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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/11/30
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, November 30, 2009

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager

Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director, Charles Smith, Spec Bowers, Shane Hastings, Representative Suzanne Gottling,
Peter Urbach, Barbara Brill, Jon Walden Library Director, Xan Gallup, David Gormley, Welfare Director,  Terri Leblanc, Tina Naime, Tony Bergeron, Road Agent, Tracy Nangeroni.    

The meeting was called to order by Stephen White, Chairman at 7:00PM

Peirce Playground-Memorandum of Understanding
Donna Nashawaty summarized the guidelines of the Lynne R. Peirce Memorial Playground Fund which will be located on the Tilton Park property. (Documents attached)

Scott Blewitt wanted to publicly thank his Turkey Trot race directors.

New London Hospital-Ambulance
Terri Leblanc and Tina Naime presented the Board with the 2010 proposed ambulance budget.

Community Alliance-Barbara Brill
Barbara Brill and David Gormley summarized the programs and services offered to Sunapee residents in 2009 and the amount of their request for 2010. Barbara Brill also requested an additional $500 for public transportation buses, which after much discussion Donna Nashawaty asked Barbara Brill to email more detailed information on the number of residents who use the service and how often.

Library Mold Remediation
Xan Gallup and Jon Walden updated the Board regarding the mold remediation work that has been done so far. (Cost breakdown attached).  Jon Walden also made the Board aware of RSA 32.11
32:11 Emergency Expenditures and Over expenditures. – When an unusual circumstance arises during the year which makes it necessary to expend money in excess of an appropriation which may result in an over expenditure of the total amount appropriated for all purposes at the meeting or when no appropriation has been made, the selectmen or village district commissioners, upon application to the commissioner of revenue administration or the school board upon application to the commissioner of education, may be given authority to make such expenditure, provided that:
~~~ I. Such application shall be made prior to the making of such expenditure. No such authority shall be granted until a majority of the budget committee, if any, has approved the application in writing. If there is no budget committee, the governing body shall hold a public hearing on the request, with notice as provided in RSA 91-A:2.
~~~ II. The commissioner of revenue administration or the commissioner of education may accept and approve an application after expenditure if caused by a sudden or unexpected emergency, in which case paragraph I shall not apply.
  III. Neither the commissioner of revenue administration nor the commissioner of education shall approve such expenditure unless the governing body designates the source of revenue to be used. Neither commissioner shall have the authority to increase the town or district's tax rate in order to fund such expenditure.

Motion to hold a public hearing on December 21, 2009 under RSA 32.11Emergency Expenditure and over expenditure in the amount of $20,000 by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Roach. All in Favor.

Selectmen Action
Motion to amend the minutes from the November 16th meeting to change the time on the parking ordinance from 7:45am to 7:30am by Selectman Roach, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the use of facilities application from the Lake Sunapee Regional Chamber of Commerce for the Christmas in the Harbor Celebration December 5th by Selectmen Roach, seconded by Selectmen Brown. All in Favor

Town Manager’s Report
Donna Nashawaty reviewed the corrected 2010 budget report and various health insurance plans packet

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 9:09PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:_____________          

____________________                            ______________________
Stephen White, Chairman                         Charlotte Brown

_________________________                       _______________________                 
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Frederick Gallup

Emma M. Smith