housing the new SAU office in the Safety Services Building because the building was built for police, fire and EMS.  Stephen White agreed adding that  the Town may end up with un-needed office space.  He also does not like the idea of mixing two political portions of the town that  are separate and distinctive.


Annual Conference LGC

Donna Nashawaty stated that she will be attending the conference on Wed., November 7 and Thurs., November 8.  Lynn Wiggins and Martha Walden will attend on Wed.  Norm Bernaiche and Kris McAlister are giving a presentation on Thurs.  D. Nashawaty handed out a pamphlet on the conference should anyone want to attend.

Donna Nashawaty asked if at the budget meeting on November 3rd not all department be covered, should she then place them on the agenda for the November 5th or 19th meeting.

Hames Park Bridge – Update

Donna Nashawaty presented to the Board a sketch of Hames park and a proposed bridge that would link the park to the Riverway trail.  Donations have been made but progress as not moving along because a trail needs to be made to get to the bridge.  Dave and Ed Bailey would like to do something in the memory of their Dad, Edward Bailey, who passed away this summer.  They have offered to cut the brush and begin making the trail.  D. Nashawaty has a building permit application and would like the Selectmen to forfeit the fees for the permit for the bridge.  The Selectmen will grant the waiver and sign the permit when Roger Landry has signed it.

Tax Rate Setting

Donna Nashawaty reported that she could not go to Concord to set the rate as she planned a week ago.  The School Department did not have the forms filled out as required by DRA.  D. Nashawaty reviewed the figures with the Selectmen.  Once the school is ready, she can set a date to set the rate.  D. Nashawaty explained the overlay figure and fund balance.  She anticipates a rate of $13.67.  

Packetfront Update
Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with an update about the fiber optics proposal.  The group is trying to accomplish this without spending tax dollars.  Packetfront is putting together a proposal for the groups approval.  Hanover received a grant to kick the program off.  The next step is to go to the attorney to create a co-op.  D. Nashawaty reported that there is a need for $5,000.  She asked if she could pay the $5,000 out of her legal budget line item which contains $9,000.  The Selectmen authorized the Town Manager to spend the $5,000.


Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Dept. of Transportation is again asking that the Treatment Plant Road be closed because they have deemed the bridge to be unsafe.  The letter asks that the road be closed to all but employees of the Town.  

The meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved_____________________

______________________________          _____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

______________________________          _____________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup