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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/06/02
MONDAY, JUNE 2, 2008
7:00 PM
*****DRAFT*****                                                   *****DRAFT*****

Present:  Richard Leone – Chairman, Stephen White – Co-Chairman,
            William Roche, Frederick Gallup, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager,
            Tony Bergeron – Road Agent

Absent:  Emma Smith

Others attending:  See sign-in sheet.

Items Signed:  See copy of agenda attached to official minutes and minutes of May 19,

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Leone.

Mike Durfor expressed that he is disappointed to hear that the one way loop in the Harbor has been put off, for two reasons.  One of the major considerations in the Charette team being willing to come to Sunapee and donate the expertise they have was that the community be willing to move forward with their suggestions.  One of the considerations was the parking and traffic flow.  He asked that the Board reconsider and at least try it for one year because he believes that is part of the study that needs to be done.  If they wait until next year for the people to vote on it, people will be voting without knowing how it would work.  By putting it off, you lose a year’s worth of data.  Steve White stated that he agrees.   Dick Leone stated that he has received several phone calls not supporting it.  He would like to see it tried sometime, but is not sure this is the right time.  Mike requested that the Board reconsider and have another hearing.  

Tony Bergeron is asking for reconsideration of the vote to remove trailer parking on River Rd. by allowing him to construct a sidewalk along the River.  Steve thinks this would positively impact the businesses.  The parking study showed that there is enough parking in the Harbor with the exception of about two days per year.  Bill stated the walkway would be very nice.  If they decide to do one way clockwise traffic at a later date, parking spaces could be added at that time.

A motion was made by Fred Gallup to install the sidewalk.  The motion was seconded by Steve White.  Tony stated it would be a temporary gravel walkway, 6’ wide and approximately 400’ long that he can remove in the fall.  Tony will investigate if any parking spaces can be gained.  The motion was approved.

Transfer Station Ordinance
Donna stated that the fees are listed in the ordinance for the alternate waste and C&D and she believes a public hearing is needed in order to change the fees.  Fred thinks the Board should be given the authority to change the fees and that should be the subject of the Public Hearing.  They can also discuss the fees at that meeting.  Tony stated that when the fees were originally set it was to offset the tipping fees and not the transportation.  The transportation has become a larger portion of the cost of the operation.  The Board decided to hold a public hearing on June 30, 2008 at 7:10PM.

A motion was made by Fred Gallup to amend the Transfer Station Ordinance to describe C&D and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to set the fees for it.  The motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved.  

Historical Pictures
Donna noted that Norm Perkins stopped by and gave her a number of pictures of the Hydro Plant and the current Town Hall being built.  She has sent a thank you letter to him.  

Use of Town Facilities
Bandstand, July 3, 2008, 6:30 PM, Kate Wetzel, Wedding Photos – A motion was made by Fred Gallup to authorize the Chairman to sign.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously.  

Local Government Center Sub-Committees
Dick reported on general government revenue and inter-government relations, a sub-committee that he sits on.  This is what they are going to present to the Legislature for the cities and towns.  The policy issue is that they may or may not push for legislation depending on the situation during the course of the year and the standing policy is that they are aware of it and somebody else introduces it.  He listed several items that have been looked at: the retirement plan and how it is funded and to have representation from the towns and cities; the  Right to Know policy which was adopted; underground cables to remove overhead facilities is a standing one; highway funds – the infrastructure has not been funded by any increase in taxes since 1982; trying to cut down on some of the charitable requests for less or reduced taxes; local ordinances covering right-of-ways has been adopted; downshifting state costs to counties and municipalities, but will support adequate funding of medicade costs; telephone company property tax exemptions; school infrastructure; mass transportation, etc.  

Donna stated that these sub-committees are made up of 25 members for each from various sectors of the communities, such as Selectmen, Town Managers, Town Clerks, members of the community, etc.  In September the LGC takes all of these 3 sub-committees’ input and determine if it affects a large number of people and whether it is worthy of spending municipal lobby money to draw the words needed to bring it in front  of the Legislature and find a sponsor.  Each sub-committee gives it back to the main committee and they vote and prioritize.

Donna stated that she is on the Municipal and Government sub-committee and they would like to propose legislation to disallow anyone who has a commercial property on their assessment and does not give their income and expense reports when asked for, they should not be allowed to produce them in the board and land tax appeals.  Another is to do a revolving fund for a transfer station, which is not allowed.  They would like to run it like an enterprise fund.  They have been meeting every Friday for the last four or five weeks.  It has been very interesting.  In her group there is a standing policy to appoint Town Clerks in town, but the Tax Clerk Association vehemently opposes that.  They want to be elected and the Secretary of State’s office supports them being elected.  However, the Municipal Association feels strongly not that it shouldn’t be an appointed position, but they will not come out against one of their affiliate groups.  If somebody else puts forth legislation to make that happen, the Municipal Association will go support it being appointed.  That’s the difference between a standing policy and an action policy.  They won’t make the motion to go forward and actually write the legislation to produce it.  However, the Municipal Association has to have some direction as to how it will respond.

Dick thinks it has been very good and gives Sunapee some input.  

Perkins Pond
Dick asked if anything is being initiated regarding sewers.  Bill advised that he spoke with the President of the Perkins Pond Association and they have not gotten a report from the State yet.  Steve thinks they should get the Water & Sewer Department to produce a warrant article.  Donna stated she thinks the Association wants to be sure they can garner support for a warrant article when it comes.  Fred stated he thinks they should contact the President of the Association and ask if he thinks a letter from the Board of Selectmen to DES would be of help.  The Board asked Dick to contact the President of the Perkins Pond Association and ask him to come to the June 16, 2008 Selectmen’s’ Meeting at 7:10PM.

State Representative Sue Gottling
Sue Gottling reported on the financial issues on the County facility they want to construct.  The first payment on the bond will not be until December 10, 2009, but if the commitment is made it will be made in June or July of this year.  People have to think very strongly that you are indebting the County for not only the building, but for the staffing.  Although she thinks everyone is in favor, you are not going to get returns immediately.  The real question is there are some other priorities that need to be gotten under control.  Her major goal is for people not to just look at it as a good thing.  It is, but look at who will pay for it, how and when.  Donna reported that the MS42 has been received and the Selectmen have a copy.  It shows the amount raised by taxes and that is divided out by Towns.  Sue stated it still has to go to the finance committee for the salaries.  Transfers from one line item to another for anything over $5,000.00 cannot be done without approval from the Finance Committee.  

Letter to Central St. Residents
Donna reported that four emails received were responded to by the Chairman.  Donna will send a letter in response to the emails received stating what the Site Plan Review covers and that there is no change of use application.  She also is suggesting that they attend Master Plan meetings to provide input in order to be taken into consideration for future zoning regulations. The Board authorized Donna to send the letter.  (See attachment to official minutes.)  Bill questioned who polices the conditions and approvals set by the Planning Board.  Donna advised that the Zoning Enforcement Officer would by sending a cease and desist letter and the daily fine of $250.00 would be instituted.  

HHW Dates Final
The dates for the Hazardous Waste Collections are set for June 21, 2008 at the Sunapee Highway Garage, July 19, 2008 at the Public Works Garage in New London, and August 15, 2008 at the Newbury Old Town Garage.  All the towns share in the costs based on the number of residents from their own towns.  (See attachment to official minutes.)

Check for Dissolution of Sullivan County Regional Refuse District - $29,475.91
A check for $29,475.91 was received and is the town’s share of the combined assets.  (See attachment to official minutes.)

The Police Chief is looking for a representative from the Board for the DARE graduation on Friday.  Steve White volunteered.  

Welfare Lien Reimbursement
Donna reported that she has received a reimbursement in the amount of $800.00.

There is money in the budget this year to replace the copier.  We are getting a Canon from Simquest.  The cost is $9,548.00.

GEO Insight Book
Donna received a copy of their book in the mail addressed to the town.  This company does site assessments.  They are usually hired by someone who wants to buy a piece of property that might have contaminants on it.  They would hire this company to do an independent appraisal of the site.  They have done an appraisal of the Smith site and the report is included.

Police Residency
A request for an exception to the residency requirement for Lt. Joseph Collins has been received from the Police Chief.  This would be an exception to the personnel policy, not a policy change.  (See attachment to official minutes.)  His is not an on call position.  The Board discussed the situation and agreed to invite the Chief in for a non-public session to discuss the personnel policies. A motion was made by Steve White to allow an exception to the personnel policy for Lt. Collin’s residency requirement as an exception to the policy.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.  

Buffalo Springfield Roller
Fred reported that the Historical Society is trying to put some liability insurance on it.  They ran into some issues.  The insurance company informed them it needed to be registered.  The only avenue the State has to register that is as a piece of construction equipment, which adds significantly to the price of it.  Fred asked Donna if it could stay under the umbrella of the town.  One of the concerns of the Board of Directors of the Historical Society is what if a future Board of Selectmen decides to sell it.  He thought perhaps the town could lease it to the Historical Society for something like 99 years for $1.00 in order to keep it under the insurance umbrella of the town.  Donna stated the insurance company said the town should buy it from the Historical Society, because if the Historical Society leases it, they are responsible for the insurance.  They also stated to put liability insurance on it so it could be used in parades, etc., they would have to do some research because they wanted to know who would certify this is a piece of equipment up to standards to be able to run on the road.  Fred stated that right now we don’t know who actually owns it, the town or the Historical Society.  The Board members feel the town should own it with the Historical Society having the right of first refusal if it should be sold in the future.  

Worker’s Compensation
Donna reported there is one employee out on worker’s compensation.

One Way Loop
The Board considered the request of Mike Durfor to reconsider the one way loop.  Steve urged the Board to go forward with it.  Donna suggested do it in July to give time to put notices and detailed information in the paper and notices.  Bill stated you wouldn’t be able to implement until August.  Dick thinks perhaps they should wait until next year to try.  Steve stated if they are going to wait until Town Meeting, they need to get the information and plans out there so they can get more input from the public before it goes to a vote.  Donna noted that part of the issue is how it is going to affect the Lake Av. residents that are only here in the summer.  Maybe have an informational hearing during the summer.  Steve recommended they take it up mid summer, with the maps, as
an informational thing.  Donna will put a separate item on the agenda under pending items that states informational hearing on a one way loop.

The meeting adjourned at 9:50PM.     

Submitted by Joan Bleau
Recording Secretary                                     Approved:                               

Richard Leone, Chairman                 Stephen White, Vice Chairman

Frederick Gallup                                William Roach

Emma Smith