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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/01/28
7:00 PM Town Hall
Monday, January 28, 2008

Present:  Selectmen - Richard Leone, Emma Smith, William Roach, Stephen White, Frederick Gallup, D. Nashawaty – Town Manager, T. Bergeron – Road Agent

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet attached.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman Smith.


Treatment Plant Rd. Bridge
Tony Bergeron reported that they are putting in a “Bailey bridge” this week.  They have selected F. W. Whitcomb from three bids received.  The cost for the Bailey bridge is approximately $50,000.00.  He asked the Board of Selectmen to amend their motion from the last meeting.  The culverts are too far deteriorated to do the original plan.  The project cost is $587,000.00 and the town is responsible for 20% of that.  $142,000.00 would come from the Capital Reserve Fund and the $50.000.00 would have to come from that if the article is unsuccessful at Town Meeting.  They currently have $143,000.00 in the Capital Reserve Fund.  The cost to buy the Bailey bridge would be $103,000.00 to $163,000.00 and it would still be only temporary and only 14 feet wide.  Tony advised that eventually the culvert will wash out and will have to be replaced.  Steve White asked if he had heard anything on a contribution from the Water & Sewer Department.  Tony stated that he will be talking to them at their meeting on Thursday.  The total amount for the warrant article would be $587,000.00.  If the article doesn’t pass, they could take $50,000.00 out of the Capital Reserve Fund.  Donna advised that they will have to offer an amendment to the warrant article at the Deliberative Session.  Tony will update the Water & Sewer Commissioners and try to get their support.  When and if the culvert washes out, they will have to stabilize the slopes underneath.  To excavate now would be expensive because of the frost.  Tony will update the Water & Sewer Commission that it is a plant expense and New London should contribute.  A motion was made by Richard Leone to rescind the motion of the last Selectmen’s meeting relative to the Bridges Capital Reserve Fund expenditure.  The motion was seconded by Steve White and approved unanimously by the Board.


Rhonda Gurney of the Library Building Committee asked the Board to please clarify their reason for not supporting the Library.  Emma advised that she also received a letter from Mike Durfor asking them to change their recommendation (see attached).  The Board members explained they did not want to make a recommendation one way of the other on the site.  They wanted the voters to make that decision.  A lengthy discussion followed with various opinions expressed.  Emma offered to change the article to two part, one asking voters to approve or disapprove the site and the other for the fundraising.  

A motion was made by Fred Gallup to change Article 17 as currently written to Article 17a and 17b as presented (see attached – correct Street and add contingent upon 17a passing in the first part of 17b).  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.  Discussion on the motion – Dick questioned if it could be amended at the Deliberative Session.  Peter Urbach suggested that they make the first part of 17b contingent upon 17a passing.  Board members agreed.  Steve White advised that he wants to go on record that he recommends the article as originally written.  The motion was approved unanimously.  

A motion was made by Fred Gallup to recommend Article 17b.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone and approved.

Donna explained that the mailers have been printed and are out in the mail.  It is purely a draft.  The posting tonight will be the warrant articles.


A motion was made by Steve White to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2008 Public Hearing and the minutes of January 15, 2008.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone and approved unanimously.


The Board received a letter of resignation from Catherine Bushueff from her membership on the
Old Town Hall Committee.  Fred Gallup recommended that the Board accept the resignation and
send a letter of thanks to Catherine.  Emma will write the letter.  The Board members agreed to
accept the resignation.

A letter of resignation from the Library Board of Trustees was received from Peter Urbach.
Emma advised that is an elected position and up to the Board of Trustees to accept.  Fred stated
that a letter of appreciation should be sent.  Emma agreed to write a letter.

NH Retirement System Letter -  Donna advised that the Municipal Association is asking for a
Contribution of $507.47, which she believes is a per capita price, to fund an unfunded mandate
lawsuit. She explained that the subsidy will end on June 30, 2008 and the new actuary does not
have enough money, so they are soliciting funds (see letter attached).  A motion was made by
Steve White to contribute $508.00.  The motion was seconded by William Roach and
approved unanimously.  

Sign MS-6, default budget and warrant articles for posting – Donna reported that she has some
changes from the attorney and DRA.  On page 1 of 11 – Zoning Amendments – the actual text
should not appear on the ballot for Articles 2 through 5.  Articles 2 through 5 were adjusted to
reflect the change. Additional explanation of the text would be posted at the polling place.  
Donna explained that it has never been on the ballot.  It has been on the warrant.  It  will be
immediately following the articles in the Town Report.  Also the only recommendation from the
Planning Board go on petitioned warrant articles. Article 3 -remove “(not subject to ZBA
review)” and change to “that are not subject to ZBA review?”  Article 7 -  5th line – should say
“default budget”, not “operating budget”.  Article 8 – remove wording “authorizing the short
term borrowing of the State’s portion once State Approval is received”.  Article 12 – this article
is not designated as a special warrant article and the recommendation must be removed.  The
Board can vote to make Articles 12, 14, 23, 24, and 26 special.  A motion was made by Steve
White to make Articles 12, 14, 23, 24, and 26, special.  The motion was seconded by Bill
Roach.  Discussion on the motion -  Fred thinks the articles should not be made special so the
voters can make the decision.  He feels that to put a recommendation on could sway the
voter.  The motion was voted on and failed.  (2 in favor, 2 against)  Article 21 should read
3 years instead of 5.  That is the way the statute reads.  Article 29 – the article has to be
stricken.  Donations are not allowed to go into this fund.  Fees are considered public funds and
the Board of Selectmen has the authority to accept donations.  Article 30- change in wording to
“clarifying the purpose of the amount of $21,000” and remove the last line.  Donna will post
the warrants, budget, and default budget.

Warrant Article Motions and Seconds – Who will move and second and discuss at the Deliberative Session:

Motion                  Second                  Articles
Steve White             Fred Gallup             7, 12, 17a, 21, 26, 32
Fred Gallup             Dick Leone              8, 13, 17b, 22, 27
Dick Leone              Emma Smith              9, 14, 18, 23, 28
Emma Smith              Bill Roach              10, 15, 19, 24, 30
Bill Roach              Steve White             11, 16, 20, 25, 31

Donna explained that SB2 dictates that the warrant must be posted the last Monday in January.  The Deliberative Session must be between February 3rd and February 9th.  There is not enough time to get the warrant published and get it to the voters.  Every town with SB2 has the same issue.  Dick Leone explained that one of the problems is getting the ballot to the military and getting it back.  Fred stated he would like to run an ad in the Argus stating there have been some
Changes and people can come to Town Hall or check postings.


Emma stated that she feels there is the need for a Human Resources person and perhaps they can combine it with the payroll position.  Donna advised that the payroll position is only budgeted
for 16 hours per week.  They would need more hours if they include the HR functions.  It would
also require a higher salary.  With benefits, it would add about $60,000 to the budget.  Emma feels the town is growing and perhaps they need another full time position.  Donna stated that she would like to see the Selectmen form a committee to overview the duties of the Town Hall functions as Town Hall is very busy.  Discussion was held.  Fred advised that perhaps a full time clerical position is needed rather than an HR person.  Donna advised that they could look at job sharing for the HR position with other towns.  


Springfield 2008 Transfer Station Contract – Donna and Tony met with the Springfield Board of Selectmen and went over all the expenses, population, etc. (see attached)  The contract was originally set up based on population.  $92,382.00 would be the contract amount and Springfield agreed.
Update E911 Mapping Program – Donna was contact by the Dept. of Safety, Bureau of Emergency Communications.  They provide maps and alpha listings.  They GPS every house and building and enter that into the 911 system.  This helps 911 pinpoint more clearly.  They have sent a list of similar sounding road names and the Board will have to decide if they are really conflicting.  It is up to us to decide if there is really an issue.  She brought the list to the Police and Fire Departments.  They have agreed to look at it.  Donna has named both chiefs as liaisons.

10:15 – Recess for Donna to correct and print the warrant articles to be signed.

10:34 – Call back from recess.

Warrant was signed by the Board of Selectmen.  Bill stated that they have to get serious about what to do with one way traffic and check with the School Board for use of the Sherburne Gym lot for trailer parking.  They will have to have public hearings.  Donna will put this topic on the agenda for the first meeting in April.

Donna advised the Board that she just received an email from Heather Weinstein resigning her position at Town Hall effective February 8, 2008.

The meeting adjourned at 10:40 PM.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                                Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup