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Selectmen's Minutes 2009/01/12
7:00 PM Town Office Meeting Room
January 12, 2009

Present: Richard Leone Chairman, Stephen White Vice-Chairman, William Roach, Fred Gallup, Donna Nashawaty Town Manager.
Also Present: Van Webb Chairman of Conservation Commission, David Bailey, Superintendent Water & Sewer Dept. Ted Gallup Tim Fleury, Katie Richardson Intertown Record, Bob and Lynn Bell, Charlotte Brown, Nancy Kell, Rem Mastin, Brett Dashner, Sue Gottling, Karen and Stefan Timbrell, Marilyn Walters, Richard Bascom, Jeanne Kennedy, Richard Guimmond, Norman Wells, Midge Eliassen, Roger Whitaker, K.B. Gordon, Robin Saunder, Katherine Hogan
Not Present: Emma Smith

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard Leone at 7:00PM

Donna Nashawaty passed out a draft of the 2009 warrant articles. She explained  after the Budget Public Hearing has closed on Wednesday night, the Board needs to vote on the ones statute requires to vote on and change the order, we do not have another Selectmen’s meeting until January 26th and the warrant, budget and default budget need to be posted by midnight on Monday, January 26th. . Waiting for  clarification on 2 of the articles # 26 & 27, also received 2 petition articles today and the text is included in the handout.
New London has reduced the dispatch service fees that it was going to bill Sunapee, so Donna reduced the 2009 proposed budget by $2,377.     

Van Webb, Conservation Commission Chairmen displayed maps to help familize everyone with Ledge Pond and the location of the Gore Lot.
Richard Bascom read a letter from the owners and residents of Keyes Road regarding the Gore Lot. (See Attached letter) Others members of the public voiced similar concerns to the ones voiced in the letter.
Motion was made by Fred Gallup that the Gore Lot be tabled at this time until more comprehensive research can be done as far as the lot itself, conservation easements, whether it can be incorporate into some kind of conservation fellowship grant and that we do no development on it until after it is completed. Seconded by William Roach All in Favor. Unanimous

Donna Nashawaty presented a budget estimate from Underwood Engineers for use in preparing a warrant article for the design and bidding of the Perkins Pond Sewer project. The design fee includes a new pumping station and approximately 8,000 feet of force main and gravity sewer realignment for the cross country location. Bruce Jennings has agreed to sign an easement. The engineering service would have a budget of $179,500, which is detailed on the attached report. The engineers also recommended additional allowances to obtain easements totaling $183,200. The total suggested budget for Town Warrant is $362,700.

Stephen White made a motion to put warrant article $300,000, $100,000 will come from Hydro and $200,000 from taxes all subject to any grants or stimulus packages. Seconded by Fred Gallup. All in Favor. Unanimous

A motion was made by Stephen White to go into non-public session under RSA 91-A:3, II(c) (reputation). The motion was seconded by Fred Gallup and roll call vote approved unanimously.
Board went into non-public at 8:53PM.

Board came out of  non-public at 8:55PM.  

Motion to adjourn: Unanimous Meeting adjourned at 8:56PM

Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                        Approved:                       

Richard Leone, Chairman                         Stephen White, Vice-Chairman

William Roach                                   Frederick Gallup

Emma Smith