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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/03/10
7:00 PM Town Hall
March 10, 2008

Present:  Emma Smith – Chairman, Stephen White – Vice Chairman, William Roach, Richard Leone, Frederick Gallup, Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Ronald Verblauw – Sunapee Harbor Riverway, Donna Gazelle & Barbara Cooper – Beautification Committee, Van Webb – Conservation Commission, Carolyn Stoddard – InterTown Record

Items for Signature or Review :  (See agenda attached with official copy of minutes.)
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Chairman Smith.


Ron Verblauw of Sunapee Harbor Riverway expressed concern over vandalism in the harbor area.  Tables, chair, etc. are being thrown into the river, as well as windows and lights being broken.  The Board advised Mr. Verblauw he should make a complaint to the Police Department.


Beautification Committee - Barbara Cooper and Donna Gazelle first wanted to express a thank you to Tony Bergeron for all the help and work that has been done.

As requested by the Board of Selectmen, the Committee has come up with a protocol for the donation of benches (see attachment with official copy of minutes).  They will make a donation form available, as well as a copy of a plan with suggested locations for the benches.  The applicant can choose a location, or the committee will if there is no preference given.  The forms will be available at Town Hall or can be mailed to an applicant.  The benches would be ordered by the Committee, as well as the plaque.  The current cost for the bench, plaque and installation is about $800.00.

The donation would be made to the Town of Sunapee and the money goes into an expendable trust.  The Committee has expressed concern that they do not have the funds available to spend until the next year when the expenditure is approved at town meeting.  They currently have to request money from the general fund and then the general fund gets reimbursed.  Donna explained that there is a certain protocol that has to be followed as the Beautification Committee is not registered as a non-profit group.  The board members suggested that they look into going through an organization such as the Lions Club or the Chamber of Commerce which are already established as non-profit.  Donna advised that the Recreation Committee is talking about having a Friends of Recreation Committee and perhaps it could be the Friends of Park and Recreation Committee.  The Beautification Committee will investigate other avenues for their donations.

Fred suggested that the cost of the bench be noted as variable.  It was noted that the protocol wording states “currently”.

The Board of Selectmen approved the protocol as presented, dated March 10, 2008.

Forest Management Plan:

Van Webb advised that the Conservation Commission has just received notice that Bruce Burdett
will be resigning from the Commission.  He has served for 17 years and the Commission is
looking for some recognition ideas.

Van presented the Forest Management Plan that was adopted at the Commission’s January
meeting.  Included in the plan are identified parcels and each has its own folder with a series of
maps, photos, soil maps, narrative descriptions, and recommendations and goals for the use and
management of the properties.  He will leave a copy in the Town Office for people to review.  
They plan to do an update every ten years.  He will also be making it available to the Planning
Board for their Master Plan.  He will be meeting with them in April and May     

He also reported that they are interested in developing handicap access to Ledge Pond and they
would like to have a small parking lot there.  They still have some more work to do on Ski
Tow Hill and are researching that.  They have contacted DRED for information on ADA

Donna suggested if Van can provide the summary and pamphlet electronically, she can put it
on the web site.


A motion was made by Steve White to approve the minutes of February 25, 2008.  The motion was seconded by Dick Leone and approved unanimously.


Beautification Committee – A motion was made by Steve White to approve the protocol
plan of the Beautification Committee dated 3/10/2008.  The motion was seconded by Bill
Roach and approved unanimously.


A motion was made by Dick Leone to appoint Joyce Hill to the Old Town Hall Committee.  The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously.  Donna advised that Ellie White is also interested in serving on the Committee.  Dick Leone suggested that perhaps they could use alternates.  Donna will refer the suggestion to the Committee.

A motion was made by Steve White to appoint Wenda Nolin to the Crowther Chapel
Committee.  The motion was seconded by Dick Leone and approved unanimously.

Property Tax Abatement – Bruce A. Smythe:  Donna explained that the abatement should be made to the Trust and then taxes paid by Mr. Smythe.  The Board decided to act on the abatement at the next meeting, as there is a question about making the abatement to an individual or to the Trust.

Sullivan County Leadership Forum on Solid Waste:

Steve White reported that there is a meeting on March 20, 2008 at 6:00 PM at the Sugar River Technical Center located at Newport High School.  Steve and Fred advised that there are several options being reviewed and encouraged people to attend.  

Excavation on Highways Ordinance -  Donna explained that the ordinance was signed by the Selectmen sometime in April of 2007, but the document was not dated.  A motion was made by Fred Gallup to ratify the “Regulations Governing Excavations in Town Highways and Streets” previously signed and date it 3/10/2008 so it can become a permanent record.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously.
Portsmouth Coalition – Donna explained that this is the bill to fund education.  They want
$900,000.00 from Sunapee.  Portsmouth is not in it anymore.  Pat Remmick has advised that
SB539 reinstates donor towns and they are encouraging legislators to vote against it.  They
encourage people to ask their State Representatives to support the constitutional amendment,
CACR34.  It was noted that the Governor is in favor of the constitutional amendment.

Laptops – Donna advised that the Police Department has 3 old laptop computers.  They are giving one to the Fire Department and would like to turn over ownership of the other two to the Sunapee Police Benevolent Association to sell.  By consensus, the Board was in favor.

Highway Safety Committee - Donna reported the committee met and has decided not to
restrict the used of engine brakes on Route 11 coming into town.  They also discussed the
parking problem on Route 11 in Georges Mills and recommends that the Board change the
Town Ordinance to include no parking and signs on the west bound side of Route 11 just east of
the Georges Mills Store.  The Board gave Donna the authority to contact the State and make the
arrangements.  The Committee also discussed a speed limit reduction on Route 11 and felt that it
needs more time before making any recommendations.  They would like to meet with the State
to share and get more data.


Emma reported that she will respond to Sue Gottling’s letter regarding possible bonding for the
County shortage.  She also talked about the County Trash Project.  Sunapee does not want to be a
part of it.

Emma stated that she would like to ask someone from SWSC (Sunapee Watershed) to come and
present at the Board meeting on April 14th.

Emma stated she received a letter from Joan Sholner regarding her property on Upper Bay Rd.
The property taxes rose by 16% this year.  Donna advised that she responded and explained
how the property tax is done.  A lot of people don’t understand that the first bill of the year is the
tax for the last half of the previous year and the second bill is for the first half of the current year.  
She received a letter from another person and responded with the same information.     


Assessing Position - Donna advised the Board that Martha Walden, Assessing Clerk, has resigned her position effective March 14, 2008.  She is looking and interviewing for a replacement.  The job has been posted and advertised.  

Update of Utility Values in Relation to County Apportionment:  Wheelabrator and the City of Claremont have entered into a 4 year agreement for payment in lieu of taxes.  Basically, the utility taxable value that Claremont has on Wheelabrator gets marked as tax exempt and taxes are voluntarily paid through a contract.  During the State Education funding process, the State DRA sets an assessed value for their own tax warrant so it can bill for SWPT separately for utilities.  Some towns use the state value for their own tax warrant.  Others set their own.  When the state calculates equalized ratio for all towns in order to figure County apportionments, they take out current use, conservation and utilities and then add back in full value and then add their state assessment for utilities back in.  Donna did a sample of Sullivan County for 2006 since she didn’t have all the ratios for 2007 yet, and Claremont would have owed $30,000 or so more towards the county bill She believes that the town’s value for utilities equalized should be the amount used for the apportionment of county taxes and this makes a case for unconstitutionality in the calculation of our share of the count.  It the Board wishes, Donna will continue to compile the 2007 numbers and speak to Attorney Gross about the matter.  The Board agreed.               

NH Retirement Impact – Donna explained that Sunapee has been given a range of 10% over current rates.  The retirement system is flawed and has not been making money.  It will take 30 years to catch up.  If no action is taken, there will be a 47% increase over the current rates.  The Municipal Association is asking for changes in the bill.  They are making some suggestions such as raising the retirement age.  Sunapee could have an $11,000.00 increase in 2008.


Donna advised the Board that she attended the Sunapee Seniors meeting today to speak and answer any questions regarding the voting and warrant articles.  Representatives from the school and library were there as well as some candidates for various offices in town.  She spoke about SB2 and how it is done.

The meeting adjourned at 10:11 PM.

Joan Bleau                                              Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup