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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/04/27
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, April 27, 2009

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Charlotte Brown, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.
Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Dana Ramspott, Mike Durfor,
Ron Verblauw, Joe & Gail McDonald, Ray Digiovani, Donna Gazelle, Nancy Clark, Arthur Osborne, Lena Osborne, Chief David Cahill, Suzanne Gottling,

The meeting was called to order by Stephen White, Chairman at 7:00PM.

Mike Durfor-Old Town Hall
The Old Town Hall Committee would like the Board to consider the one way loop. They would like the Board to at least try the one way loop to see if it works. The committee would like the Board to direct the Town Manager with the cooperation of the Police Chief and Road Agent at their discretion to test it and report back the results to the Board.

Dana Ramspott-Old Town Hall
The committee would like to upgrade the furnace system. The repairs would be to clean furnace, new oil line, repair tank fill and vent, replace ducts.
Motion to allow $1200.00 for upgrade to furnace by Emma Smith, seconded by Fred Gallup. All in Favor, Unanimous.
Motion to accept request the purchase of miscellanous materials ( 2x4’s, clapboards and sill repair) in the amount of $1500 and lighting fixtures in the amount of $900 by Emma Smith, seconded by Fred Gallup. All in Favor, Unanimous.

Public Comments
Donna Gazelle asked the question, Did the Town vote to try the one way loop in March 2008? The Town did vote to design the Harbor Loop Plan per Donna Nashawaty.

Selectmen Action
Stephen White nominated William Roach to serve as the Board of Selectmen member to the Joint Assessing Board, seconded by Emma Smith. Vote Unanimous

Chairman’s Report
activities allegedly
violating subdivision and zoning regulations in the Subdivision Right of Way. Roger determined again there are no violations outstanding.
ies charged by the McDonalds would have to be disputed in a civil case brought by the McDonalds.  The complaints specifically noted as a subdivision violation would have to be declared the subdivision invalid which the planning board would have to hear and most unlikely to occur since there were no conditions noted at the time of approval.    If someone piled debris on a town right of way there would be further avenues of correction since it would be on Town owned Right of Way. Donna advised that Roger would be sending the McDonalds his findings. The Board had concerns regarding business use of residential property,  Donna will have Roger follow-up.

Donna Nashawaty received a letter from Jeff & Jacqueline Bailey regarding the change in Land Use Tax on 2 properties Timmothy Drive and Jeffrey Drive.  They received both tax bills and would like to pay 4 quarterly payments over the next year.  Donna would like to send a letter on behalf of the Board of Selectmen stating that the Tax Collector nor the Board of selectmen can make a payment arrangement that is binding. The Bailey’s can make quarterly payments, however interest of 18% will accrue for the outstanding balance after the 30 day due date has transpired. Donna would tell the Baileys that they can make quarterly payments over the year to prevent liening in April 2010 and then go back to the Selectmen for the interest to be abated at the end of the payments.
It was discovered that when the properties were sold and papers passed, they had never been billed for the current use tax. The deed on these properties, very clearly states that thiese properties are subject to a current use tax.

Non-Public Session
Motion to go into non-public session at 9:41PM. under 91-A:3II(a) The dismissal, promotion or compensation of any public employee or the disciplining of such employee, or the investigation of any charges against him by William Roach, seconded by Stephen White. Roll call vote, all in favor.
Motion to come out of non-public at 10:35PM by Stephen White.
The Board invited Police Chief Cahill to stay in non-public session.
Motion to seal the minutes by William Roach, seconded by Stephen White. Roll call vote, all in favor.

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 10:37PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                Approved:               

Stephen White, Chairman                         Charlotte Brown

William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith