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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/01/15
7:00 PM Town Hall
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Present:  Emma Smith, Richard Leone, William Roach, Stephen White, Frederick Gallup; Donna Nashawaty – Town Manager, Charles Smith – Water & Sewer Commissioner, Tony Bergeron- Road Agent

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Emma Smith.

The first 15 minutes of the Board of Selectmen meeting is reserved for comments from the public.        



A motion was made by Steve White to approve the minutes of January 7, 2007.  The motion
was seconded by Bill Roach and approved unanimously.


Vignola Letter:
Donna read a letter from Robert Vignola regarding two large pits in front of
his property that he wants the town to fill in as he feels they are a hazard.  Steve White noted
that Mr. Vignola purchased the property in 2003 and the conditions existed at that time.  Tony
explained that the pits are the entrance to a cross culvert.  There are two culverts.  They are
2 feet deep and 3 ½ feet deep and they have been there as long as he has been the Road Agent.
The culvert was replaced a long time ago and at the same size, which he thinks was about 8 to 10
years ago when the road was reclaimed (pavement ground up and road repaved).  The pits are
within the right of way of the road and nothing has changed since Mr. Vignola purchased the
property.  They have cleaned out debris, but nothing about the culvert has changed.  Catch basins
could possibly be installed.  The cost for those is $1,000.00 to $1,200.00 each, plus installation.
Fred Gallup stated he does not think it is the town’s responsibility to do it and Tony advised
there would be many other locations in town with the same situation.  A motion was made by
Steve White to write a letter to Mr. Vignola stating that the condition existed when the
Property was purchased by him and that we would be happy to work with his contractor in
placement of the catch basins and the work would be at Mr. Vignola’s expense.  The
motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and approved unanimously by the Board.

Indian Cave :
Bill Roach advised that the Harbor Master for Indian Cave told him that they
have lost a boat slip because of silt that has come in from a town culvert.  Another person
advised him that they never had a usable boat slip there.  Bill advised the Harbor Master that
it is not the town’s responsibility and that the culvert has been there for year.  He also told him
that he would have to file a dredge and fill permit with the State.     

Treatment Plant Road Bridge –

Tony advised the Board that Ed Bergeron from Bergeron Engineering called today.  The cost of
the emergency work can be shared with the State.  The State would pay 80% and the town would
be responsible for 20%.  He will have to get a second estimated for the State to participate, but
he will probably get a total of three.  They need to drive some sheet pilings between the two
culverts.  $140,000.00 is needed now to start the repairs.  A motion was made by Steve White
to allow $140,000.00 to be spent, from a withdrawal from the Bridges Capital Reserve
Fund in the amount of $60,000.00 and spending $80,000.00 from the Highway Paving
Line of 01-4312-55-380.  The funds are necessary to do an emergency repair on Treatment
Plant Road bridge.  The motion was seconded by Richard Leone.

Discussion – Donna explained that if the warrant article for $420,000.00 passes, the motion can
Be rescinded.  If the warrant article fails, there will be $80,000.00 less in the paving fund.  
Dick Leone questioned if there were any other way to recoup some of the money, such as
from New London.  Donna advised that Bruce Jennings indicated that he might want to
participate as he may be selling his property.  Tony reported that since the budget hearing,
materials are sluffing away on the downstream side.  He has placed a road closed sign and they
will not be using big trucks to plow.  Dick Leone stated that there might be the possibility of
getting an emergency bridge from the military.  Charles Smith stated that several years ago
the Water & Sewer Commission was concerned about the bridge because Mr. Jennings was
going to be transporting water across it, but then he didn’t.  When they heard there was a
problem, they found that it was the town’s responsibility, but he will suggest to the
Commission that they contribute toward the new bridge.  He suggested that it could be
80/10/10 and he will bring his suggestion to the Commission.  Donna asked if the Water &
Sewer Commission contributed, would it come out of a fund that New London has already
contributed to?  Charlie will have to check on the funds.

The Board voted on the motion and it was approved unanimously.

Memorial Park Bench:
Donna advised the Board that she has received a letter from a Mr. Johanns who would like to
donate a bench in memory of his father.  She advised that there are other bench that have
had small bronze plaques which were glued on and have fallen off.  She also questioned what
type of bench it should be.  Fred suggested that the benches should be granite as they will
not deteriorate like concrete and suggested that it be discussed with the Sunapee
Beautification Committee for location.  He also stated that there will, at some time, come an
end for spaces to put benches.  Steve also noted that they have several benches now that have not
been dedicated to anyone.  He suggested that the Beautification come to the Board of
Selectmen with suggestions.  Fred also suggested that the benches could be engraved rather
Than have plaques put on them.  Donna will contact the members of the Beautification

Number Warrant Articles:
The Board reviewed the warrant articles and their numbered placement on the ballot.

Donna advised the Board that he last two articles will be the petitioned articles.  After the budget
article should be the Treatment Road Bridge article and the Planning Board articles have been

The Board felt that all Highway articles should be together and all Police articles together.

The final numberings agreed to were:
#8 – Treatment Plant Rd. bridge
#9 – Fire Apparatus Capital Reserve Fund
#10 – Highway and Transfer Station Equipment Capital Reserve Fund
#11 – Town Bridges Capital Reserve Fund
#12 – Harbor Loop Plan
#13 – Paving Dirt Road Capital Reserve Fund
#14 – New loader for Highway Department
#15 – Used Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund
#16 – Library Capital Reserve Fund
#17 – New Public Library
#18 - Revolving fund for Public Safety Services
#19 – Police Patrol Vehicles Capital Reserve Fund
#20 – Capital Reserve Fund to restore and renovate the “livery”
#21 – Elderly exemptions
#22 – Water line on Jobs Creek Rd.
#23 – New truck, Water & Sewer
#24 – Upgrade pump stations
#25 – Waterwaste Treatment Facilities Plan
#26 – Conservation Commission
#27 – Milfoil Control
#28 – Amend revolving Recreation fund
#29 – Recreational facilities at Ski Tow Hill
#30 – Cemetery Expendable Trust Fund
#31 – Sunapee Beautification Fund
#32 – Petitioned article – lower property taxes
#33 – Petitioned article – National Comsumer Price Index

Donna will check with the Attorney and remove any recommendation wording on articles that
he states should not have them.
The Board then voted on the recommendation wording as follows:
#8 – yes, #9 – yes, #10 – yes, #11 – yes, #12 – yes, #13 – yes, #14 – yes, #15 – yes, #16 – yes,
#17 – discussion on the location, influence of the charette, and the workings of one way
traffic.  Donna explained that special warrant articles, non lapsing, with appropriations
to separate funds, such as capital reserve fund, must have notations as to whether or not they
are recommended by the Board of Selectmen.  Voted no, #18 – yes, #19- yes, #20 – yes, #22 –
yes, #23 – yes, #24 – yes, #25 – yes, #26 – yes, #27 yes, #30 – yes, #31 – yes.
Article 33 – Bill asked if this article was taken from a city which is governed by a city
council and has a fiscal year?  This language does not work for a town.  The school budget
is not governed by the town budget.  Donna advised that #2 under A is unconstitutional.
D.1. would be coming up with a new grand list.  Bill suggested that the originators of the
petition explain, at the Deliberative Session, how this is going to work.

County Taxes:
Bill Roach reported that the taxes for the County will go up approximately $1,000,000.00 next
year and will probably go up again the following year to clear the deficits and support a
higher budget for the year.  Steve White requested that they get a total school budget, total
town budget, and total County budget for 2008.  Donna advised that they don’t have the
County figures yet.  She thinks they will be available the third week in June.  Steve advised that
the amount for the school is $9,621,103.00.  Donna advised that last year’s amount was


Emma stated that last year the town voted to not allow the buying of property and accepting
the donation of property by the Board of Selectmen without a special town meeting.  She asked
if they could put in a warrant article to allow it.  The Board members agreed unanimously.
Donna will find the original article that allowed it to draft the new own.  It was agreed that
this would be article #22 and that the rest of the articles would be moved down.

Emma also advised that she received a very nice thank you note from Noel Eastman for her
donation to the skateboard park.  It also thanked the Board of Selectmen for their support and
approval for the park.  She read the letter to the Board.


Donna had the Board members review possible dedication pictures.  Steve suggested that they
use the old tax collector picture of Bill Roach.  Fred thought they should use both, the tax
collector picture and the picture with the fire truck.  Donna stated that she can put the one
with the fire truck on the Fire Department Page.  The members agreed unanimously.

Donna reported that we have been dropped by our auditing firm.  They are sending people for
training and find that the audit times will increase.  They have to terminate some clients (see
copy of letter attached).  She would like to put an engagement letter together for one year and
then go out with an RFP.   She will see what she can find for one year and then go for a three
year contract.


Bill Roach reported that Peter Martin taped the last County Commissioners’ Meeting.  It was
to be on Saturday and Sunday, but was not.  He will check with Peter as to why.  Donna
advised that they could have had technical problems.

The meeting adjourned at 9:42 PM.

Submitted by, Joan Bleau                                Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                         Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup