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Selectmen's Minutes 10/01/2007
7:00 PM Town Hall
Monday, October 1, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Stephen White, William Roach, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

ABSENT:  Emma M. Smith, Chairman

OTHERS:  No one was present from the public.

Meeting opened by Vice Chairman Stephen White at 7:02 PM

1. PUBLIC COMMENTS – The first 15 minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting is reserved for comments from the public.  There was none. 
        - 7:15 PM:  Gordon Davis Re:  Elderly Exemption & Deferral.  Mr. Davis explained that this taxes will be over $500 with new rate.   He does not want to apply for a deferral and will try to sell something to cover the elderly exemption he is not is qualified for.  Donna Nashawaty explained to Mr. Davis that the  interest on unpaid taxes is 12%.   If a bill is unpaid it goes to lien at an interest rate of 18%.    Steve White explained to Mr. Gordon that the Selectmen are bound by state law with regard to the collection of property taxes.  He asked that Mr. Davis speak with the Town Manager, Donna Nashawaty, if he feels he may not be able to make a timely payment.  

         Minutes:  Minutes of the September 24, 2007 meeting will be postponed to the October 15th meeting.
        -  Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a resignation from the Fire Engineers submitted by David Williams.  Mr. Williams is moving out of state.  The Board voted to accept the resignation with regret.  A letter of appreciation will be written to Mr. Williams.     

Fred Gallup questioned why the boat and mobile command center are  parked behind the Safety Services Building.  He stated it may be nice for access but doesn’t  understand  why it is there taking up space. He feels that the property is not a place to store  equipment from the state and it should be allowed only for a short time.  Donna Nashawaty stated that the boat may be there for use on lake and it is nice if it is needed.  She will find out and report back to the Board.


        - Budget Date – Sat., Nov. 3rd:  Sat. Nov. 3rd meeting works for two BAC members and all department heads except Hydro. Donna Nashawaty reported that she plans to run the meeting from 9 AM to 5 PM with  a break for lunch.  D. Nashawaty has asked for level budgeting from all departments and does not think that there be much to discuss since it should be the same as 2007 budget.  The school is signing their budget tonight so D. Nashawaty will have the figures tomorrow to beginning working on a probable total increase.  The warrant articles will be discussed separately and at more length.  

DN asked if BOS had a preference for the order of the departments for presenting  their budget requests.  The Selectmen stated that they did not.  

Board of Selectmen
October 1, 2007


D. Nashawaty  reported on the  Chowder Feast.   She stated that it was a lot of fun and the Police Department personnel and Town Hall personnel joked all day.  Scott Blewitt, Roger Landry, Craig and Melissa Heino all assisted.  The chowders were judged by a professional chef.  The Anchorage placed first and Sunapee Town Hall staff second.   

DN discussed another elderly exemption that has to be denied because he is over the income budget allowed.  D. Nashawaty  would like to see a warrant article to raise the income limit. She will get copies of income levels in area and this will be discussed during warrant article discussion.  
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.

Submitted by, Darlene Morse                     Approved____________________________

______________________________          ____________________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                             Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

______________________________          ____________________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup