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Selectmen's Minutes2008/08/25
AUGUST 25, 2008
7:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:  Richard Leone – Chairman, Stephen White – Vice-Chairman, Emma Smith, Frederick Gallup, William Roach, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Perkins Pond Protective Association Members – Gary Szelucka, President; Bill Scharff; Robin  Saunders, Vice President

Also Attending:  See sign-in sheet.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Chairman Leone.

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  See copy of agenda attached.

Charlotte Brown recommended to the Board of Selectmen that the Beautification Oversight Committee membership be increased to 5 and that the membership be a broad spectrum of the community.  Fred Gallup stated that is in the works and the next meeting of the committee is set for September 5, 2008 at 5:00 PM.

Sue Gottling presented a copy of a letter from the NH Attorney General’s office regarding a complaint about caucuses that were held during the Sullivan County Convention deliberations (see copy of letter attached) stating that they were not in violation of the right to know law.  

Right to Know Seminar – Donna reported that the Mitchell Group (town counsel) will hold a Right to Know seminar for all committee and board members and a Conflict of Interest seminar for all judicial boards on September 30, 2008, 5:30 PM, at Town Hall.

7:15 PM – Perkins Pond Information Hearing –
Dick Leone gave an overview of when the sewer project was started (1969-1970) and what areas were done.  He stated that Perkins Pond is long overdue and Steve White advised that the board members are in favor of a sewer for Perkins Pond.

Gary Szelucka, President of the Perkins Pond Protective Association, stated they are requesting that the town consider extending the public sewer to Perkins Pond.  He advised that one time it was voted on it lost by 1 vote.  He reported that DES has looked at the water quality and a final draft report has been received.  DES agrees that sewering the pond is what needs to be done.

Robin Saunders, Vice President of the Perkins Pond Association, gave a slide presentation on Perkins Pond.  The pond is only 10’ deep and the concerns are public health, property values, and personal enjoyment.  There are approximately 100 shoreline residences and about 28% are year round (see report attached).  Most homes have the original septic systems that were built in the 1950’s.  It is estimated that over 70% of the lots are too small for new septic systems.  Antiquated systems can leak into the pond and anything in the watershed can impact the pond.  Sewers are good for public health, increased tax revenue, and a protected community resource.  The cost of a catastrophic clean-up would far exceed the cost of extending the sewer.  If the pond were polluted, it would devalue the properties by approximately 50%.  The proposal is to go across Ryder Corner Rd. through an interceptor to the treatment plant.

Steve White suggested that they work with LSPA in regard to including the watershed area and Robin advised they are already talking to them and they are very much in support.

Bill Scharff introduced Steve Clifton of Underwood Engineering.  Bill then gave an overview of the cost and financing (see copy attached).  He expects that it will not cost the town money and, in the long run, the town would make money.  He stated that the best interest rate is through RDA.  RDA also has grants, but will not commit until there is a contract with the Water & Sewer Department and an update of the engineering study.  Steve Clifton stated that costs have gone up 32% in the last 10 years.

Dick Leone asked what they are doing different this time.  Bill advised that they did not make a presentation to the Board of Selectmen and the public before putting it on the warrant by petition.  He doesn’t think it was marketed correctly to the town in the past.  The increase in assessments should cover the rest of the cost of the sewer and they believe the Perkins Pond property owners will be responsible for 100% of the cost.

Steve White suggested that it should be a Board of Selectmen recommended warrant article.  He suggested that the Association and the Water & Sewer Commission write the article.  Emma Smith stated that the presentation should be given at the deliberative session.  Robin advised that the presentation will be available to all groups in town.

Bill Scharff stated that when all is final they would like to come back to the Board of Selectmen with final numbers.  Steve Clifton advised that they will address lots and see how many will be sewered when they update the engineering report.  Bill Roach stated that as a member of the Board of Selectmen, not as a property owner, he looks at this as being fiscally responsible.

8:08 PM – The hearing closed.

There was a short recess and the meeting resumed at 8:19 PM.

Use of Town Facilities – August 30, 2008, Gazebo, Messerschmidt Wedding – A motion was made by Fred Gallup to approve the use.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously.


Bill Roach commented that the letter to the editor that appeared in the InterTown Record regarding Sunapee Harbor was excellent.

Emma Smith reported that she wrote the letter of recommendation for Betty Ramspott from the Board and signed it on behalf of the Board of Selectmen.

Process for Transfer Station Tickets – Donna presented the new process for the transfer station/beach tickets to the Board (see attachment).  The 3 year tickets are for dwelling unit owners with their submitted license plate numbers.  The one year sticker will be for tenants with submitted license plate numbers.  There is a proposed repeat issuance fee of $25.00 for the same license plate number if the sticker is lost.  There will also be a temporary pass for contractors and visitors that will be issued with the property owner’s name and address and a guest pass which will be one per residence.  The guest pass will also be subject to the proposed $25.00 re-issuance fee for additional requests.  Fred suggested that they make it a policy that the property owner have a 3 year pass before they can get a guest pass.  Donna advised there will be one guest pass per dwelling unit.  The Board will review the proposal and make a decision on the fees at the next meeting on September 8, 2008.

Beautification Oversight Committee – Donna reported that there are 9 applications to serve on the committee, 7 new and 2 renewals.  Fred advised that he met with the 2 remaining members of the committee.  Projects in the harbor are on hold except for routine maintenance.  There is one project that needs to be done.  That is the horseshoe walkway at the gazebo.  It was done in hot top and needs the bluestone chip seal.  The contractor is behind due to the weather.  It has to be done under certain temperature ranges.  It can be done next year, but at an additional cost because they cannot hold the material, which has already been purchased, over to next year.  He asked the Board of Selectmen for approval to put the bluestone chip seal on now.  It was part of the original plan.  A motion was made by Steve White to approve the Beautification Committee finishing the walk as planned and add the bluestone chip seal before the Chowder Fest is held.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved with 3 in favor (E. Smith, W. Roach, S. White) and 2 abstentions (R. Leone, F. Gallup).

Donna advised that there is one more concert to be held on September 3, 2008 to consider when scheduling the work.  

Fred reported that the committee will meet on September 5 and 12, 2008 at 5:00 PM.  The first meeting will be a discussion on the make up of the committee.  There will be a review of the charge from the Board of Selectmen and they will possibly be making adjustments to that.  He requested that the committee members be allowed to review the applications for membership and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen.  They will ask the applicants to come in to meet with them before making their recommendations.  There are also outstanding bills and Fred would like to bring them to the next Board of Selectmen meeting for approval for payment.  Donna suggested, if the Board agrees, to have the member who did not make the purchase sign off on the bills and then they can have the Town Manager review the bills and authorize payment.  The Board members agreed to have the Town Manager authorize payment.  

Fred advised that the meetings will be posted and the committee will come forward with a recommendation for a change in the number of members.

Fred reported that he did an inventory of memorials in the harbor.  There are 10 – 1 veterans memorial, a memorial stone for Cutting, a concrete and wooden slab bench, and 7 granite benches of which 5 have been in place for over 1 year.  They will be discussing adjustments to the benches.  There is another bench to be installed.  The money has already been donated and the plaque done.  It will be brought forth to the Board of Selectmen.  He asked that the board be patient so that they can continue the good work that has already been done.  They are very dedicated and concerned people.

Wind Turbines – Donna reported that the committee met on August 21, 2008 at 6:00 PM.  They will be meeting to work on policies to be presented to the Planning and Zoning Boards.  The changes to the Zoning Ordinance will go to the town for a vote.

Central St. – Donna advised that the residents of Central St. will be at the September 8, 2008 meeting to ask for a reopening of the decision on a driveway permit application.

9:57 PM – The meeting adjourned.

Submitted by,
Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith