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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/03/24
***DRAFT***                                                               ***DRAFT***
7:00 PM Town Hall
Monday, March 24, 2008

Present:        Emma Smith, William Roach, Stephen White, Richard Leone, Frederick
                Gallup, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Tim Puchtler – Sunapee
                Police Dept., Carolyn Stoddard – InterTown Record

Also Present:  See copy of sign-in sheet attached.

Items Signed:  See copy of agenda attached to official minutes

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Smith at 7:01 PM.


Rhonda Gurney, Abbott Library Trustees, reported that the new Board had its first meeting.  They are re-forming their Building Committee and establishing a Campaign Exploratory Committee (see copy attached to the official minutes).  They will be doing research for the next few months.  They will also be touring two “Green building” facilities in Concord on April 12, 2008 and invite anyone from the public to attend.  They will meet at the Sherburne Gym at 9:00 AM for anyone who would like to carpool.  The buildings are the Society for the Protection of NH Forests at 10:00 AM and the Audubon Society at 1:00 PM.

Fred Gallup noted an article in the Argus that stated the Library warrant articles passed, but with a combined figure for both articles (740 to 650).  He clarified there were only 709 votes cast.  Article 17a passed by 15 votes, and Article 17B passed by 75 votes.  


Office Tim Puchtler, Sunapee Police Department – Office Puchtler expressed thanks to the Board of Selectmen on behalf of the Sunapee Police Benevolent Association for the donation of the computers from the Police Department.  They can sell them or consider them for further use for the regional SWAT team.  He presented the Board with a thank you letter and stated they appreciate the support from the Board of Selectmen and the public.  He reported that the Benevolent Association is having a 5K road race on April 20, 2008.  It is funded by donations and they are looking to set up scholarships for the high school graduates.

Officer Puchtler also reported that 4 cruisers have been outfitted with “Car 54” equipment.  Sunapee was awarded with the system in December of 1007.  The system allows voice activation of the computer program.  The system originated at the University of New Hampshire and is now up and running.  $40,000.00 worth of equipment was donated. New Hampshire is the only state that has the system.


Appointments -  Faith Reney, Library Trustee, 1 Year Appointment
               Lisa Meehan, Alternate Library Trustee
              Terri Jillson White, Alternate Library Trustee.
A motion was made by Richard Leone to approve all of the above.  The motion was seconded by Stephen White and approved unanimously.

Approval of minutes -  A motion was made by Stephen White to approve the minutes of March 10, 2008.  The motion was seconded by William Roach and approved unanimously

Administrative Action :
        Change to Job Description – Donna explained that she received the request for a
        change to the job descriptions for Operator 1 and Operator 2.  The change is for
        the licensing requirements.  They are more clearly defined.  The pay category has
not changed.  A motion was made by Fred Gallup to accept the job
description changes for Operator 1 and Operator 2 with the understanding
there are no changes to the pay scale.  The motion was seconded by Richard
Leone and approved unanimously.

Pay Table 2008 -  Donna reported that the pay scale now has the 2.3% COLA
applied (see copy attached with official minutes).  #1020 does not change with
the COLA as it is a fixed rate.  The new pay scale is retroactive to the first week
of 2008.  A motion was made by Fred Gallup to approve the pay table as
presented.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved

Renewed Lease Agreement, Appleseed Cruise Property, LLC MV
Kearsarge Restaurant, LLC – Donna advised that this is the contract
agreed to 3 years ago.  The increase is based on the cost of living (CPIU).  She
suggested that at the time they draft a new contract, they have a public hearing
for input.  A motion was made by Steve White to approve the contract with
the updated increase.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and
approved unanimously.  

Land Use Change Tax Abatement, Bruce Smythe, 67 Mabs Way – Donna
read a letter from the Assessor which better defined what property was in current
use.  A building permit was issued for a new house and the incorrect owner was
billed a land use tax.  This is the abatement for the partial use.  The Selectmen
signed the abatement.

Live Entertainment Permit, The Anchorage @ Sunapee Harbor.  Donna
explained that they will have the same service for liquor on the outside patio and
there is no objection because it meets the Zoning regulation.  The permit was

William Roach reported that another window on the door at Pete’s Shed was broken and the door had to be replaced.  The incident was reported to the Police.  Donna advised that she spoke with the Police Department after the last Selectmen’s meeting.  A lot of the incidents had not been reported, so it was hard to determine when they happened.

        Use of Town Facilities
                Sunapee Fire Assoc., Safety Services Building
                Scott Unsworth, Wedding, Gazebo
                Sunapee Police Benevolent Assoc, 5K Race, Sunapee Harbor.

                Fred Gallup read a letter from the Police Chief supporting no alcohol
                consumption on the premises for the Safety Services Building.  Fred stated
that he has not seen any abuse.  Donna advised that Chief Ruggles has
stated that it will be covered.  The Police Chief just wanted the letter on
record.  Bill Roach stated there has not been a problem for years.  The
Board agreed they are confident there will not be a problem and
approved the request.  All three requests were approved by the

        Add Alternate Position to Old Town Hall Committee – Steve White recused
himself.  Donna reported that Ellie White had expressed an interest in serving
on the Old Town Hall Committee.  All of the positions were full.  The volunteer
form was passed through to the Committee and, at their last meeting, they agreed
they would like to add an alternate position.  A motion was made by Richard
Leone to add an alternate position to the Old Town Hall Committee.  The
motion was seconded by Bill Roach and approved.  A motion was made by
Fred Gallup to appoint Ellie White as an alternate member of the Old
Town Hall Committee.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone and


Emma reviewed a report that was given out at the Master Plan Meeting (see copy
attached to official minutes).  There were 307 new dwelling units built in Sunapee from
1998 through 2007.


A motion was made by Emma Smith nominating Richard Leone as Chairman of the
Board of Selectmen.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup.  There were no
other nominations and Mr. Leone was elected unanimously.

A motion was made by Fred Gallup nominating Steve White as Vice Chairman of
the Board of Selectmen.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  There were
no other nominations and Mr. White was elected unanimously.

Dick Leone thanked Emma Smith for the remarkable job she has done as Chairman over
the last two years.


Comcast Contract – Donna reported that she has sent the last draft to the Attorney.  It is
a 7 year contract.  Discussion was held on Channels 8 & 10.  Sunapee will have their own
Channel 8 and Newport will transmit over Channel 10 so Sunapee can view their
meetings.  She has advised Comcast that they would like the option of another Channel if
needed in the future.  Now Sunapee has one channel.  Bill Roach stated he does not
agree.  Comcast has infringed by allowing Newport to use Sunapee’s Channel 8.  Donna
explained that Channel 8 from the town line into Sunapee is for Sunapee to use if they
want.  She suggested that the Board should have a public hearing before signing the
contract.  A motion was made by Steve White to set a public hearing for April 21,
2008.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.  

Coalition Meeting, March 27, 2008, 10:00AM, Local Government Center – Donna
reminded those attending to meet at Town Hall at 8:30 AM.  Emma Smith, Dick Leone,
Steve White, and Donna Nashawaty will be attending.

List of impending deeds -  (see copy attached to official minutes).  Donna explained that
Some are making payments.  The list was passed to the Board of Selectmen from the Town Clerk.   
Equalization -  Donna reported that the 2007 equalization figure is 82.4%.  This is derived from sales that took place December 2006 through November 2007.  Donna will have Norm come to the second meeting in May (May 19) to explain the figure and how it is derived.

Shoreline Protection Act – Donna advised that the Act, scheduled to go into effect on April 1, 2008, could be delayed until July or October.  The DES has said that there may be something acted on this Friday.  She explained that the new release has the Sugar River (considered a fourth order stream) starting at the dam.  Fred Gallup reported there was an article in the paper last week stating that an impacted group from central New Hampshire has hired a lobbyist and formed their own association.  Donna advised that they haven’t finished writing the rules at DES.

School Superintendent Search – Donna reported that the final candidates for the Superintendent position will be at Town Hall on Tuesday, March 25th and Wednesday, March 26th at 9:00 AM and 3:45 PM for a tour if any of the Board members would like to be there.

The meeting adjourned at 9:21 PM.  

Joan Bleau                                              Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup