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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/06/16
6:15 PM River Road Sidewalk Area
7:00 PM Town Offices
June 16, 2008
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****
Present:        Richard Leone – Chairman, Stephen White – Vice-Chairman, Emma
               Smith,  Frederick Gallup, William Roach, Donna Nashawaty – Town
                Manager, Gary Szalucka – President Perkins Pond Association, Bill
                Scharff – Perkins Pond Association, Scott Blewitt – Recreation Director,
                Pat Halpin and Paul Skarin – Recreation Committee

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.       

ITEMS FOR SIGNATURE OR REVIEW:  See copy of agenda attached to minutes.

Steve White presented an article that was in the Argus regarding the one way loop to correct an error.  He stated that the one way loop was not voted down, it was a 2 to 2 tie vote and needed a majority to pass.  Dick agreed and stated that was what he told the reporter and it was not as he was quoted.  

Dick Leone reported that the Selectmen met with Tony Bergeron about the sidewalk on River Rd. before the meeting tonight.  Steve stated it improves walking in the Harbor and Donna advised that under old business they will be discussing a pending information hearing for sometime in August for the one way loop.  The parking lot for trailers has been extended and the sidewalk is partially in.  Dick gave an overview of the loop plan.

Patricia Halpin asked if there is any way they could get the crosswalk back on Rt. 11 by the Methodist Church to Main St.  Donna stated that the State said to remove it as there is another one up the street with a better line of sight.  Pat then asked if they could get one on Lower Main St. to cross by the bank.  Donna will refer the request to the Highway Safety Committee.

Gary Szalucka, Perkins Pond Sewer Project
An information packet was handed out (see attachment to minutes).  Gay Szalucka stated that he met with the Selectmen on November 19, 2007 with a request to sewer the pond.  They were waiting for results to come back from the State.  The initial draft of the results was promised for the summer of 2006 and they still do not have it.  He would like to see it on the ballot in March.  He advised the Board that he spoke to DES last week and they said he would see the report within a week.  He reported that there is no more property to be developed on the waterfront.  The problem they see now is that the properties on the water will be within the setback when they have to update their septic systems.

They are looking at two options for the warrant article based on information from the
Underwood Report.  They are a gravity feed system across the Jennings property to the
Treatment plant or going up North Rd.  The line goes up to about the substation now.  
The one voted on originally was the gravity feed system.  Bill Roach stated they could
Possibly pick up Sunapee Heights and Ryder Corner Rd.  He thinks the size of the line by
the high school might have to be made larger.  Mr. Szalucka advised that the 1999 project
cost, going over the Jennings property, was 2.182 million.  The cost today would be 2.87
million.  The last time it was voted on it lost by 2 votes.  Donna asked if there are any
grant funds to offset the cost and Bill Schraff said there are none in their report.  He
stated they are scheduled to meet with the Water & Sewer Commission later this month.
Sue Gottling reported that she is checking in Concord to get the results out.  Mr. Szalucka
asked if it would be appropriate to do an informational/educational meeting and the
Board agreed that it would be.  Donna told them that if they can do a Power Point
Presentation, she can put it on the website.  

Sue Gottling advised that starting January 1, 2009, sales of waterfront property will have
to have septic inspection and if there is a problem it will have to be reported to the Health
Officer and DES.  She also stated that people are eager to keep the water in good health
and Bill Roach stated it is crucial to the town in regard to property values.

Bill Scharff stated they will come back to the Board of Selectmen after they meet with
the Water & Sewer Commission.  Mr. Szalucka questioned if the agreement with
Mr. Jennings is still in effect and Bill Roach advised that it is.  Donna stated she has a
map showing the right-of-way.

Scott Blewitt, Ski Tow Hill Recreation Improvement
Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, showed photos of the Ski Town Hill property and advised the Board they have chosen an area for a parking lot.   They could like the roadway to enter where the State has already approved entry.  The road will be 100 feet long and 25 feet wide.  The area could be used for biking, hiking, sledding, etc.  He read from a history of Ski Tow Hill.  They would like to get more people using it.  The parking lot surface will be bluestone which is permeable and plow able.  He thinks they have about $22,000.00 to work with and would like the support of the Board of Selectmen to go ahead.  Pat Halpin stated there will be picnic tables for people to use.  The Board agreed they should go ahead.

Scott also advised everyone that there will be a parade and fireworks on July 5th and Donna advised there have been a lot of compliments on the Recreation brochures.

Paul Skarin asked what the insurance situation would be is they decided to add skiing later and Donna advised that the Municipal Association will not cover it anymore.  She sated that some towns have charged membership fees to cover the cost of the insurance.  Fred stated that they should work toward getting access to the property and parking, and work from there.
PSNH – License 3 poles, 316/68, 55G/17, 316/69 – located on Otter Hill Road.
Donna reported that the poles listed a month ago were not correct.  These are the correct ones.  They have to be registered with the Town Clerk because they are in the town’s right-of-way.  The Board agreed the Chairman should sign.
Signed by the Chairman.

MV Mt. Sunapee II Annual Agreement
Donna advised that the 2.3% increase bring the contract amount to $7,144.00.  This is the same premise as the % applied to the Kearsarge.  The Board agreed the Chairman should sign.
Signed by the Chairman

Committee Appointments
        Aaron Simpson – Lighting Committee
        Daniel Banks – Lighting Committee
        Victor Reno – Lighting Committee
Donna stated the town can save money if they change some of the lights.  The committee will also look at where they are put and make suggestions to the Board.  Dick asked what the process is for committees to file reports and Donna stated that the Board would have to give a charge to the committee with a timeframe.  Fred suggested that the committee look at the letter from PSNH, do an inventory of lights, and make a recommendation as to what should be done for adjustments with a preliminary report by October 15, 2008.  Emma volunteered to service on the committee as the representative from the Board of Selectmen.  Donna will attend the first meeting and will also have the Police Chief and the Road Agent attend.
The appointments were approved and signed by the Board.

Use of Town Facilities
Dewey Beach, June 14, 2008, Scott Blewitt – Birthday Party
        Bandstand, Septemeber 21, 2008, Annual Chowder Challenge
        Georges Mills Harbor, June 21, 2008, Priscilla Holmes Roberts GM Reunion
All were approved by the Board and signed by the Chairman.

Tax Exemption
Donna explained that the properties listed under tax exemptions to be signed are for
charitable purposes.  The Assessor has recommended they be granted to St. Joachim
Church, Broom Family Trust, the Historical Society, and LSPA.  

Donna advised that he also recommending Camp Conniston for 2008.  He received an
application for 2007 for Camp Conniston.  The land was purchased in 2007, but was not
used by April 2007.  There was no objection by the Board for the exemptions.
A motion was made by Steve White to support the recommendations for the 2008
Exemptions.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.

A motion was made by Steve White to approve the exemption for 2007 for Camp
Conniston.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved with 4 in favor
and 1 opposed.

Buffalo Springfield Roller
Fred reported that the Historical Society is trying to find paperwork regarding the town gifting the roller to the Historical Society and have not been able to find it.  He stated that Eileen Stiles has drawn up a deed of gift for the Board to sign.  Fred stated that he will abstain from voting on this as he has done a lot of work on the roller.  Donna advised the Board members that a bill of sale is needed to register the roller and the Historical Society will pay for insurance on it.  
A motion was made by Steve White to transfer the roller from the town to the Historical Society and authorize the Town Manager to sign the deed of gift.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved with 4 in favor and one abstention.

Bike Rodeo
Donna reported that Gordon Weinberger has volunteered to work on a bike rodeo like they have done in the past.  She has sent him to work with the Police and Recreation departments.

All Terrain
Donna reported that the company, All Terrain, on Route 11 has enquired about getting sewer to its property.  They want to double the amount of employees and build a new green building for their non deet products.  She stated that there is no economic development group in town and the closest sewer line to them is on Browns Hill.  She will refer him to the Water & Sewer Commission and the Zoning Administrator.  She just wanted to make the Board aware as they may not consider staying in town.

Mitchell and Bates
Donna advised the Board that Tim Bates is retiring.  Walter Mitchell is developing staff to take over.  The town has used the firm since December of 2004.  The amount spent in 2005, 2005, and 2007 did not exceed the legal cost in 2004.  She does not have an issue continuing with them.  She stated that Mr. Mitchell will be at the Board meeting on June 30th. to introduce the staff.

Highway Budget
Donna notified the Board that Tony Bergeron, Road Agent, will be at the Board meeting on June 30th.  to update them on what will and will not be done this year.  His department is the most affected by the fuel costs.

Information Hearing for One Way Loop
Donna stated that they need to set a date for an informational meeting or cancel it.  She reminded them that they talked about having a hearing in the summer to get input from the summer residents.  She advised the Board that the road lines have been painted, but they could try the one way loop next year and have an information meeting this year to get input.  It was decided to have the informational meeting at the August 11, 2008 Board of Selectmen meeting at 7:10 PM.  Donna will advertise it in the Argus and post it.  Emma suggested that she get the Argus reporter to do an article on it and Dick Leone suggested that they include a picture in the ad.  Steve stated that the reporter from the InterTown Record said she could put a picture in their publication.  

Transfer Station Ordinance Public Hearing
The hearing will be held on June 30, 2008 at 7:10 PM.  There will be two actions:  authorize the Selectmen to set fees and set the new fees.  There will also be an explanation of C&D.

Household Hazardous Waste
Donna reminded the Board of the Household Hazardous Waste drop-off which will be at
the Transfer Station on June 21, 2008 from 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon..

Fred stated that Mr. Fascaldo has asked what is being done about speed bumps on Lake
Ave. He thinks the answer is that they do not have the money to do it.  Donna stated that
the Police can do concentrated speed enforcement.
A motion was made by Steve White that no speed bumps be installed on Lake Av.  
The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously by the Board.

The Board agreed that the Police Chief be asked to use his own discretion on controlling
the speed on Lake Av.

Bill Roach reported that he was in the Harbor today and met a gentleman from Newbury
who trains seeing eye dogs.  The gentleman complemented the Lions Clubs for the
amount of money they put into it.  Bill also stated that NH Fish and Game was there
stocking the lake with 1,800 salmon..

The meeting adjourned at 9:39 PM.

Submitted by Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach

Emma Smith