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Selectmen's Minutes 06/04/2007
Safety Services Building

June 4, 2007

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, Stephen White, William Roach and Richard Leone.

ABSENT:  Selectman Frederick Gallup.

OTHERS PRESENT:  Dr. Harry Gazelle, Donna Gazelle, Allan Davis, James Lyons, Paul Pratt, Peter Urbach, Philip Porter, Robert Bell, Svend Filby, Peter White, Tim Fleury, Rem Mastin, Peggy Chalmers, Dan Banks, Michael Marquise and Roger Landry.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:07 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


A.  Joint Meeting:  Conservation Commission, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Board of Selectmen

Emma Smith explained that the Selectmen invited the Conservation Commission, Zoning Board of Adjustment and Planning Board to meet with them and to come together as a unit.  She stated that the Board realized that all boards deal with different problems in their different capacities and it would be beneficial for all to share their experiences.

Philip Porter raised discussion on the article passed at the 2007 Town Meeting which removed the authority of the Board of Selectmen to purchase property without a vote of Town Meeting.  He asked what could be done to rectify this.  Donna Nashawaty explained that authority can only be returned by another vote of Town Meeting.  She stated that the Conservation Commission can still accept property after holding two public hearings, but this would only be for property that was desirable to be held in conservation lands.  Robert Bell of Bell Engineering explained a situation he is currently facing with a development he is doing in Sunapee.  He would like to offer to the town 15 acres of the development to be held as open space, but the Board cannot accept this property unless it is approved by the voters of the town at the next Town Meeting.  Tim Fleury of the Conservation Commission explained that the commission looks at property that is offered on the basis of whether or not it may be valuable to the town.  They do not like to accept land locked parcels.  Donna Nashawaty asked if these open space parcels
Board of Selectmen
June 4, 2007

could be classified as “no build zones”.  Michael Marquise stated that he would speak with Town Counsel about this.  Allan Davis suggested that this be reviewed at the time the subdivision regulations are next amended.  Michael Marquise expressed his concern regarding the vote to remove Selectmen authority to purchase land.  He feels this unnecessarily ties the hands of government authorities when trying to act in the best interest of the town.  Dr. Gazelle stated that he did not believe that the voters realized what the outcome of that vote would be and urged that the public be educated as to the outcome.  Peter White agreed and added that the ability of the Selectmen to purchase property is important to assist with long term planning for the community. Michael Marquise also agreed stating that this took away a valuable tool to continue planning for the community.    Emma Smith suggested that this be addressed when the Selectmen are compiling the warrant for the 2008 Town Warrant.

Roger Landry led discussion on problems faced by the Zoning Board.  He has heard that people think the ZBA is being too lenient by granting too many variances and special exceptions.  R. Landry explained that if an application meets all of the criteria, the ZBA has no choice but to grant approval.  

Donna Nashawaty reminded those present that the Charrette is being held Friday, June 22 and Saturday, June 23.  This will be an intense two day program which will provide the Town with information on good planning.  

Dr. Gazelle stated that he believed the current leadership will build bridges and bring people together.  Svend Filby stated that he thought tonight’s meeting was very good and urged the boards to all come together for discussion again.  He suggested that a distribution list be created to provide all boards with copies of their agendas so each will know what the other is discussing.  

Peter Urbach expressed concern about the division between residents in Sunapee.  He believes this to be a serious problem that needs addressing.  Emma Smith stated that she realizes there is a problem, but what she would like to hear is recommended solutions.  Peter White stated that Jeff Taylor had suggested the town come up with an annual celebration for all residents to attend.  This would bring people together in harmony rather than fighting.  William Roach stated that he saw the lack of planning as the biggest problem facing the town.  He believes the town; school and community should pull together and do some serious planning in the next two years.  Donna Gazelle suggested that the School Board be invited to the next joint meeting of the boards to discuss long term planning.  All felt this was a good idea and that the Library Trustees should be invited as well.  A possible 5 to 15 year term of long range planning would be open for discussion.  

Board of Selectmen
June 4, 2007

Discussion was held on the lack of cooperation and enforcement by the State with regard to state laws.

Stephen White thanked all of the members of the boards for attending.  He stated that he sensed good community cooperation at the meeting.  

Roger Landry suggested that all boards and committees meet again before the August Summer Town Meeting.    


A.  May 21, 2007:  Motion was made and seconded (White/Roach) to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2007 meeting.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  


A.  Recreation Committee

Marilyn Morse was appointed to serve the unexpired term of Christine Williams that expires September 2009.

B.  Crowther Chapel Committee

D. Randy Richards was reappointed to the committee.  His new term of office will expire April 2010.

C.  Guimmond/Kane Tax Deed

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that Bonnie Kane paid the tax money in full.  Motion was made and seconded (Leone/White) to accept the money due and not to record the deed from the Tax Collector.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

D.  Angley Tax Deed

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Angleys have agreed to pay the taxes in full and she is expecting a check to arrive in the mail.  Motion was made and seconded (Leone/Roach) to accept the payment of taxes due and to not record the deed from the Tax Collector.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.

Board of Selectmen
June 4, 2007

E.  Resignation Town Building Committee

Donna Nashawaty presented the Board with a letter of resignation from Lisa Meehan from the Town Building Committee.  L. Meehan cited that because she was on the New Library Building Committee, she could not find the time to serve on both.  The Selectmen accepted the resignation with regret and asked D. Nashawaty to send a letter of appreciation to L. Meehan for her services and to thank her for becoming a member of the New Library Building Committee.

Discussion was held on the membership of the Town Building Committee.  The only members left are Bill Wightman and Selectman Stephen White.  It was agreed that because of the other building committees who are working on the old town hall and a new library, the Town Building Committee could be put on hold until a future date.  A letter will be written to Bill Wightman informing him of the Board’s decision and to thank him for his past service and hope he may be willing to serve when the committee is reinstated.

F.  CARC18

Discussion was raised on CARC18 which is to be voted on this Wednesday.  It was uncertain that Representative Sue Gottling was in support of the bill.  The bill deals with adequate education funding.  Concern was expressed that the Town’s representative was not in full support of the bill and  should be informed that the Board of Selectmen favored its adoption.  The adoption of CARC18 would provide some relief for the Town of Sunapee and was thought to be the next best avenue to insure adequate education funding.  R. Leone suggested that the Selectmen write a letter to Representative Gottling informing her of their feelings and urging her to support the bill.  As the vote is being taken on this Wednesday, the Board asked that Donna compose the letter and have it hand delivered to S. Gottling.  D. Nashawaty will email a draft form of the letter to the Selectmen for their review Tuesday morning. Motion was made and seconded (Leone/White) to authorize the Town Manager to write a letter to Representative Gottling urging for her support of CARC18.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.


There were no reports from the Chairman.

Board of Selectmen
June 4, 2007


Donna Nashawaty again reminded those present that the dates of the Charrette are Friday, June 22, and Saturday, June 23.

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that at the State auction the town received $150.00 for the Plymouth Voyager (these funds will be deposited in the police drug fund account), $2,250.00 for the Crown Victoria and $4,200.00 for the Ford Expedition. The Town paid the auctioneer 10% of the monies received; therefore the total amount received by the Town was $5,944.00.

William Roach asked that the 10 parking signs be put back in the harbor.  He also stated he noted a large hole in the pavement next to the granite curbing.  D. Nashawaty will inform TonyBergeron about this.  

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board that the Chief of Police received a letter from Ron Verblauw of the Sunapee Riverway authorizing him to ticket those vehicles over parked in the lot that belongs to Riverway.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:40 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                            Approved________________

_____________________________                   ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                                     Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_____________________________                   ______________________________
William Roach                                               Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup