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Selectmen's Minutes 08/13/2007
Town Hall

August 13, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, Richard Leone and Fred Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman William Roach

OTHERS:  See sign up sheet attached to the file copy of the minutes.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma M. Smith at 7:05 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


A.  Chief David Cahill re:  Skateboard Park

Chief Cahill and Rick Mastin were present to discuss an on going movement by some children in Sunapee to build a skateboard park.  They have approach Officer Mastin and he has agreed to work with them.  R. Mastin explained that when approached with this idea he felt it was an excellent project for the children to undertake.  The children are developing an outline plan of the park and R. Mastin will bring this into the Board for their review.  He stated that he feels it is very important to have the children involved, especially when it comes to setting up the rules for use of the park.    The project will probably not be done this year.  He has a lot of volunteers that are willing to give their time to building the park.  R. Mastin stated that he has heard rumors throughout Town about the possible park.  He and Chief Cahill just wanted to make sure the Board was aware of this project.  Emma Smith stated that she feels that liability is a big concern.  Peter Urbach stated that the State Statutes precludes Town liability, there is no liability.  He learned that when plans were discussed to have a skateboard park on Ski Tow Hill with the library.  Stephen White stated that when the Selectmen are provided with a plan of the park, they will have to draw up an ordinance and have a public hearing. Chief Cahill stated that there are grants available and these will be looked into.  R. Mastin informed the Board that he is having a meeting with interested parents and children on August 20th.  After this meeting, he will meet with Donna Nashawaty to set a date when they can be on the agenda.  R. Mastin asked that if anyone is interested in becoming involved, they contact him.

Board of Selectmen
Aug. 13, 2007

B.  Karl Jonas – re:  Cemetery Records

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with a report written by Karl Jonas.  This gives information of all of the headstones in book form and he also provided the same information on a CD.  He has given copies of this information to the Historical Society, Abbott Library, and the Town.  The CD will also be put up on the web site.  During this project, he uncovered 100 missing headstones.  The Board asked that Karl Jonas be sent a letter of appreciation for all of his voluntary service to the community.

C.  Rock Bass Tournament

Donna Nashawaty reported that at the Rock Bass Tournament, 2866 fish were caught.  There were 50+ teams competing.   Betsey Katz stated that the town of New London holds tournaments all year long.

D.  Donna Nashawaty reminded the Board that the Open House for the Safety Services Building is being held on August 18th from 10AM to 2PM.  Hazardous Waste Day is also being held the same day at the Highway Garage from 9AM to Noon.  

E.  Donna Nashawaty reported that the White Shutters are celebrating their 100th year on September 2nd from 9AM to 3PM.  They are inviting the entire community to share a pancake breakfast for free.


The minutes were not available.  They will be reviewed at the next meeting.


A.  Domenic Ciavarro, Sunapee Charrette

Domenic Ciavarro presented the Charrette results to the Board and audience members.  He explained that the Charrette report includes what was heard, ideas presented, site, Master Plan and Historical Preservation. He explained that the Plan NH Charrette is an intensive work out of brain storming that is provided through grants.  He stated he heard many requests for preservation of the Old Town Hall.  He also heard that the lake is why people come to Sunapee; a loss of sense of ownership of the harbor was felt by residents because of the large usage of the lake by out-of-towners. He heard that it was hoped that the harbor area could become the center of Town, and that it was wished to see that the harbor be active year round.   After reviewing his notes, he wished to report that there are several items that need to be done soon.  These are fixing the front foundation wall, shoring up the front foundation, new footings for the foundation, roof support and roof replacement and the addition of wooden columns.   The estimated cost for construction
Board of Selectmen
Aug. 13, 2007

is:   structural support – $1.1 million, exterior repairs - $1.1 million; interior repairs – $1.5 million for a total of $3.7 million.  D. Ciavarro also reported that a one way street was brought out for consideration.  This would include making sidewalks wider.  This would not allow boat trailer parking on River Road.   This may expand the parking lot off of High St.  A walkway could be provided over the Sugar River from parking to the building.  This would also be an opportunity for green areas. Ciavarro reported that grants are available through the National Register of Historic Places and NH Register of Historic Places.  In final, he would like to express his appreciation of the assistance his team received from Kevin Rickard, Donna Nashawaty, and Sandy Rowse.  He enjoyed being involved with the Charrette and offered his continued service.  The Selectmen and D. Nashawaty also expressed their appreciation for D. Ciavarro’s and his team support in the project.  A copy of the Sunapee Charrette is available for reading at the Sunapee Planning and Zoning Office.

A.      Proposed Boat Storage in Springfield

Discussion was held on the proposed boat storage facility now being applied for in the Town of Springfield.  The question was raised to investigate the usage of Sunapee’s boat launch for a commercial enterprise.  Richard Leone suggested that the Board meet with  Springfield officials to discuss this.  Fred Gallup suggested that the Board simply close the launch.   Emma Smith suggested that the Board contact individuals with knowledge regarding this matter.  F. Gallup stated that he wished the State would investigate the usage of the lake and determine a safe number of boats.  R. Leone stated that he would like to see a meeting set up with the state to look at the whole picture.  Stephen White recommended that the Board control the access to the lake and begin charging for launching.  R. Leone and F. Gallup recommended that a forum be held for Sunapee residents to receive their input.  F. Gallup stated that maybe the Board should close one of the launch areas to make it for use by residents only.  It was agreed that D. Nashawaty will set up a meeting with State officials and LGC.


Emma Smith asked D. Nashawaty what was happening with the bike rack as requested by Rhonda Gurney.  D. Nashawaty responded that there was no money in the budget for this.  E. Smith suggested that this be discussed at budget time.

D. Nashawaty reported that a budget workshop is being sponsored by the LGC in Concord on Sept. 25 and 27th.  She stated that she and Lynn Wiggins will be attending the workshop and asked if anyone else wished to.  E. Smith, Steve Nielsen, William Roach and Dave Bailey are going so far.  D. Nashawaty will check with other members of the BAC to see if they are interested in attending.
Board of Selectmen
Aug. 13, 2007


A.  MS 4 Revised Estimated Revenues

Donna Nashawaty handed out the MS 4 and MS 2 forms for the Selectmen’s signature.  She explained the contents of the forms.   They are filled out annually and sent to the NH Department of Revenue Administration.  She hopes to have at the next meeting the MS1, Valuation of Taxable Property.

B.  Granliden Water Line

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that she received a letter from the law firm of the Granliden Association regarding the new water line on Lake Avenue.  They are requesting a signature to apply for permits and for the abutters to sign off.  D. Nashawaty asked the Board if they would authorize her to sign the document.  Motion was made (White/Gallup) authorize the Town Manager to sign the document.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  

Fred Gallup stated that he was approached by an abutter to the project and feels that all abutters should be notified when such a large project is in process.  Stephen White agreed adding that this is the responsibility of the Water and Sewer Commissioners.  D. Nashawaty will speak with Dave Bailey and David Little about this.

Donna Nashawaty reported that she received a visit of a member of the White Shutters community that there is a stench of sewage in their area.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved:___________________

____________________________                    ____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                 Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    ____________________________
William Roach                                           Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup