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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/09/22
SEPTEMBER 22, 2008
7:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:  Richard Leone - Chairman, William Roach, Frederick Gallup, David Cahill – Police Chief

Absent:  Stephen White – Vice-Chairman, Emma Smith, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  See copy of agenda attached.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00 PM.

Harbor Benches - Ron Verblauw stated that if a granite bench given in memory of his daughter needs to be moved, he is willing to pay for it.  Fred Gallup advised that the location had been staked out and some mischievous individuals moved the stake and that is the reason the bench ended up where it is.  There are a total of three benches that need to be placed – the Verblauw bench, one that was donated by the Honor Society, and a new donation.  There will be a cleanup day on October 17, 2008 and the possible locations for the benches will be looked at that day.  They will be discussed at the next Beautification meeting on October 24th and the locations brought to the Board of Selectmen for approval.

Beautification Committee Membership – Jean Chandler asked that when the Selectmen fill the position on the Beautification Committee that they look at all the applicants so that different segments of the community are represented.

7:10 PM
Office Kenneth “Biff” Ranney Retirement - Chief David Cahill reported that this was the last season for Biff in the Harbor.  He noted that Biff’s family is in attendance and also Bud Fitch who was a former Police Chief in Sunapee and is now a Deputy District Attorney.  Biff introduced his family.  The Board of Selectmen presented Biff with a proclamation naming September 22, 2008 and September 22nd each year thereafter as Kenneth “Biff” Ranney day.  Chief Cahill presented Biff with a plaque from the Police Department and announced that the Patrol Room has been named after Biff as the Kenneth “Biff” Ranney Sunapee Police Patrol Room.  Office Puchtler, on behalf of the Police Benevolent Association, expressed their appreciation for Biff’s dedication to the police and the community.  He announced that a granite bench with a brass plaque will be placed by the front door of the Safety Services Building.  The plaque will recognize Biff’s over 50 years of law enforcement service.  Bud Fitch expressed congratulations to Biff on his retirement on behalf of himself and Attorney General Kelly Aoyotte.  He noted that Biff always showed respect and optimizes it and presented him with some token gifts.  Chief Cahill stated that he appreciates all that Biff does and thanked him for his hard work in the Harbor.

7:23 PM
Community Alliance
Barbara Brill and Julie Carson were present.  Barbara is the Executive Director of Community Alliance.  She noted that last year Sunapee provided support for adolescent services and Julie Carson who acts as the Welfare Director for Sunapee oversees the program for adolescents and families.  Julie reported that in 2007, 6 juveniles from Sunapee were served by the program and, so far in 2008, 10 juveniles have been served.  Barbara reported that funding from the towns insures that programs are there when needed.  County funding was cut 25% this year and they were cut about $800 from incentive programs which are federal funds that come in to the state.  She is not sure how the federal monies are allocated.  Originally they were level funded.  

Julie reviewed the Sunapee Welfare budget and reported that they are in good shape at this point.  She noted that the heating season has not started yet.  She also advised that the town is a member of the New Hampshire Food Bank and that she also oversees the Sunapee Food Pantry.  They do not have perishable and frozen foods, but give food vouchers to be used for those items.

Fred Gallup stated that it is comforting to know that the budget is in good shape and that people are doing well.  He is glad the services are there for the individuals who need it.  Dick asked what problems they run into and Julie responded that rents are higher in Sunapee and they have to look at sustainability.  Dick also asked about affordable housing and Barbara stated there is no federal legislation that requires a certain amount in any town.  Bill Roach advised that the fiscal year ends December 31st and that the county cut of 25% for human services is probably the worst place to cut.

Barbara stated that, in regard to the adolescent services, it is very cost effective to put first time offenders through the diversion program.  She explained how the program works.  It is not an easy program and is a one time option to get offenders back on track.

Appoint: Representative & Alternate for Sullivan County Leadership – Fred volunteered to serve as the Alternate and stated that he hopes Steve White will serve.  He requested that they put off the appointment until that have the full Board present and can hear from Steve.  He reported that at the meeting he attended (the first meeting) they were beginning to talk about a collaborative for recycling, but he doesn’t know how far that went.  He stated that the larger the volume, the better the price you get.  Storage and transportation needed to be discussed and Steve can give a better update of what has happened since.  He noted that Sunapee is at 35-40% for recycling.  They need to get after the government and manufacturers to make it more convenient to recycle.  Fred explained that with a MERF, when you build one it is built with the idea of getting a certain amount of tonnage each day.  The broader the area brought into it, the bigger the facility that can be built.  A program for Sullivan County may work if it can be started out small.  Ron Verblauw advised that building material can be salvaged, but they would need more storage at the Sunapee facility.  Fred advised that they can get a better price if they have larger volumes and collaboration in the County could work in that area.  

Use of Town Facilities:
September 26, 2008 – Dewey Beach, Middlelink – Fred asked about insurance and if it would come under the school’s insurance.  Dick polled the Selectmen for their approval and all were in favor of approval contingent on the appropriate insurance.

September 27, 2008 – Route 11 Field, Sunapee Lions Club (50th Anniversary) – Dick polled the Selectmen and all were in favor of approval.

Resignation:  Office Crowell – the Board tabled the topic until the next meeting when they can meet with Chief Cahill.

Coalition Communities Survey – Bill reported that the letter from the Coalition Communities regarding the statewide property tax was received.  They are asking that a survey be sent out to all the political candidates.  He advised he thinks it would be a good thing to do.  Bill read from the letter regarding how the representatives voted.

Perkins Pond – Dick asked Sue Gottling about the report for Perkins Pond and she advised that she did call DES.  The report was received before the Association meeting so they could go over it.  Bill reported that the Association will be giving a power point presentation to various groups in town and he thinks a warrant article will be coming from the Water and Sewer Department.

Beautification Oversight Committee – Fred reported that the committee had a public meeting last Thursday at 5:00 PM to interview candidates for the one opening on the committee.  There were 12 applicants.  Two members are up for reappointment.  There is an additional application that has not been reviewed yet and two applicants withdrew.  He read the names of all who applied.  After the interviews, the committee went into non-public session to consider and recommend 3 candidates to be brought to the Board of Selectmen.  They are Diane Guyer, Nancy Clark, and Nicolette Asselin.  He advised that all the applicants had good qualifications and it was difficult to choose.  They need to look at reorganization of the committee and need to increase to 5 or 7 members and all of those applicants should be considered at that time.  He requested that the appointment of one individual from the list of 3 be put on the agenda for the October 6, 2008 Board of Selectmen meeting and that they request the 3 finalists attend the meeting.  He stated that the Board does not have to pick one of these 3, but they are the ones recommended by the committee.

Dick asked if there was an effort to bridge the gap or just representation of one segment of the community and Fred stated that, at this time, he is the bridge.  That will come as they do the reorganization and review the mission.  They need to get the committee filled and put things into review – the mission, charge from the Board of Selectmen, review and update of policies, looking at producing better policy to determine places for work, process to determine and publicize plans, and take public input on plans.  They need to publicize more.  They have come to a point where things have stopped in the Harbor.  They have talked about the damaged tree which had to be removed and the Farmacus family has donated a new tree.  The tree and the chip sealing of the walkway will be done.  They will also be taking care of the 3 benches mentioned earlier.  At the next meeting they should have 3 members on the committee so they can take public input.  Between now and next spring they will be working on the reorganization, mission, increase of members, etc.  Fred advised there are 2 members on the committee now, Donna Gazelle and Barbara Cooper, that he would recommend reappointing at the next meeting on October 6th.  The Board can have them come in also at that meeting.  Both are very much involved and interested in working through the issues.  Bill stated that, in some areas, the Board of Selectmen may have been lax.  There were the Gardeners, then the Beautification Committee was formed and then the Beautification Oversight Committee.  He has not seen rules and regulations.  There are three different committees and there should be a definition between committees.  Fred advised that they will be working on that and that only the Oversight Committee is legally involved with the Board of Selectmen.  The Oversight Committee oversees the spending of the trust fund.  

Budget Advisory Committee – Fred reported a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen for membership on the Budget Advisory Committee.  William Boyce is interested in serving.  He is very enthusiastic and interested in becoming involved.  He would be an excellent choice.  He is very open minded and interested in participating.  Bill stated that Mr. Boyce is very interested in town government and how it works.  

The meeting adjourned at 8:57 PM.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith