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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/04/06
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
Monday, April 6, 2009

Present: Stephen White Chairman, William Roach Vice-Chairman, Emma Smith, Fred Gallup, Charlotte Brown, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.
Also Present: Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Ron Verblauw, Chief David Cahill, Joe & Gail McDonald, Suzanne Gottling, Doug Munro.

The meeting was called to order by Stephen White, Chairman at 7:00PM.

Chief  David Cahill
Chief Cahill gave the Board a printout of  the types of  calls the police have received throughout the year. (See attached data) The department installed counters on the phones and  in the lobby to track the number of people who come or call the station. The department  started in January of this year so it will roughly be about 700 visits a year. According to the bill the department received from dispatch, they received 3300 calls for Sunapee. The average number of calls per month are 325. Sunapee is not considered a full time police department because they do not have someone on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The department is manned 7 days a week and depending on the time of year from 6:00am to 3:00am, so for a 4 or 5 hour period that is noone out on the street, but with an police officer on-call at home in case of emergencies. So coverage is provided that way 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The department check businesses, mostly during the evening hours when the businesses are closed.  Do house-checks are the vacant properties or for people leaving on vacation. This is a service we provide when the homeowner stops by and fills out a request. The breakdown of house checks conducted in 2008 was 1,034.  Also part of the police Chief’s budget is animal control, but it doesn’t get used because Jolyon Johnson, veterinarian has a very good relationship with the community and works hard to return the dog to whomever it belongs too. Amount of money taken in grants in 2008, the state still offers the overtime speed grants and DWI grants. The department took in a total of $28,009 in grant money from the State of NH. and the federal government of which $20,000 was from the Under Age Alcohol Taskforce Grant, which is a County wide grant but we still benefit from it because the enforcement still come here in Sunapee. The mobile data terminal in the police cars has been updated with a $7,500 grant, we split the cost with the state. The department put computers in 3 out of the 4 police cars. Hopefully next year with the rotation, the new car will be equipped with this technology. The DWI and Speed grants paid $4,500 in overtime. This year The department worked with the towns of New London, Bradford, and Sutton to form a Regional Sobriety Checkpoint Taskforce.  The department will be holding 2 in Sunapee, 1 in Bradford and 2 in New London and the towns have written a grant for officers wages. It allows the towns to pool their resources. A minimum of 8 people are needed to staff a sobriety checkpoint. Last year boat traffic was down in and out of the harbor, The department think it’s due to the economy.

Public Comments
Joe & Gail McDonald wanted clarification from the Board of Selectmen on subdivision rules and violations. On Thursday, April 2nd the McDonalds met with the Planning Board and were told to come to the Board of Selectmen’s meeting to voice their concerns. (See attached documents) The Board asked Donna Nashawaty to look into what was done or is being done and report back to the Board at the April 27th meeting.

Doug Munro and Ron Verblauw-PEG Update
The statement from Doug Munro and Ron Verblauw is attached. They are in the process of forming our initial group of volunteers. Ron will get the By-laws from several groups and will get back to the Board in a few weeks.

Representative Suzanne Gottling
Suzanne wanted to follow-up on the concerns of Emma Smith regarding the County inmates working in the laundry in the nursing home.  Suzanne spoke to Superintendent Cunningham and he told her that it’s only inmates in the Transitional Housing Unit (THU) who work there. The staff escorts them downstairs, there is a double lock door. The staff is trained in special procedures and when it comes to their breaks they have a special place down there to go. As far as he’s knows there have been no incidents.  Supt. Cunningham sent out a community service invitation to all the towns. They have a very extentive list of the services offered by the inmates and have a group of men who will be involved in the Green-up Day.  There is a new advisory board for the nursing home and they would like to see some people from Sunapee on the board. Suzanne would like to thank William Roach for attending  the Commissioners meeting.

Dana Ramspott-Old Town Hall
Dana gave an update on the mold removal. The company found mold in the walls. The company did not change the price and sprayed the ceiling and walls. The company claims were “all set” as far as the mold goes. The company did find the walls had no insulation. The committee would like to have foam insulation blown in and the cost would be $2680 for the walls and ceiling. The committee also received a bid for a handicap bathroom and all neccesary re-plumbing of the existing waterlines at a cost of $4,000. Motion to allocate from the existing funds $6,680 for foam insulation and handicap bathroom and plumbing by William Roach, seconded by Emma Smith. All in favor. Unaimous.

Selectmen Action
William Roach, Vice-Chairman                    Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith