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Selectmen's Minutes 2008/01/10 Budget Public Hearing
7:00 PM Cafeteria, Sunapee Middle High School
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Present:  Selectmen,  Richard Leone, William Roach, , Stephen White; BAC member Stephen Nilsen; Town Manager Donna Nashawaty;  Department Heads David Cahill, Dan Ruggles, Betty Ramspott,  Tony Bergeron, Dave Bailey, John Walden

Also Present:  See sign-in sheet

The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM by Vice Chairman White.

Public Hearing for the 2008 Budget was opened and noted that it was duly warned.

Vice Chair White introduced the Board of Selectmen and passed on the regrets of Selectmen Gallup and Smith who could not attend.

Town Manager Donna Nashawaty was introduced and given the podium.

Donna reviewed the handouts that were available for review during the public hearing that included projected revenues, Comparative Statement of Expenditures, Warrant articles (without the zoning amendments), and Overview of funding of warrant articles.
D Nashawaty proceeded to state the following:

In Mid August I sent a memo to all department heads,
Please keep in mind that this year’s unseen tax rate is going up about $2.00 per thousand

Any additions to staff will probably not be looked on favorably.  In addition I expect the selectmen to look at what they offer for services and take a good hard analysis that the town wants to pay for each service.  I don’t mean to sound doom and gloom but I think the selectmen and budget advisory committee have to answer to the town for the increase in rate.  I know all items were voted on and the majority is the school and additional warrant articles, but holding the line is the minimum that I think they expect.  

Departments turned in budgets and contractual obligations were calculated as they were decided on.

It was discussed at a selectmen’s meeting that since this year the budget is probably staying status quo to last year’s because of the tax rate increase that maybe we could do an all day budget session with BAC and department heads.  This was scheduled on November 3rd.
This year’s budget from the time the department heads presented to the final product changed approximately $50,000.  Overall general fund is up 4.4% over 2007 in the Amount of $160,000.  

The 2008 budget increase over 2007 is based on the following.
No new additions to staff, either hours or positions. (one exception - work/study program at highway garage at a cost of $2,750 for 20 hours per week for 20 weeks)

Establishing a COLA included reviewing Social Security which for 2008 is 2.3%, NHRS 2.25% at the time CPI-U for September was 2.4%.  Since then northeast CPI for October average previous 12 months was 3.2% and November 4%.  Our budget contains 2.3%

Health insurance premiums increased 9.9% in our pool.  
Debt service increased in 2008, $17,583
Two positions that had been voted to increase hours in position were for a full year for approx $18,000 of increase for 2008
Extra election increase of approx $11,000
NH Retirement increase $17,978.02
Because we are budgeting for actual health premium with no leeway for change when employees change, $11,000 difference attributed to changes from 200 – 08 (note $43,000 each year for overall savings by changing plans if declination)  
The above total approx. $75,000 which is 2% of increase.  The other 2% is the increases in fuel, heat, electricity and contract services including outside agencies as well as the 2.3 COLA figured on all employees.  This is reflected in the default budget amount of $5.343.516 which is less that the proposed budget by $24,180. That amount of the default budget is what was budgeted last year minus one time expenditures plus contractual obligations and utility increases expected.  The meaning of the default budget is that you could operate with the services offered the previous year with specific obligations with cost increases added back in allowing status quo.  Our whole budget is reflective of that highlighted by the closeness of the default and proposed budget.  I have worked on the projected tax impact and it looks as if there is no new property value, the town impact would be down by approx $.09 from $3.08 to 2.99

Money Warrant articles notes:

Town Capital Reserve Articles are reflective of the work done last year to stabilize and predict the purchases of capital expenditures.  This includes the placing of the funds into the fund and the articles making the purchases.  The Conservation article is based on a $50,000 target for funding, 50% of the Current Use Penalties collected, less the target amount = $9,500 for this year.  The funds collected for the sale of cemetery lots goes into the general fund.  This article places those same funds in the Trust funds.  Treatment Road Bridge is the only other one I wanted to mention and Tony Bergeron is here for that one.  Any of the department heads can answer any further detail questions for you and I can try for any other general questions.

Betty Ramspott asked that $420 get added as a new line in elections as the new Help America Vote Act called for internet access at the voting place and that was the cost annually.

Tony Bergeron spoke next about the immediate repairs necessary to Treatment Road Bridge and asked that the warrant article be amended to $420,000, with $336,000 coming from the State Bridge aid fund and $84,000 from Capital Reserve for Bridges fund.

No further questions or comments.

Vice Chair White closed the public hearing at 7:25pm

Submitted by, Donna Nashawaty                   Approved______________________

_______________________________         ______________________________
Emma M. Smith, Chairman                 Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

_______________________________         ______________________________
William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup