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Selectmen's Minutes 07/16/2007

July 16, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma M. Smith, Stephen W. White, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.

ABSENT:  Selectman William Roach

OTHERS:  Carolyn Stoddard

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:01 PM.  

Chairman Smith informed those present that she had visited William Roach at the hospital and he is doing very well.


There were no comments from the public.


No appointments were scheduled.


July 2, 2007:  Motion was made and seconded (White/Leone) to approve the minutes as written.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


A.  Resignation Planning Board:  Barbara Hollander

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with an email from Barbara Hollander stating that she wished to resign her position on the Planning Board.  Discussion was held on the 24 years of service she has given the Town of Sunapee on a voluntary basis.  Motion was made and seconded (White/Leone) to accept Barbara Hollander’s resignation with regret and to send a letter of thanks to B. Hollander and a bouquet of flowers.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
July 16, 2007

B.  Boards and Committees:  Procedure for Appointment

Donna Nashawaty presented the Selectmen with a copy of the Volunteer form which is given to individuals who are interested in serving on any of the boards, committees or commissions.  She explained the procedure which is that this form is given to all individuals whether they are new or re-upping for a seat.  Richard Leone questioned the Selectmen’s obligation in this procedure, does the Board initiate a search and recommend?   Stephen White stated that he thought the Selectmen usually go by the recommendation of the committee.   D. Nashawaty submitted a listing to the Board of all existing boards, committees and commissions and asked what procedure would the Board like to take when vacancies existed.  She also raised the question of whether or not a committee member should be a registered voter and maybe a question to that affect should be added to the Volunteer form.  Emma Smith stated that she thought the person should be a registered voter and agreed that this be added to the form.  D. Nashawaty stressed that consistency should be used for all appointments and reappointments.  Richard Leone stated that people have contacted him and asked how can non-residents be department heads and why aren’t they required to live in town.  The only department head required to live in town now is the Police Chief.  D. Nashawaty explained that the Chief was required to live in town due to response time.  Stephen White stated that the Board has a responsibility to hire qualified individuals to fill vacancies, whether they reside in Sunapee or not.  D. Nashawaty stated that this should be discussed when reviewing the personnel rules and regulations not when discussing boards and commissions.  Motion was made and seconded (Leone/White) that all members of any boards, commissions, committees and sub-committees be a registered voter and a resident of Sunapee.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.   Emma Smith offered to send a note to all boards, committees and commissions notifying them of the vote.  

The Board reviewed the vacancies now present on the various boards.  The question was raised why did the Crowther Chapel Committee have nine members.  D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that they established this committee and could set what they desired for membership.  This will be discussed at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

Donna Nashawaty asked if the Board wished to interview all re-uppers as well as new members.  Emma Smith stated that she thought it would be a good idea to do this and have all spend at least 5 minutes meeting the Selectmen.  She would like to meet these individuals since they are representing the town.  Stephen White disagreed with meeting individuals who are renewing their terms.   He added that he would like to meet new applicants.  It was agreed that the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and the Chairman of the appointing committee would meet to discuss reappointments or new appointments and the Selectmen would not have to hold interviews.  

Board of Selectmen
July 16, 2007

Carolyn Stoddard stated that in her community volunteer interest forms were handed out at Town Meeting.  There was a large response and many interviews were held.
Stephen White suggested that the Volunteer form be mailed out with the Town Warrant prior to Town Meeting.  

Donna Nashawaty will change the Volunteer form to require that the individual be a registered voter of Sunapee.

C.  Parking in the Harbor:  Possible Lease of Lots

Donna Nashawaty will discuss this with Town Counsel and Sunapee Harbor Riverway.  This will be on the agenda for the next meeting.  


Emma Smith reported that William Roach is doing fine and told her he anticipated he would be back sitting on the Board in one month.


A.  Summer Town Meeting Agenda

Donna Nashawaty distributed the agenda for review with the Selectmen.  She informed them that Town Clerk/Tax Collector Betty Ramspott would not be attending due to a prior engagement but will be giving a report to her to read.  Betty Ramspott’s deputy, Melissa Heino cannot attend as she has office hours that morning.  D. Nashawaty stated she has ordered pastries and will bring them as well as beverages early to set up.  D. Nashawaty expressed concern about the lack of attendance at the past Summer Town Meetings and hopes it will be better at this one because it is being held on a Saturday and refreshments are being served.  She asked the Board if they would like her to advertise the meeting on radio and the Board agreed.  If attendance is still not good, the Board will consider not having a Summer Town Meeting in 2008.  If it is good, them possibly D. Nashawaty will check into getting it on public TV for 2008.  

B.  Household Hazardous Waste Day:  August 18th

Donna Nashawaty distributed the brochures advertising the Hazardous Waste Day Collection.  This year it is being held at the Sunapee Highway Garage on August 18th, 9 AM to 12 Noon.  She explained to the Board that she has had conversations with the New London Town Administrator about getting together to have a second disposal day since the one draws such a large crowd.

Board of Selectmen
July 16, 2007

C.  Beaches Update

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that DES reported an ecoli advisory to the town on Friday, July 13th.  The state advised the town to close the beaches at Dewey and Georges Mills and said they would return on Tuesday, July 17th to retest.  D. Nashawaty said she was very happy to report that David Bailey, Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department, and Chris Roberts, Foreman, took it upon themselves to test the water on the weekend so that they could get a result by Monday morning.  They received the result that the water tested fine so the Town was able to open the beaches back up early Monday morning.  She credited the thoughtfulness and true concern of these individuals to get the result much earlier than the state.  The Selectmen expressed their appreciation for the efforts of D. Bailey and C. Roberts and will send a letter to them stating this.

D.  Meeting Room Policy

Donna Nashawaty distributed a policy she drew up for use of the new lower level meeting room.  This will be given to all boards, committees and commissions that use the room along with the room key.  Betty Ramspott has offered to keep a meeting room key at her house should someone need to get into the room and forgot to bring their key.

E.  Safety Services Building Open House August 18th 10 AM to 2 PM

Donna Nashawaty reported that the police and fire departments have agreed to hold another open house of the new building on Saturday, August 10 AM to 2 PM.  It will be held the same day as the Hazardous Waste Day in the hopes that those passing by will stop in.  


A.  Frederick Gallup asked that Tony Bergeron take a look at the dam.  He believes it needs maintenance and clean up.

B.  Donna Nashawaty reported that Berack Obama, candidate for US President, will be visiting Sunapee Harbor on Thursday, July 19th at 4:30 PM.  He plans on giving a speech from the gazebo.  Obama staff members have filled out a facilities use form.  The Police Chief has OK’d the use.  The use was approved and the form signed by the Chairman.

C.  Donna Nashawaty read an email she received from Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, expressing his gratitude to Chief Cahill and Jocelyn Colena for their assistance with the Fourth of July festivities and parade.  It was suggested that the Selectmen write a letter of appreciation to Chief Cahill, J. Colena and also to Scott Blewitt for the events they
Board of Selectmen
July 16, 2007

coordinated on July 6th and 7th.   D. Nashawaty reported that any extra money received from donations for the fireworks will be held over for use next year.  Motion was made
and seconded (White/Leone) to write a letter of appreciation to Chief Cahill, Jocelyn Colena and Scott Blewitt for their efforts.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  Carolyn Stoddard brought newspaper articles for Fred Gallup on perambulations and photos she wished to share with the Board.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved___________________

____________________________                    ____________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

____________________________                    ____________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup